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After finally pulling the trigger on a KMac 61/49, Ken....BMK...announced he was/is ceasing the production of his 2 line lines....Mamba and Tsuru. So I decided....hey why not one more BMK for the collection? I lucked out and got an order in for the second to last dual line kite he will be making....an UL Tsuru in this case. I have a modest collection of both Aerie and BMK kites and had waffled on a Tsuru for a while....and when I got his email I went for it!!!! 

Mr. MacNeill has made some of the bestest kites ever for many many years, and akin to the Kirk’s making the old Skyburner kites (especially the ProDancer line!!!!!!), they just can’t be beat, and I will treasure them even more now.

He is turning his attention to single liners and from what he has been producing already it will be very interesting to see what he comes up with......I’ll be saving up for sure!!!!!

Thanks Ken!!!!!!!


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End of an Era, indeed.

Era has been defined as “a long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic.

Certainly applies to Ken in apparently ‘closing the book’ on sport kites.  

One of my first REAL stunt kites was the Air FX, which I acquired some 25 years ago. He’d already been building kites for quite a while before that. Still have that and a few others by him, and with good reason. 

Kinda sad, really, the thought that there will likely be no more dual liners from those hands.  

Things change. One will adjust to it.


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