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Old geezer but new to the quad line kites. Bought a Blade II 3m quad years ago but never bought the buggy. I'm to old now to enjoy that monster but have been looking at the Revs and such. Have a Rev on order but has been back ordered. I bought a HQ Mojo to ease my yearnings untill my Rev comes in. Took it out today for the 1st time and never really got it to fly. The winds were 3 to 5 but not steady. When I would get a steady wind for a few minutes the kite would rise and imediately dive to the left. I tried adjusting the brake lines and the top lines with the various knots avialable but nothing seemed to make any difference. I checked my line lengths as I assembled the kite, they are the same legth top and bottom. Any Ideas. TIA


Welcome to the KiteLife! It took me three sessions, each about an hour long, to get my Rev to stay in the air successfully. Many how to fly videos & instructions are on this site & the Rev site. Poor wind will make things tough. I also had to learn how to find a good site. Do you fly two line kites? I flew my duelies & tried my Rev for a bit each time I had good wind. Many good instructors will post help for you shortly I'm sure.


I found the Mojo sort of hard to fly and still do to a point. That and it had to be blowing good and strong for me to have any decent results.

There are settings in the bridle also that can be adjusted....did you check those? If I remember correctly...I could be wrong.... The top lines are longer as with some older Rev setups. I think I shortened my tops by 6" give or take to equalize everything and reduce variables.

This was my first quad and fly Revs now and havnt flown the Mojo since.

Old Captain Rusty, So good to hear your story and all the others . I am too new to the site and kite flying... I got to old for paragliding, So, I watched the Utube and watched other kites decided to go to the old foil I had bought when I worked out of Seattle. The WindDance its kind of an antique by now but flies quite well and fast. It lit a fire and bought a bigger HQ, Alpha, it was a great workout and freeing in a way. since then I've gotten a Rev, and a Prism micron, and an EMONG... have gotten a little fanatic, but my beach sessions are real good fun, Glad to hear of others adventures, great to have a place to read about and ignite the feeling I have and sharing.
You are right on, this is the place to keep the flame burning bright. The emotional feel of kite flying is a tremendous part of the pull of the kite & the mysterious attraction of the Darkside surprised me. I don't open up about the feelings involved too often but you struck a chord with your post. Welcome, look forward to following your posts.
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Thanks for the replies so far.

Dayhiker I do have a couple of duelies, a Prism Adrenaline and a Beetle that I have enjoyed getting back to.. My 16 y/o grandson has become my flying buddy and he too has been bitten by the quad bug. We plan to contnue trying the Mojo along with our duelie flying times.

mystaynedskin There is an adjustment at the midpoint of the bridle, I made a few changes on it but it didn't seem to make any difference. I do believe I didn't have enought wind. Hopefully my Rev will be in ay day now butr I still can't give up on the Mojo. I sent you a PM.

Wayne thanks for the wind tip, I'm sure that will help. I had been trying to get out with this kite for 2 weeks and finally had the time but Mother Nature did not cooperate.

Flyguy You are correct sir, the beach times are so much fun.


You will find it great fun in the high wind. It has no where near the flex of a Rev, but still very fun. I think a little modification could be done to make it perform better....bungies at the attachment points to be more exact :). Didn't even see you were from Jax, guess I will have to get a leading edge rod for mine and shake off the dust! :) currently a nice piece of wall art.


You might look at the "member map" to see if there is anyone near you to fly with! I know there are several fliers in the Florida area, well worth it to hook up and compare notes, learn together, etc!! Quads in general, tend to be more "social" because of their flight characteristics, so too most of the fliers!!

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That's the way to do it. If you can hook up with someone, it will definitely help. I went through the learning process, all alone, except for my wife, who had to listen to all the cussing................. :ani_wallbash:

As for the lines, make sure that the right and left lines are even. It's not so much an issue, that the top and bottom are not perfectly even, because this will happen naturally as you fly. Just make sure that the top right & left are even, and the bottom right & left are even. You can adjust the top vs bottom length, with the knots in the leaders, which are normally attached to the handles.... :ani_victory:

  • 3 weeks later...

Let me start by saying thanks to all that offered tips and advise, everything was well taken and applied to the best of my ability. :ani_notworthy: We (my grandson and I) got the Mojo to fly primarily by adding wind. We have had some pretty decent wind here the last few weeks, low teens, and that made a big difference. We made all the checks and adjustments as recomended and once the wind came up we have been doing pretty well with it. But the biggest plus is my Rev 1.5 SLE came in a few weeks ago as well. :ani_yahoo: Man what a sweet baby that is, especially compared to the Mojo. I applied all the tips and checks to it as well and have been so pleased with its performance. I have been working on the basic mauevers that's on the DVD and the Rev website. I have got 5 or so of them down that I can accomplish pretty consistantly, I can see that there is definet learning curve but patience and perserverance should pay off. This old man is having the time of his life and my grandson is having a big time as well. Thanks again to all.

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  • 1 month later...

An update. After many hours of practice with my Rev 1.5 SLE I decided to put the Mojo up. I found that I can apply everything I have learned on the Rev to the Mojo and it flies pretty well; It does take more wind than the Rev to perform satisfactorily but overall doesn't do to bad. :ani_victory: My grandson is back in school so he's not able to get out with me all the time but when he does make it out I let him fly the Rev and I fly the Mojo so hopefully he can get up to speed on the quad lines in general. I am plannig on buying a vented Rev in anticipation of the stronger Fall and Winter winds that are fast approaching. :ani_yahoo: Thanks again to all for the helpful hints and tricks that made my flying experience better, this is a great forum. As I said in a previous post "this old man is having the time of his life". My biggest problem right now is fiding time to get with mystaynedskin so we can get some flying time together. :ani_wallbash:

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With a std and a vented, you should be covered in most winds! May I make a suggestion - get a different frame with your vented! You don't need multiples of the same frame, as all the frames interchange, so you can put different frames in the sails as winds dictate! Only thing I don't recommend is putting a 4 wrap frame in the std, too much frame to put way too much stress on the sail! Leaves you with a stretched out sail!! If the winds are strong enough to think about using it (stronger frame), switch sails instead!! Makes those sails last longer!! Added bonus - you'll love the "feel" of the vented in good winds!! Smooths out any "bumps" and gusts!!

Enjoy the ride, it's only just begun!! :ani_yahoo:

You might look at the "member map" to see if there is anyone near you to fly with! I know there are several fliers in the Florida area, well worth it to hook up and compare notes, learn together, etc!! Quads in general, tend to be more "social" because of their flight characteristics, so too most of the fliers!!

There's no better way to learn to fly any sport kite than to get in-person coaching from someone who already knows how. Videos are great, but a video player can't tell you that what you think you did with your hands isn't what you really did.

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