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Yeah I think it was Nick's!! He just never connected to the glider's slower pace compared to his "zip around the sky" style of flying!! He doesn't have a place to go indoors either!! So no luck there !! Just wasn't his cuppa tea!!


Day 10 - A Flock of iPreys

Morgan and Kelli joined in and we all had an iPrey party.

IPreys #14,15,16,17 and 18 were flown.


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Wow, dashgee, you have a lot of iFlites/iPreys. Nice to see the whole family (people and kites) getting out to fly.

With all these pictures of iFlites and iPreys, I may need to get one soon. Hmmmmm.........

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Wow, dashgee, you have a lot of iFlites/iPreys.  Nice to see the whole family (people and kites) getting out to fly.  


With all these pictures of iFlites and iPreys, I may need to get one soon.  Hmmmmm.........

Thinking the same thing now. One for each of the family plus a spare for when the kids have friends over....

I'm never going to get a Zen at this rate!!!!

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Awesome Shots Dashgee, and a great Flock of iPrey!

Really great to see you getting the family involved.

The iFlite/iPrey kites are great, they let you fly in places that other kites cant go.

With the Sudden Rain hitting Perth, I took the iFlite II indoors for a spin. I was lucky enough to catch a few short breaks in the rain though.

I got this Picture in one such break. I really like the contrast of colours on the kite.


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Day 12
Kelli and I flew vented iFlites #950 and #956 outside in a mild breeze until the darkness made us stop.


Hi West Australian, mystainedskin, dragonfish, SparkieRob, Wayne, Dayhiker, Amexpmh, Paul, John and everyone reading!

West Australian,
what a great idea you had with 31 Glides of March,
which of course feeds right into national kite month.
We should do this every year!

Yes, we have a lot of iFlites. But turns out, you can never have too many!
We collect iFlites like mystainedskin collects Revs ;-)

did i really see pics of a vented B2 and a standard B2 in your FB posts!? ... Kool!
how about that 20mph+ wind yesterday!
I suspect it was somewhat interesting over there near the beach.
Even inland here in a tree lined park it was quite brisk,
i don't have a vented rev yet so i just flew my old SLE and hung on tight.
(we live about 50 or so miles southwest of mystainedskin, it really is a small world)

iFlites are just plain cool. Little works of art that you can fly while sitting on your couch, all signed, dated and numbered by the artist. And they make great gifts, too!

Every iFlite is slightly different. Some spin quick and are a little sprightly like a fighter, others are calmer and more reserved. All are fun to fly, they just require different inputs to keep them in line. And slight adjustments in the bridle moment can vary their character a bit but mostly they each have their own personality. They are kinda like kite pets.

I purchased my first one from high line kites when they were waiting on a shipment from Patrick. Then i noticed that Windsweptkites had them in stock so i ordered one from Rob while i was waiting for the first one.
( i had not noticed that kitestop here in florida also had them in stock)
So I ended up with two iFlites right off the bat, and that's when i noticed the differences.
one would glide long smooth glides.
the other one would spin easier and stall a bit earlier so it kinda stair-stepped along its glide. Patrick would call this "bucking".

Then i saw that there were vented iFlites which helps calm the "bucking" and then Patrick started adding more colors and before I knew it I was waiting on yet another shipment from Singapore. Then there were iPreys and Ui's and there ya go. Even the different colors seem to fly differently. I like the blue ones the best because they have a soft fabric that feels like it glides more smoothly, but it could just be my imagination.

so we have iFlites and horvath hybrids with plans to get every glider out there eventually. Plutz, MegaPlutz, Wala and building an urban ninja are all on the horizon. (With a vented Rev and a Zen in there somewhere)

Happy Gliding Everyone!


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Day 13

HQ Kite Glider

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earlier this week i saw one of those HQ "kite gliders" on a site and decided it was worth a try since it's 31 Glides of March and all. HQ stopped making it a while ago i am not sure exactly when. so, I ordered one and it arrived today.

It's a better kite than a glider but it did glide. It has a fairly steep glide angle and gets to the ground a little too quick. which doesn't give much time for inputs.The three tails slow it down a bit but that doesn't make it glide any further of course. It will certainly do better with a little tuning.

It might be more fun and glide better with a little extra room to get some altitude but i kinda think this will also just make a fun single line kite when the wind is blowing.

And ... looking around the web last night I ran into a good price on a Plutz and yada yada yada there's one on the way from Washington state. i'm psyched.

Happy Friday Everyone,


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Yes vented both. The B2 vented was a Kitelife drawing winner :) My daughter is in Gainesville. ..will be coming through soon, we should fly.

On another note, got some gliding video 2 seperate times..but have not loaded. May try to do a compilation of the videos for near the end and submit photos along the way. If the wind will agee enough tomorrow...a k.a.p. shot of some outdoor iflite play ? I will give it a shot :)

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Thanks dashgee, and everyone who has contributed to the 31 Glides so far. we are nearing the half way mark and it is fantastic to such interest in Gliders.

Interesting looking Kite dashgee, great to see you trying other gliders out.

Still plenty of time to contribute your glider Stories, Photos or Videos.

I Found wonderful zero wind conditions at my field this morning.

I got out my Mega-Plutz, a Glider that really takes advantage of wide open spaces.

After filming a long play on long line (80m or so let out) I discovered that my Camera Battery had died near the start. Oh well.

I did manage to snap a quick bit of video on my iPod, there was a gentle 0-2mph blowing at this point.

I will upload the video later if I can. But here is a quick screen shot.


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Western Australian has started a ripple in the pond that seems to be developing into a wave of enthusiasm for gliders. I know it's inspired me to have one of my best glider days ever. I got so carried away I found a new flight site. Thanks my friend.

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pulling out to climb again, then sun is down but still gliding, at the local soft ball field

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I have a non vented iFlite that has been roaming around with me. Mainly getting airtime at my hotel room or at the office. Nice fun downtime. I did fly outdoors at KP picture above. Ian inspired me to get a Plutz-3 and Mega Plutz-3 they should be in soon. Nick and those of you just reading, glide on in. You'll love it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Looks like lots of Walas want to come out and play this week. Here's mine downstairs of work today. That big metal thing in the picture is normally a fountain. I guess they turned the water off before I got out there. Sorry, no in flight picture. Haven't figured out how to handle kite and camera at the same time and aim fast enough to catch the kite in the pic.


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Here's Donald's Wala flying in the front yard with a few puffs of wind on a misty 39F day. The breeze swirling down into the little hollow make direction changes almost constant. It is actually easier to fly at this location in a dead calm. Getting a little better at taking still images of the kite with the little point & shoot camera while trying to keep the kite in the air. Usually crash right after I snap the shutter hoping I got some kind of presentable image to post. I love the browns & grays of winter. It is such a contrast to the solid green summer.

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Thanks for posting my Day 17 pic SparkieRob.

Its actually an iFlite II, close enough though.


I will post for the weekend catchup soon.

I knew it was an iFlite and it had a hole in it. Still have much to learn sensei.

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Day 15

Kelli flew vented iFlite #1490 inside without a photo op.

I flew twin-vent iFlite #1424 inside.

From one end of the bedroom to the other while sitting.

occaisonally landing on the dresser and taking off again.


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Awesome Pictures and stories everyone. Lets keep it going.

Image 1 - Day 15 gave me a chance to fly at home in the evening, I flew my IFlite Vented.

Image 2 - Day 16 I flew at home again, with my iPrey.

The 3rd image is another shot from today Day 17.

IFlite II with Rev SUL in background




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