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HAPPY THANKSGIVING just thought id wish all my fellow fliers out there .... well for those who dont know wine makeing is my other hobby one of them anyway :lol: and every year i have a fresh batch for a good tasteing get together here is a photo of one of my setups i have 3 more.. these ones are reds and blushes and 1 white.. so what is everybody doing this thanksgiveing??



happy thanksgiving to all I will be having dinner with my sister's family.Taking a triptophane nap and if it is not snowing and the wind is blowing . I will take my nephew over to the school field and fly Happy holidays


Hey Ant? Hope you have a good thanksgiving... too bad it wasnt the 15th of November for that REV instead of December 15th because I would be flying my new REV I on Thanksgiving! :lol:

Have a good one!



A Thanksgiving quiz for you Ant...

What flys around in the sky... has a huge wing span... and I will gobble one up soon?

Nope its not a turkey... its my new REV I from kitelife.com that I will receive next month for being a member!


HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA KRIS get to talking as for your quiz i get the kite and you get the turkey you can wash the dishes after me and john break bread and taste some of that great wine i got ;)


You all are going to be pretty upset when I win that Rev! :P

:w00t: done a little winemaking myself... seeing that set-up got me thinking about getting another batch going.

Ok, so here's my best wishes for a safe and happy holiday... to everyone, wherever you are, and however you might celebrate.



Hrm, maybe post count weighs in towards the drawing...

924 vs 68

Hrm indeed, better get chatty Kris! LOL

If we subtract all the posts that Ant has put up that say "I agree with John" then your post count would come down to about the same as mine. So the way I see it when you arent agreeing with John we are posting the same amount.


well that tells me how new you are all my posts were legit and i show proud support as for everyone here ;) dont hate appreaiate


QK i got to admit that was a good one ;) but hey you wont have much to say when the kite comes to my house tell HAL i said hi :w00t: you know your invisable friend

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