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Hi guys! I've been flying dual line stunt kites from nearly when they were invented (OK, about 1980 or so, I guess I really don't know when they were invented). I don't do competitions and I'm not that great, but I love flying them the few chances each year I get to go to the beack. When "flexifoils" first came out many years ago I really wanted one but couldn't afford one. A couple years ago I purchased a 2M, quad line power kite and have enjoyed that thoroughly.

I've wanted a quad line stunt kite since I first saw the Rev and I just purchased a Spirit Quad. I'm heading to the beach in a couple weeks and wnat to learn to fly this thing without breaking it. I know there are videos, but I don't really want to purchase one (blew the budget on the kite) so I'll need to learn on my own. I've seen the ultra brief descriptions of "right forward up, left thumb back rotates clockwise" and these make sense. But can you guys point me to any FAQ or tips page about learning to fly on your own? What are the good maneuvers to start with and how do I do them carefully, that sort of thing.

I'd appreciate any helpful tips you guys could provide. I don't mind taking a while to learn, but I really don't want to break my kite on my first trip out.

Thanks! --Bret


Hi Bret,

Check out the Rev web site at revkites.com, then go to techniques. A direct link is: http://www.revkites.com/techniques/index.htm

Still the best way is to hook up with someone already familiar with flying a rev style quad.

Good luck!

Post which beach you are going to, someone here may be there or know someone you could get with there.


Thanks Kip! That's exactly what I was looking for. That's an excellent resource. Those Rev guys are great.

I'm in Oregon and I'll be going to beaches near the Lincoln City area. If anyone is in the area and wants to connect, that could be fun. But with that Rev page I'm confident that I can figure things out on my own with enough practice.

Thanks again for the help



You are most welcome Bret, and welome to the Dark Side and the forum. I'm not on the left coast but a lot of good flyers here are. Maybe one or more will respond.

Good luck with your flying.


Hi Brett

There will be an indoor event in Lincoln City on March 30-April 1. Think it's the high school south of town, but check elsewhere on this forum for details.

The point here is that many of the people who will be at the indoor fly are excellent Rev flyers--(thats actually an understatement) and will be more than hapy to get you started. Just talk to the guys in I-Quad--they'll be hard to miss.


I'm in the Portland Oregon area and frequent the beaches around Seaside and Lincoln city. But with work and family and other hobbies I don't get there as much as I'd like. I'll see if I can make it over to the indoor festival. I've heard about this before but never seen it. Some friends of mine went to this event last year and had a blast. I'd love to go see you guys do your stuff. Judging from the videos it's pretty impressive.




i like flying both duals and quads but there is something about the quads that once you get the hang of flying them you ll find yourself flying them alot



Your in a great spot to fly Rev's. Of course any spot is a great spot to fly Rev's. The NorthWest is booming with Kitefliers and Kitemakers of all kinds.

Hope you make it to Lincoln City and pick up an Indoor Rev. Come try it..



  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Penny,

Thank you for the lesson Sat (cute costume, by the way). I'm not sure if it was me or the wet kite and no wind that caused all those crashes! The next time we meet up on a field I'm hoping for some wind and sun (at least no rain) then maybe I'll get the hang of what to do with those extra two lines. :-)


Hello Jim.. I thought Jim F was Jim Foster in here. It's you! It was nice meeting you and Diana.

I mentioned you to a few people. lol

Anyone who drives an hour to stand through a kite lesson in no wind but with plenty of rain on a goose pooped field and doesn't quit is worth mentioning. :kid_devlish:

Like I told you, a heavy wet kite is a lesson in frustration, but evey time you go back (especially with wind) it will be easier. You did great under the circumstances. I can't wait to see you playing with some wind.. or short lines.

Oh, the costume worked too! I won $32 at the casino.. Lucky leprechaun that I was. :lol:

Have a great week.

BB Penny

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