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  1. I had to make some repairs to my old full vent this evening. While I was at it...I went ahead and made another mod Mr. Paul Lamasters and Mr. Paul Dugard had mentioned several times before. To start..I added extra "tabs" at the folding points and the center bridle point in the l.e..... I will load some pics later. This gives you 7 tab attachment points in between the l.e. and the actual sail.This is well worth it in my opinion. Prolonges overall life of the kite and the l.e. mesh. The next mod..bungee covers on the lower verticals. I dig this one...and super simple. I used whatever material i had available. Just so happened to be a variety of webbed strapping. Sort of heavy...but all in the name of learning and old sails. I would definitely use a l.e. type material for these mods. These mentioned items will be done to all my new sails........ What do you do to trick your ride?
  2. Once again this year...I was fortunate enough to spend several days in Treasure Island for the 18th Annual Sport Kite Competition. This was my third year in attendance. Nice weather saw fair winds and large crowds.Sunday brought some of the largest spectator crowds I have seen. Unfortunately,I was flying line all day and unable to KAP.....never thought I would say that was an issue Saturday however, I did manage to put the camera up and do a 1500 picture run throughout the area and competition/demo field. I have had the opportunity to review and crop out 50 or so pictures and uploaded them here for your viewing pleasure https://flic.kr/s/aHsk7haVfu
  3. I love this place....you guys and gals rock! Along with all the knowledge...every once in awhile a suprise pops in from a fellow member. Thanks Marshall...totally not needed...but will be well used indeed! Maybe next week? Did I mention I LOVE THIS PLACE! Keep doin' what your doin'....a recipe for a great family!
  4. Todays journey started with all intentions of Rev flying on a local pier with floating docks. Upon arriving and waiting for a few folks to move...the wind got funky..eventually dying off. I managed to squeeze some water play and a little flying in..but not enough to even get the camera set up. After a few dips of complete stillness and nowhere to run...I decided to Kap instead of slice my sail on barnacles. It took about an hour to finally get the Triton up high enough for some liftable air. At approximately 350'..viola Never say Never. With all good efforts come rewards! After much running and fighting bugs and the wind....here is my prize. ........a few were too large.I will resize and post up in a bit.
  5. Out to enjoy some sun today after alot of rain. Sunshine and 4 to 8 mph out of the NNE....that's butta for an east coast guy. I was KAPing and Reving off and on,so i figured what the heck. I already know of the twisting outcome....but it will be fun right? 6 minutes of dangling video during some Rev play.Fun:
  6. So I got the new camera. GoPro 3+ black and immediately made a rig from the packaging that night. The following day I met a friend who is a hard core kap fan (kapnut) in historic St.Augustine,Florida for some fun. He was nice enough to provide me with a loaner kite..a Fled. As we all know, I felt naked and 3 lines short What great fun! I pushed about 400' of line out and my new camera floating in the 300' range at one location (cross is 280' high)and walked the sea wall next to a historic fort Castillo de San Marcos and down the road along the sea wall with water on one side and traffic on the other.. Close to 600 pics total on a 5 second time lapse. The highest I have ever flown a slk...much less kite and camera. Most of the pics are fairly large and haven't had the chance to reduce the size. So here are a couple for a start. Unfortunately, these had to be cropped to fit the size requirment and keep the detail.
  7. I have not researched this ...so please forgive me if there is a thread dedicated to this subject. Been here a little while and don't recall ever seeing anything other than modded attachment methods via Jeff Burka somewhere. Has anyone attemted using a more foregiving bungee other than stock? It's storming and I am bored.... I would think that it would allow the sail to cup and grab air a little more...thus giving more frame flex. These kites and I don't exactly click. I can fly them fine...just doesn't feel right too me.
  8. EXTENDED ENTRY UNTIL FEB. 20,2014 Ok everyone...here is your chance to be immortalized in Quad Heads Kitelife history! What started as something for a giggle and smile....has gained momentum. What exactly is this? Best "Got Whump?" Tshirt design challenge What can you win? Not only do you get the first shirt of the winning design fresh of the presses free! Mr. B himself has been so kind as to throw in and extra bonus..a 1 year Kitelife subscription or Renewal! This challenge will run through January 1, 2014.. With a winner to be announced by January 14, 2014 So don't miss your chance!!!!!! Designs to be posted to this thread. Winner will be chosen by JB with great influence from input on peoples favorite designs. lwhump wh-ump verb using arm motion and backward stride, to pull the flat of a sail toward you using all four lines in order to create pressure and flex in the frame, producing drive."the pilot whumped his sail to load up and initiate forward flight" synonyms: load, initiate, kick, tap; similar technique, applied very quickly to accentuate and power up through a short, precise movement."he whumped his kite into a forward roll one foot above the ground, finishing in a solid forward 45 landing" synonyms: load, initiate, kick, tap; One hint from the man himself ..too quote " I think the Rev silhouette would be best, "well loaded", as if it's just been whumped"........ if used Reference whump material : http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5530-pigtails-tuning-your-rev-with-knotted-leaders/page-5#entry37769 http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5645-rev-needs-some-personality-training/?view=findpost&p=39425&hl=whump http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5581-short-line-flying-on-walkwaysstreetspathways/?view=findpost&p=38349&hl=whump http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5670-tip-pivotsladder-up-down-and-a-little-zone-envy/?view=findpost&p=40046&hl=whump http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5584-what-is-different-here/?hl=whump Throughout these links you will find details,definitions and video of said "Whumping" for review and a better understanding And for non forum members... Sign up is free and can be done right here : register Once settled in...head over for some live action chat So whip out your pencils,pens,and keyboards and get to work! The clock is ticking...... Good Luck! I will be excluding myself from the challenge as to remain unbiased. If anyone needs help or assistance .....shoot me a p.m. without fear of me stealing your ideas ...and for some humor associated.... Hi! My name is Scott. I fly Revs and I'm a Whumper.. I didn't always Whump...Very little Whump involved in the beginning. But once I tried Whump..I knew right then and there, I couldn't Whump enough. In high wind I Whump a little less...In low wind I Whump a whole lot more. As a matter of fact, I will be Whumping not too long from now..Probably a mild Whump. So my Whumping question to you is........... Got Whump?
  9. From the album: Life-Time Achvements

