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Blue Moon Mongoose


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Ken’s new Tsuru has me thinking about Blue Moons.  Many of his more trick oriented models were released during my flying sabbatical, so I never had a chance to fly any of them.  Based on what I’ve read, the Mongoose ticks a lot of boxes.  Anybody here know much about it?  My Mako is worn-through.  I’m trying to decide if I should refurb the sail or look for another gently used Blue Moon to fill its spot .... maybe a Mongoose if I could find one.

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Well I have a bunch of Aerie/BMK kites but am by no means a trickster of any sorts, so can't really answer your question.....and sorry they are not for sale....

By the feel of the the kite's flight in question....Mongoose....it does seem it could be more trickier than my ul Mojo, standard Mamba, or any of the Aerie's (K2, K3, Air Fx's). Then again my Mantis feels like it could be trickier than the Mongoose....both standards. Again I don't have any interest in advanced kite trickery per se, but can feel if a kite is a trick monster, so yes in my limited capacity I would go on record as saying the Mongoose and Mantis could be construed as "trickier". My reason for this is the rock solid precision of the Mamba, Mojo, K3, and Air Fx's (I have 3). The Mongoose and Mantis (and K2) aren't quite as "solid" to me....but still have that Blue Moon aoxomoxoa.

Good luck in your search....took me a couple of years to find a K3... and "if" I decide to sell something I'll let ya know....but don't hold your breath.....



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I didn't get a Mongoose when I had a chance, mostly because of the lack of buzz about it. I really liked the Exiles, standard and UL. I had a Mantis as well, but found it to be less tricky. I find the Mamba very satisfying to fly, and the newest version that's out now is supposed to be more adept at tricks. 

If you want to trick, the Exile would be my choice, although I would bet a Mongoose would be easier to find for sale.


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9 hours ago, RobB said:

I didn't get a Mongoose when I had a chance, mostly because of the lack of buzz about it. I really liked the Exiles, standard and UL. I had a Mantis as well, but found it to be less tricky. I find the Mamba very satisfying to fly, and the newest version that's out now is supposed to be more adept at tricks. 

If you want to trick, the Exile would be my choice, although I would bet a Mongoose would be easier to find for sale.

What I’ve read is that the Mongoose prefers short, punchy inputs rather than large, sweeping inputs.  That appeals to me.  

I have a beautiful custom Mamba in the bag.  1st gen, I guess you’d say.  Ken said that he was experimenting with updating old sails to M3 spec, but didn’t commit to it, and it didn’t sound like a priority.  

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I`m changing my vote because of my "flying style", as today I took out the Mongoose and the Mantis...just because....thanks folks!!

I`m not a "punchy" flier by any means....quite the opposite actually, so for me the Mantis was more "tricky", considering I`m not a trickster, rather slow and floaty. So I put up the Mongoose. yanked and spanked as well I dare and yup for sure I could see how this works with this kite and why I hadn`t taken to it immediately like my other BMK`s. I had a Steve Tapp Enigma (akin to an Exile iirc) and felt the same way....so I traded it as part of a deal that included an Air fx...lol.

I have often wondered how the actual kite designer/builder flew and Kmac himself mentioned he made the Mongoose for himself and his way of flying.

So as in my earlier post Zuul....you may hold your breath....but let it out quickly....pm coming.


Mongoose (back).jpeg


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