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Q on "Stock" Laser Lines


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I got my 1.5SLE a few years back & it came with Laser Competition Quad Gold - 90LBx85Ft. Today, I just picked up a beautiful black, mylar & gold Supersonic ( :( ) & it came with Laser Gold Quad - 150Lbx85Ft.

Makes sense so far considering the supersonic has more pull than the SLE - but my dealer said that [currently] Rev sells the same lines for both the SLE & Supersonic. Is this true? are my "comp quad gold" older lines or are they still sold with the SLE? Is there a difference in weight-strengh-stretch ratio between comp & non comp lines?

Thx for any info you may be able to provide :)

P.S. - On the subject of lines, what would you recommend for the SUL?


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Hmm, it's hard to answer factory questions. :lol: I try not to bother Lolly to much. The laser pro gold would be good enough you wouldn't have lag, so having a stronger line would all be good in my mind.

SUl, No less then 75 lb. I prefer Laser Pro gold 90lb myself.

Most quad flyers will use 90lb area inside, too. Wonderful stuff.

I better get to work! :D

BB Penny

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Your welcome. I love to talk kites. :lol:

90 lb's is not overweight, with the braided diameter, it's great. Smaller then the old line of less weight in the pass.

Quads create such drag they can, do, and have done that myself.. <_< brake the line.

I'm not sure where they get their ratios... I'm just a kite flyer, but I figure I weight more then 90 lbs and I'm dragging that kite.

Flying my butterfly rev in the street the other night, someone told me I had it well whipped. :D So Tks to those Laser Pro Golds~I can whip it real good.

Some one had a post about a stronger leading edge on the first several kites. We've had stacks of 6 and twelve rev II's for years around here without problems. B) But it seems like a sound idea if you can do it. Especially on bigger kites.

Someone should get ahold of Lee Sedgwick or Sam Ritter and have them tell us about it. B)

Have a great day.



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I don't fly indoors, but fly in low winds outdoors pretty often. Lately, I've been using 150# line for a Rev 2. Sounds like overkill - but, I don't sleeve. Not sleeving can weaken the line by 30% or so, so I use stronger line to compensate.

Also, when the lines are short (I usually fly on 25'-35'), the added weight/drag isn't as bad as it would be with 85' lines.

I do some 3-D flying, hence going sleeveless - to avoid tangles. In addition, using stronger lines makes me feel less likely to break a line when I throw the kite. The kite flying to the end of the lines and suddenly snapping into flight or hover seems like a potential line-breaker to me.


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Hmmmmm. Not sure if what I'm doing is "right", but here's what I use:

200# 100' Blue Line for my Blast (higher winds)

140# 100' Blue Line for my 1.5SLE, EXP, Rev I, Blast (lower winds)

90# 85' Blue Line for my Rev I with SUL frame (0-8 mph)

75# 85' Blue Line for my 1.5SUL (0-8 mph)

For my Rev II, I use either the 90# or 140# depending on how I feel

Also have some 80#(?) 45' Spectra that I use for catch/throw and general "short line" fun. Haven't gotten into any lines shorter.


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Sorry Penny - I just saw your question. I'm using Shanti Speed line currently. Actually one set (35') has Shanti on the top and New Tech Infinity line on the bottom (all I had when I made the set).

It doesn't look too much thicker than my LPG 90#, but I guess I'm used to it. I just wanted to take one step up in line strength because I don't sleeve and didn't want to be snapping lines - especially when throwing the kite.

It's probably overkill (especially on the Rev 2), but it's not too bad. I may make a set of 90# unsleeved and see how it works for me.


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