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I realize that KiteMail.com is not under the control of KiteLIfe....But wondering if anyone can lend any help/info...

I'm unable to connect to KiteMail.com

Tried everything I could think of but it keeps asking to update password yet will not accept!

Also tried the link here on KIteLife to connect... but no go!

Anyone out there still on KIteMail? ...Having similar issues?


Jynx - I think it's dead!! For sure the free mail is gone, maybe only the paying higher levels still exist? I stopped using it a while ago, when I was able to log on, but found my contact list gone! Luckily I had moved most of my contacts over to a different address and have been using that one ever since!

John - any more on this??

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So sorry guys, wish I could do more about this but as others have eluded to, we're subject to extremely limited support (from Everyone.net) on a product that was phased out a long time ago. :(

Logging into the minimal admin account we have for KiteMail, we saw this message:

NEW: Now you can recover deleted users within 7 days.

Sadly, there were none there to recover... Searching for "jynx", I did find an account, but trying to look at it gives me this message:

You cannot view the requested page because you are attempting to administer a user that does not exist

Your sole point of resolution, for better or worse - http://www.everyone.net/email-company/contact.html


...just checked... and it's back up!

Had to update my password (which I tried previously with no results) this time it logged in!

Wonder how long it'll last???? Thinking it's time to switch things over to my other account! ...Just in Case!

JB ~ Thanks for trying!

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