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Palmahnic last won the day on October 21 2019

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About Palmahnic

  • Birthday 05/23/1977

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Sixth Sense, Hugo, Star of David, Aventador
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  1. That's the one kite trick I was never able to pull off... To justify buying a new kite. 😁
  2. I found that not all tails work the same. A simple tube works different than a drogue. Try a different one, if you do find the bridle balanced.
  3. If you've got the standard, you're already carrying there about 35 grams, which is a lot for any kite... I took out the end brass weight on mine, and it performed better for me.
  4. It's quite noticeable, to the point where the kite changes flight characteristics. Some tricks I found much easier on the 95%, such as Crazy Copter and Yo-Fade, also the Taz is different. The kite is a little faster, which is expected, and lighter on the lines, needs lighter inputs too, but it's less forgiving. It's one of the 3 kites to come out of my bag regularly.
  5. The return is much smaller, but and then should be faster or at least more agile, haven't made one myself. I did make two SS, regular and a 95% one, both are incredible kites, in their own way.
  6. I suggest the Sixth Sense. Middle ish inputs, very forgiving, open source so normally would be cheaper. Big and slow.
  7. Try Handbrake to convert files to mp4 Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk
  8. It's usually a good way to learn a trick by figuring it out first at 6 feet before the window's edge, on good steady wind. The half axle is where I learned the difference between a pull, a pop, and a flick, and the difference between using my arm, my wrist and my fingers. Try push, pop and flick, upper wing, upper wing and lower wing, accordingly. Good luck! Sent from my ZTE A2017U using Tapatalk
  9. I started with Dodd Gross 6 step tutorial (find on YouTube) and moved my way up from there. The Jammin' is great for it. Keep a few basics to ease your start: good long enough even lines, kite well assembled, smooth steady wind of about 10-17 kmh coming over about half a mile of empty leveled plain, zero obstacles in your wind window. If any of these don't make sense, use the search to find specific details about them, or ask. Best of luck.
  10. I'm guessing around 20 euros. Oh, but this is no longer for 175 USD, plus shipping. Asking price is 180 USD, or 175 euros, including shipping . Please read all past post and see pictures for details. Feel free to pm for more details.
  11. Yup, still available.
  12. Yup, that sounds about right for an ATM SUL frame. finding an SUL that you like is hard. Maybe a 2nd hand Tattoo? HA! Have you seen JB fly?? Actually I prefer to always be walking, back or forward, or sideways, that way the balance is always maintained, slowing down or speeding up.. like a human Gyro, always spinning..
  13. And apparently, one Z over here too, right@hyzakite? [emoji6]
  14. BTW, there's a used Zephyr on Facebook for sale. In my experience the upper spreader removal works best to get lower wind range on full kites that have heavy, 5mm spars there. But as Rob pointed out, it compromises the frame's structural integrity. What's the frame on your ATM?
  15. A very fortunate situation, I would call it! [emoji38] [emoji41] True, kitebuilder.com is a good resource, but not so much for dualline. For those there are better. I'm currently in the process of building my second dualline. Start with a website called Tom's kite building site, where you'll find a lot of those questions answered. PM me for more websites. Good luck!
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