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Indoor Rev + Zen Glider

John Barresi

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The glider is exceptional at that... Perfectly balanced. ;)

It also breaks down and fits in a slender tube, not common for this type of kite when they're so light.

Materials are carbon, and an incredibly light plastic film of some kind.

Word on the street says they're about $60-$70 each, but well worth it in my eyes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

haven't been on the forum for long.

i will tell you what i know about the current situation.

the Zen glider john flew in the camas demo was a gift as our blessings for JB+TK's communion.

it was designed by Sunny Lin and crafted by Daryl Yeh (Taiwan)

small :wing span:19"; fold down to 13"

Large: wing span:34", fold down to 22"

(i don't have my medium any more, so go figure.)

for the inquiry, Daryl Yeh can be reached via his youtube channel.


there is a waiting list for the zen gliders and Daryl is sorting out paypal thing.

hope this post helps.

yes, it is a wonderful glider that travels with me in my backpack.

ps: i do enjoy flying this glider while sitting and had used it for teaching people who needs to fly sitting down.

it brings great joy to those less mobile or simply like to fly in different ways.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

i have three zen gliders (medium) with me for sale....

$150 each, two sets of flying line included.

paypal works for me.

if you act this week, i am in the states and can send it right away domestic instead of international.

if interested, email me at


or, call /text me 401-536-1302

again, i am in the states only till early next week, consider this a good chance

If you miss it this time, don't worry... Daryl Yeh is back in producing them smoothly.

you can always contact him directly.

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