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Comp. anouncer guy

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As you can guess from the topic description, I'm wondering how the kite comp. announcer guys get information on the fliers. Is there like a website that they look at, or what :confused!: ? The last competition I was in, the announce knew NOTHING about me. (those of you at WSIKF last year may remember me. My lines snapped about one second after the kite was launched in the air durring the Mystery Ballet :kid_drool: ) Is there some website that I mae pofile on or something, so they know who I am? Any help would be appriciated.

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Usually The flier submits a "Bio"




Years Flying

Kite Flown

Extra info may include:

Past Competitions

Club Membership


Known for...

If you are a Known flier in the area or nation wide then the announcer (If they follow kiting) then will "Fill" time with info he remembers about you.

In some smaller places, a team mate, friend, sponsor may feed info to the announcer.

A bio sheet is sometimes misplaced somewhere between the registration and sound booth.

You are not the only one to suffer the silence from the speakers... it makes your friends outbursts all that much louder!

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Bob has a 3-ring binder that he has put together. He has been working on this for a couple years. I remember watching him going around to all the flyers with a tape recorder, during the Lincoln City 2005 World Competition. Wonderful information he has gathered! Plus, he prints out the bios from the Profile site that John has made available for ALL flyers. I hope the flyers go back and update their info occasionally. :kid_cussing:

I think Bob and Robin will be co-announing at WSIKF again this year. :kid_loved:

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Hugs Watty!!

With or without a bio, I remember you! You did a great job of recovering on a situation that could have really shook some.. and you just got it all fixed.. and went on.

I give you a high 5 for that. Can't wait to see you at wskif this year!



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Hugs Watty!!

With or without a bio, I remember you! You did a great job of recovering on a situation that could have really shook some.. and you just got it all fixed.. and went on.

I give you a high 5 for that. Can't wait to see you at wskif this year!



Hay thanks!! Be sure to find me this year at the Revolution spot (I usually help out there)

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