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Everything posted by Flynhi

  1. I'll make a blog post when it is done. Thanks, John!
  2. Thanks! I've been working on my posture ever since you mentioned it. It is getting better! See anything else that could use some work? These tricks I am posting are all new to me.
  3. This has been an excellent month. Enjoy the video!
  4. While driving down the freeway I spotted someone flying a Revolution kite at Riverview Park. I had to stop to meet this person. His name is Geoff, he purchased his first quad line kite after seeing my "First Flight" video on youtube. Geoff drove to Riverview Park in hopes of running into me, using his kite as a signal in the sky. We have kept in touch for a few months and in that time he made his own kite! We are putting together measurements for new kite designs. An Arizona kite making community is born. 2016 is going to be a great year!
  5. I wish more kite fliers were on Instagram. Such an easy way to share the joy of flying to the world!
  6. Flynhi

    Quad build

    Love the colors, great craftmanship! Nice work!
  7. I have this kite. It was my first quad lined kite. Everyone already hit the points I wanted to address. Took me a week of daily flying/adjusting the line lengths to get it under control. The lines stretch a LOT. Replace them with Laser Pro Gold lines and save yourself from future headaches. One of the bungee cords snapped in high winds and I haven't cared enough to replace it. It flies! Learn on it. Beat the hell out of it. Once you get it under control, invest in a REV. Start with an EXP or 1.5 SLE.
  8. Thanks! Full video (~ 4 min) will be posted later today.
  9. Go here for new content: http://kitelife.com/forum/blogs/blog/3-flynhi-pipakite/ Thanks, everyone!
  10. New stuff. Great session. Youtube link will be posted Sunday (Dec 6th).
  11. Thank you! I'll post on there from now on.
  12. I have a folder of any Rev image I come across on the internet. This was in there. I can't remember the source of the image.
  13. Re-purposed an old Nintendo 64 controller bag for a kite accessory bag. Album here: Everything fits nicely into a backpack I got at ROSS. Next step is a detachable kite bag mod for the backpack. Just purchased this kite. I can not wait to fly another 1.5 for those low Phoenix winds: Next kite in my scope - B Series Full Vent - Kite Connection Black Rainbow. Hoping to fly to Huntington Beach before December 10 to pick it up with some 120 ft line: This might be my favorite 1.5 ever. Who distributes this color combo? Amazing job by the Rev team: Getting a hot knife and some fabric tomorrow. Getting ready to paint the sky.
  14. Great shots! A bunch of co-workers have been trying to get me into quad copters. Stuff like these videos aren't helping my wallet!
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_5XpxbUTS4 Starting to get the hang of this B series. More time on lines.
  16. The black dog in the 2nd video had me crying.
  17. Long time, no updates. I am short on time, so this post will be brief! New kite Revolution B Series - Full Sail - Lime, White, Black It was purchased off here from username 3wrapframe. Price was great, payment was quick, and shipment was even quicker. Thank you! I have been messing around with colors and patterns for some home made kites. The first ones: Wolf Kite and Bear Kite. More designs to come. I also livestream on Twitch.tv. Feel free to follow me at http://www.twitch.tv/pipakite I will be sketching, creating unique kite plans, and promoting the sport/hobby/art form. If you like the content and wish to sponsor me feel free to send me a PM. I will promote anything and everything kite related. I also post a lot of kite stuff on my instagram @PipaKite Mostly kite videos like this or like this or THIS. If you have a smart phone it is a free app. There needs to be more kite related activity on that app! It is an easy way to get in touch with the kite community all around the globe! Winds are too strong to fly today. New video coming out this week. Hope all of you are doing well! Replies: Dragonfish: There was a surprising amount of art displays at the festival. People brought their stamp collections that featured kites, photos of ancient kites from all over the world, and a few booths of paintings. It was a really great experience for how short of time I was there. John: Thank you for the other event suggestions. I am checking my calendar and clearing out days for those events.
  18. I got the money today. Sending you a PM now!
  19. I am selling some stuff on Craigslist this week. I will hit you up once I get the money, unless someone offers before that time. Nice kite!
  20. Took a trip to Belgium for the Lotto International Kite Festival. I only had 3 hours to spend there and 2 of those hours were rained out! I did get a little bit of footage from the festival. It was my first kite festival and my first time in Europe. I will be going back!
  21. Went flying the other day with AzKiter. He had an awesome tail that we strapped onto my Prism Quantum. He also made some line spikes and I made sleeves to go with them. It was a pretty awesome day. I am crunched on time so I can't type much. More updates soon!
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