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John Barresi

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We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way.

A brand new Soul sport kite from Flying Wings, roughly a $249 value!

Actual prize kite has a blue color scheme, pictured below, second from the left.


Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/253, and will be drawn on September 15th, 2009!

Sign up here!

Note: This kite has been flown for 10-15 minutes and may need some bridle adjustment, but it's in cherry condition and will make someone very happy! ;)

Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!

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Hey...that's a really nice kite! All the kites you give away are really nice! If there was nothing else here but this contest every month or so...that alone would be worth my membership fee! (and my odds of winning are certainly much better then the Florida Lottery)...heehee!

Thank you Kitelife for these ongoing contest, they are really great!

(September 15th. I'll be here!!)

Keep It Up!


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Think John meant you are welcome to join any time.

Still you never know.

I suppose if picking up beer cans is what it will take to get a chance to win this kits, it is just up to you to decide how much you want the chance.

There are other reasons to become a Kitelife member though. There are some cool vids you can get to.

Tiz difficult times all round. Hope you find a way.

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Aye, I was thinking later on last night that I probably misread that comment. :wacko:

But,, looks like someone went out and picked up those beercans for me.

Whoever that was, I am forever grateful, and owe you one, hugely. :D

Cheers KL'ers!


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Aye, I was thinking later on last night that I probably misread that comment. :wacko:

But,, looks like someone went out and picked up those beercans for me.

Whoever that was, I am forever grateful, and owe you one, hugely. :D

Cheers KL'ers!


That is realy cool Jon.

Just think though, if you get the beer cans too you can get 2 go's at the kite.

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  • 3 weeks later...

----26 days left...but then who's counting?!?!

---I think Jon's ("SpzO") got this one in his bag!! (beginners luck sort of thing...maybe!)...but then I would really like to have it! (I've never been able to remove myself from "KITE" greed! :blink: ) [got a weekend off here with temps almost coming down out of the 90's...that's almost "make up time"!!]

Keep it up!


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The Soul is a pretty awesome and very underrated kite. We have a demo kite that was given to a couple of the local pilots here to try and they all came back raving about it.

One of our local pilots wrote up a review on the Soul and I have it posted up on my kite blog if anyone is interested in reading:

Soul Review

Whoever wins this prize is getting a very nice kite! I would be very thrilled to put this one in my bag as well even though I already have one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

15 more days. Whos counting?


ME? hehe

Haven't been posting much lately. Real life's been kicking me in the ass HARD. Spending too much time trying to sh*t, when I need to just get off the pot. lol

Anyhow,, Im still alive and kicking -- not flying too much, thus the kicking -- and counting down the days til the draw. ;)

Cheers KL.

Good Winds And Safe Travels. :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn!!! I've been so busy I forgot about the date!! ;)

Glad I read this post and I'll be waiting by my computer to see my number come up at 12:01 tonight (that drawing is on Florida time right?)

By the way...how do I know what my number is?

Keep Iy Up!


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Hey, while I've got you here...in your instructions on how to wind up the qual lines..."which really works great"...(glag Tom told me where to look), you mentioned that you wind straight and don't figure "8" the line...Do you do that on all your lines?

Keep It Up!


PS Oh Yeah...That's High Noon Florida time right? ;)

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Yep, straight wind on everything for me.

Only exception being on heavier lines that really fill up a winder... I wind about 1/6th of the way straight (on 120' lines), then I use 1-2 figure eight wraps to LOCK DOWN what I've already wound and keep it from jumping off the winder... Straight wind up another 1/6th or so of the way down the lines, and repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.

Using this method and spooling my lines evenly across the winder, I never have any issues at all. ;)

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Dodd Gross does not use line stakes. ;)

JB does not figure eight his lines. :D:kid_brooding:

I'm going to have to go back to my "Pirate Super Sport Fun Flying Kite" with two winder-handles and start learning all over again. :kid_cussing:

In addition - I'm starting to connect with my Rev, so I do not need the Soul. Nope. Not at all. :innocent:

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This is TOO FREAKIN' COOL! Woo-hoo!!!!!

Thanks mucho! Can't wait to put this kite in the air!


Oh, and yeah, winding straight instead of figure 8 has really worked well for me. After John showed me that at the last Rev clinic at SPI, I haven;t had a problem with my quad line sets, and I wind my dual line sets the same way- it really works well winding my 130' 300# team lines straight, stays on the winder better.

Yep, straight wind on everything for me.

Only exception being on heavier lines that really fill up a winder... I wind about 1/6th of the way straight (on 120' lines), then I use 1-2 figure eight wraps to LOCK DOWN what I've already wound and keep it from jumping off the winder... Straight wind up another 1/6th or so of the way down the lines, and repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.

Using this method and spooling my lines evenly across the winder, I never have any issues at all. ;)

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