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Nothing seems to work to get the llama song out of my head, I have started to learn the lyrics. Not even the beers worked.

My girlfriend loved the song, she is going to play it for her students in High School, I think they are going to get crazy with it.

Now is time to analyze the real meaning of the song, and the hidden message, maybe if we play it backwards we could hear the beer song. :w00t:



:w00t: pssssssssssssst heyyy tator!

Over here.... I double dog dare ya to come up with a routine for the LLama song.


Hoping you all will come on over if you can to Bend on May 7th. This is getting bigger by the day, and looking to be alot of fun!!!!!! **see the fests thread**.

hugs to yaaaaaaa



If I don't have anything else, that would sound wonderful to go to Bend...

But here's the thing.... IF we recorded the song... (can we do that?) and IF I flew to it... that's a BIG IF! I would have to have a team..... and they would need to be Plane Girl, Trilby Mouse and maybe Carl... and Lisa and would Steve join in.. oh and Doc and Rhonda and everybody...

The main team would need to:

1) Do a "llama dance" while I flew to it.

2) Pull in a few audience members to help.

3) When the word Duck is mentioned, the team would have to DUCK!

4) The team would need to talk the audience into helping them DUCk!

Bended knees and all!

Everyone would dance and duck down on bended knees.. You could even read it to the audience over the microphone so they know when the ducks are going to come. :innocent:

We could start the LLAMA Dance with the LLama Song! It would sweep the world. ;):devil:

I would fly to the song.. till you throw something at me and I duck~ :lol:

Or better yet, have Carl fly to this with all his little llama's around him.

Somehow I have trouble seeing Bosley doing the LLama dance. What do think? :w00t:

Can we rally a team? :P



My girlfriend loved the song, she is going to play it for her students in High School, I think they are going to get crazy with it.


See, we could even come up with a national Llama Song Day.



My girlfriend loved the song, she is going to play it for her students in High School, I think they are going to get crazy with it.



See, we could even come up with a national Llama Song Day. :w00t:



oh.. and I'll check out the festival thread. :innocent:


That is cruel and unusual. LOL!!!!

poor llama... having some weird guy doing its hair.... :innocent:

OH MY WORD!!!! PENNY!!! that would be a blast to have a team, and then have Carl's Llamas.... muwahahahahaha!!! its all comming to me!!


Carl... that is just wierd!!!!!  :w00t:

Red White and Blue? what's wrong with that? It's not like I painted a kite or anything!

THIS is weird!


Personally...I think the whole Llama thang is kinda wierd. :ninja:

ummm ...I try not to look at their thangs.

:w00t: It makes 'em self conscious! :w00t::clap;



Jebus Christ,

I leave for a while and look at all the strange things you are talking about :clap;

Personally, I think the Llama's look great. It looks like you have yourself a nice place there. Nice and open.

Missed you all, and I will do my best to not be a stranger.

Moon :ninja::censored:

Personally...I think the whole Llama thang is kinda wierd. :ninja:

ummm ...I try not to look at their thangs.

:w00t: It makes 'em self conscious! :w00t::clap;


hehehehe.... What my Llama orientated friend means is that he loves Llamas, and you are a butt monkey. ^_^

hehehehe.... What my Llama orientated friend means is that he loves Llamas, and you are a butt monkey.  ^_^

uh oh... now you've gone and done gotten Monkeyboy involved! :w00t:

is that sorta like a Burd Turgler?

way to go planeypoo!



:ninja: I tell you........all you have to do, is spend some time to visit Carl and Lisa and you will be amazed at the new knowledge you will get about lLamas.. You too will then gain a sense of value for these creatures! :w00t:

By the way.... they dont smell either! Yep, they have no odor! Cool! what a pet to have! :censored:


By the way.... they dont smell either! Yep, they have no odor! Cool! what a pet to have! :censored:

Makes me wonder... is he talking about the llamas, or us! ;)


:ninja: Thanks for the kind words uNDERLEAF! :clap;


lol Im now officially caught up... and Tator... I am in!!!!! Cept you better talk to monkey about my team flying skills. snort*. He challanged me to a dual in White Rock, not sure who lost, but both those kites needed a bath anyway!

Had great fun in White Rock!! How pretty, and a great group of people there. We missed ya Tator!!!

I am needing a bit more practice on the rev before I wipe everyone out lol. I could chase the llamas with it though... would that work. *makes a note** never go to llama for a haircut*** ok got that down.. dont want to forget that...

hugs ,



Aww, I missed White Rock. I was uncertain houw big a field it was, hadn't heard from Aiyana, and stayed State side at Ocean Shores. Woo Hoo. It was a wonderful weekend of wind!

I'm not so gun ho about the kite team mouse.. It's the idea.. of alll of you leading the bunch in song and ducking down every so often that is making me giggle.

But if you'd rather just fly a kite. :censored: Hey, could you ask David if he has any good pirate pictures? I'm looking for a new pic for the Brookings Bio. People pay for that Brochure, so I think the flyers should change it out every year. Just my opinion.


Penny..... still not writing her web page bio......

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