    Prime Minister of INDIA Mr. Narendra Modi giving autograph to our kite in Ahmadabad International Kite festival . web: http://www.ashokdesignerkites.com
  10. Hello Everyone, Following is my website : http://ashokdesignerkites.com . We are flying and making self designed kites since 1996. 1. Our artificially diamond studded kite Lord Radha Krishna is the only kite made by INDIAN displayed in World Kite Museum Washington D.C. 2. We have also been part of many organizing team of kite festivals . 3. Have recorded a record for conducting modern kite making workshop for more than 1000 students in single sitting. 4. We received personally signed letter of appreciation from former president of INDIA Mr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam. 5. And more achvements you can find in our web-site. Please visit our web-site Thanks and Regards - Ashok H Shah E: ashokkitemaster@yahoo.co.in Web: http://ashokdesignerkites.com FB: http://www.facebook.com/ashokdesignerkites
  11. Went for a Friday Fliday Fly with SparkieRob, Did a little bit of Stack Flying, but as it got later, the wind got lighter. So out came the SUL's. and when it got darker, we had to make the Kites "Lighter".... Here are some pics of SparkieRob's SUL with Lights on.
  12. West Australian

    And Hold...

    From the album: Rev's In West Oz

    2 B's by the Lakes
  13. Hi All, I am interested in Stacking some Indoor Gliders. Particularly the iFlite Vented. I had a quick attempt this morning and found they required constant pressure to keep in line. As soon as I Let them glide out, the front one would tip and get pulled on its side, or flip over. I had a connection from the Back Kites tow point through the front kites vent, and onto the front tow connection point. I would like to hear from other glider stackers, what they have tried and learnt.
  14. West Australian

    Tricked Out SUL

    From the album: Rev's In West Oz

    SparkieRob's Tricked out SUL
  15. West Australian


    From the album: Rev's In West Oz

    SparkieRob dunking his SUL in the Swan River
  16. West Australian

    SUL Swimming

    From the album: Rev's In West Oz

    SparkieRob's Fully Dunked SUL
  17. West Australian

    SUL And City

    From the album: Rev's In West Oz

    SparkieRob flying his SUL with Perth City as a Backdrop
  18. West Australian

    River Flying

    From the album: Rev's In West Oz

    DemBones and SparkieRob flying over the Swan River.
  19. West Australian

    Rev 1 On Pole

    From the album: Rev's In West Oz

    My Rev 1 at Rest
  20. West Australian

    Diving In

    From the album: Rev's In West Oz

    DemBones Dunking his B series Rev in the Swan River
  21. West Australian


    From the album: Rev's In West Oz

    Dem Bones doing water play on the Swan river.
  22. West Australian

    Wall Landing Rev

    From the album: Rev's In West Oz

    A Screen Grab taken from my recent Urban Flight Video
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