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Keep It Up!


Oh my goodness. LOL

Yeah...It's a rough trip! I never thought she'd find out...And with those pictures Rhonda took...I think I'll have to settle out of court! heehee!

Keep It Up!




Keep It Up!


Oh my goodness. LOL

Yeah...It's a rough trip! I never thought she'd find out...And with those pictures Rhonda took...I think I'll have to settle out of court! heehee!

Keep It Up!


"I WON!" "I WON!!"

After talking to the "Jabberwocky" I decided to take my case to court!

The "MadHatter" acted in my defense...and the "Queen of Hearts" came in as my character witness...(she clinched the deal for me), with her (somewhat revised) quotation: "Even a joke should have some meaning--and a kite's (child's) more important than a joke I hope." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Queen_of_Hearts.jpg

Rhonda got the house, the cars, my pension fund, my social security check and all our savings...and I got my truck and ALL MY KITES!! (I really love my kites! heehee!)

"I WON!" "I WON!!"

Keep It Up!


And thanks Pete...You've saved my retirement!!

(Back down the "Rabbit Hole"!)


:confused!: Duane ~ I suggest cutting back on your meds! (Or possible increasing them)... of course, Check with your doctor first! :kid_devlish:



Keep It Up!


Duane, you just need to be more carefull.

However I am glad you won.



Glad you're enjoying Alice. Just don't get in MORE trouble!

You're making her sound like so much fun, that I think it is time for a re-read for me as well. (Been a while for me, now.)



Glad you're enjoying Alice. Just don't get in MORE trouble!

You're making her sound like so much fun, that I think it is time for a re-read for me as well. (Been a while for me, now.)

Yeah, “Alice” is great! It’s much deeper and more thought-provoking than I ever expected it would be! And the creatures I’ve met so far in the “Rabbit Hole” are less weird and far less dangerous then most of the so-called “sane” people I meet every day up here! (Check the headlines.) heehee!

Sometimes when I’m flying my kites (like yesterday) someone, sometimes a cop, will come up to me and ask me what I am doing. I say, “I’m flying a kite!" heehee! Then they think I’m being a smartass! (And don’t dare to tell a joke to them!) They think I’m sick or that I’m up to something evil and they watch me, sometimes for hours....which certainly describes their own thinking and state of mind...not mine! heehee!


As for my taking “meds”: “Meds” amount to the legal crucifixion of a person’s mind for the profit of others and/or for others personal comfort. Because they are afraid of the Truth or just don’t want to be bothered by someone, they basically and legally, get rid of them. They destroy the person’s mind so they will be like them...securely, brain dead! So, I don’t go there, but thanks for thinking of me Jynx! heehee!


I really like it in the “Rabbit Hole” and there is wind down there too! I’m going to take my kites along with me this time and stay there! Visit if you get the opportunity!

Bye-Bye! :kid_devlish:

Keep It Up!

(Down The Rabbit Hole!)


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