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LOGO contest! :)

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So having some ideas in head, i worked out something different in colour.

- This one is more kite descriptive in my opinion and the viewers can identity it's a kite partner from the logo itself.

- Fonts handwritten type thus giving a more soft look than the previous ones. More attractive for the kids.. (Kitelife can prints on kids shirts, caps, etc)

- Some shadows added for not leaving the whole logo flat and adds this little professional touch.

- Same tagline "Your worldwide kite partner". This is a good tagline (still from my point of view) for Kite Life who wants to be a kite partner for everyone

- ".com" which is the key to where to find us is much bigger and mixes well with the whole font.


That's all friends and hope you like this one. I have loads of these ideas but only time missing for me to work on them :)

Thanks for looking


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WOW! That is one beautiful logo Btreize!

Aesthetically, this is my favorite of the bunch... SO smooth and gorgeous!

My only concerns though, the very things that make it so lovely also make it difficult to use universally.

The gradients, shadows, 6 colors, etc, all make it more difficult to use to the same effect across printing, pins, different backgrounds, etc.


Let me be really clear though... I LOVE this entry, very much... I just don't think it's as versatile or "iconic" as we're looking for.

Food (images) for thought...



I think what we're looking for is somewhere between your first and last entries.


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Carolyn, your amended logo entries look great (bottom one especially) - but my concern still applies, about the kite shapes not being universally recognizable (general public)... That's what appeals to me about Btreize's designs is that he's using shapes that *anyone*, anywhere can recognize as a kite - this provokes memory and feelings from our youth - very powerful, imho.

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Yes John.

The first is too corporate and the last is too smooth..

I thank you for the comments.

As i said, i have some ideas but time is the only concern lol

Will get things corrected soon..as for the logo, it appears weird here or error from me when i converted into .png/jpg for flickr.

Will correct this too

See ya soon :)


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Will get things corrected soon..as for the logo, it appears weird here or error from me when i converted into .png/jpg for flickr.

This might be because of transperency? Jpg doesnt support images with transparency, and will apply a solid background. For a finished logo, we would certainly want a .png with transparency. Works much better for the new site, which doesn't have a solid white background. If you have an on black version though, you'll want that black background for display on the forum. Perhaps something you already knew, but worth pointing out for its own sake.

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Yeah Watty, i saved in png too as it's a lossless format and does not suffer from artifacts with several saves and copies.

Anyway i'm working on a new one now and should submit soon :)

Thanks for pointing this as this also may help others who are submitting.


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Ooops John,

You just showed us how the new site will look ;)

Now this is another challenge. Matching a logo with this layout. It opened up more ideas now i know where and how it will be placed on the site along with the layout and design.

There's something cooking...stay tune everyone lol (like to say this)


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No, Bryan isn't talking to himself... I posted a screen shot of the home page, but thought better of it.

Better to tease the general public into a proper froth before giving them a look at the new layout.

For those serious about continuing their entries, send me a message and I'll consider giving you a sneak preview for context. :)

Thanks all!

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Hello all,

So the contest is almost over and due to week ends here was a bit off the computer and more on the beach for some flying :)

This is my "last" submission for the contest (i hope no! as i have many more ideas in mind lol)

Same concept as the first one with a kid holding his kite..remind us that first air time we all had in our life but with the fonts and layout of my last submission.

I like the last submission fonts and it matches the Kite Life description better. A bit less corporate as we are a "fun" club rather than "business"

We share something more than business and people should see this first.

The new logo is more light for viewers and simple logo of a kids drawn with the same fonts concept.

Kind of logo that will be recognized after some years if we remove the Kite Life.com with it. People should recog the logo on mugs, shirts, caps..any marketing materials :)

Of course being in AI, it can still be modified to taste and colour changed.


So thanks everyone for watching and endless thanks to our hosts for giving us the opportunity to spread out our ideas.

With Love


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WOW Bryan, beautiful... I think that's my favorite of the bunch.

I agree, the human with kite is very iconic and has the potential to become recognizable without the text. :)


I've updated our new site with a VERY rough copy of the logo for your review (same link as before).

It may have suffered from the downsizing, but the lines (human and font) seem like they could be a bit bolder.

Also - is there any way to shift the "Kite Life" up very slightly, to accommodate the "partner" line of text being a tiny bit higher?

Last thing, what do you think about making the "Kite Life" proportionately larger, to fill more of the logo space?

Thanks Bryan, looking forward to seeing it with these adjustments (or similar).

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I know I seemed to have disappeared for the past week or so after my previous submission, but I've been trying to tweak them for better readability, and here's what I've got. I'm not sure how much of an improvement I've made, but I tried a bunch of things, and I think these are as good as I'm going to be able to make them for these particular design ideas.

I've seen some really cool designs here lately, so I'm sure whichever one gets chosen as the winner will be a good one. Thanks for the opportunity to design a new logo for Kitelife.









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Another beautiful set of entries, thank you. :)

All right folks, the logo contest is officially CLOSED!

We've received a lot of amazing submissions via email, Facebook and the Kitelife forum - we will be reviewing all the entries over the next week or so... It's off to Spain tomorrow morning for the 2012 Revoclinic - but we'll be back in the US on March 6th, and will be weighing out the winners while we're gone.

Remember, here's what is on the line...

1st place:

- Lifetime subscription to Kitelife ($500 value)

- One kite from the Kitelife prize inventory (our choice - fair value)

2nd place:

- 1 year subscription to Kitelife

3rd place:

- 6 month subscription to Kitelife

Good luck to all, it's been really great seeing your vision, imagination and hearts showing through in all the logo entries - thanks for that. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for your patience all... We've selected our winners!


First place, and our NEW official logo from Bryan Acking (btreize)...


Prizes: Lifetime subscription to Kitelife, and a brand new SDT 2.8 power kite from Skydog Kites!


Second place, from Carolyn LeShock (aerochic)...


Prize: 1 year subscription to Kitelife.


Third place, from James Zuniga...


Prize: 6 month subscription to Kitelife.


Thanks all for playing and sharing your creativity, amazing spirit and visuals all the way! :)

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THANKS to you Kitelife.com

This is one of the best news i ever had for this year :)

Would like to thank JB for this and the whole team behind that work day and night for this new website (which is fabulous btw)

Those prizes are great and i myself would have never been able to pay for them so thank you for appreciating my work and my humble graphic talents ;)

KiteLife.com ROCKS!!!

Love you all


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Congratulations Bryan and James!!! Great designs all! :clap; Thank You, John, for hosting the competition!

As I already have a lifetime subscription, please let me gift my 1 year subscription to James Zuniga, and then maybe we could give a runner up the 6 month subscription? Would that be alright? It would be nice if I could pass my good fortune on to one of the other designers here.

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KiteLife at it's best!!

This is a great fairplay gesture Carolyn and am sure James will be more than happy about this.

This is why i Love Kitelife...it's because we have wonderful people with a real LOVE for kites :)


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I agree! That would be great, John! :)

This is why i Love Kitelife...it's because we have wonderful people with a real LOVE for kites

I couldn't agree more, Bryan! The kiting world has been SO good to me, it makes me happy when I can give back.

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Thanks for all of your wonderful work. The new site looks great and will be easy to use, given a little time and exploration.

The new logo looks great, but what a lot of work it must have been to choose a winner. There were some really neat entries. Congratulations to Bryan and all of the other winners, there were no losers, I am sure.

Welcome to Watty. I am sure he will be a welcome addition to your staff.

Wishing you all the very best.

Pat & Dominic,too!

Kitelife subscriber # 122

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