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So, I got a great first weekend fly for Kite Month. The Sun was out, and the temps were in the 50s. Can't ask for much better than that... oh yeah... wind. Well, that was a little flaky... Maybe 3mph-10mph. At least it wasn't switching direction too badly, within 90 degrees isn't that bad.

Here are 2 of the 3 Kitelife Ghost Deltas...


And I was trying my best to fly with my left hand & shoot with my right... that needs more work !


A little video too... (Full screeen, HD !)

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Rob, I'm still jealous that you won that ghost giveaway. That was the one I wanted to win the most. Glad you're getting good use from them.


Yes, the Ghosts are great kites. Super easy to setup, and have a wide wind range. They don't dive out of the sky when the wind gusts up, like a regular delta. My kids saw the video and wanted to know why I was flying 'their' kites !

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If only my beach had a proper bathroom, I would probably drink a 12 pack while flying ! I limit myself to one trip to the bushes... so Bloody Caesars are the kite flying drink of choice...

  On 4/12/2014 at 11:34 PM, Must86 said:

If only my beach had a proper bathroom, I would probably drink a 12 pack while flying ! I limit myself to one trip to the bushes... so Bloody Caesars are the kite flying drink of choice...

What is a bloody ceasar

  On 4/13/2014 at 3:29 AM, Joespickles said:
What is a bloody ceasar
  On 4/13/2014 at 4:13 AM, RevRookie said:

Vodka & clamato juice with spices or hot sauce if you like.

A bit off topic, but I was going to ask that same question.

So does the clamato juice, make it a "bloody ceasar" vs a "bloody mary" ? We never distinguished the difference, between the tomato and/or clamato juice.

Both yield a tasty "bloody something" (must be a Southern thing)

Recipe Courtesy of: Road's End Restaurant on Lake Havasu

2 46 oz cans Tomato or Clamato Juice (Campbells)

3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

1 1/2 tablespoons Tabasco sauce

1 teaspoon Bitters

1 teaspoon celery salt

1 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons ground black pepper

1 fifth Vodka (optional) *

Pour over ice, garnish with additional "celery salt" and a "pickled okra"

Courtesy of: Road's End Restaurant on Lake Havasu

Option: Mix all ingredients above (hold the vodka) in a plastic container with a cap, such as a clean gallon milk jug. Shake thoroughly, and place capped jug in the frig to chill. When ready to serve, add a shot of vodka to a suitable glass of ice, shake Bloody Mary mixture again, then fill glass. Garnish as above..... :ani_victory:

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Nick... your recipe is a little light on the spicy stuff. I like horse radish in mine, too. I do 50% clamato, 50% vodka, lotsa tabasco & worcestershire... celery salt, cilantro, dill, red & black pepper & lime. Gets you going on Sunday mornings... :cat_lol:

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  On 4/13/2014 at 5:31 PM, Must86 said:

Nick... your recipe is a little light on the spicy stuff. I like horse radish in mine, too. I do 50% clamato, 50% vodka, lotsa tabasco & worcestershire... celery salt, cilantro, dill, red & black pepper & lime. Gets you going on Sunday mornings... :cat_lol:

Yep, that's just the recipe, as it was written. Great flavor, even without alcohol. When I make it for us, I normally make the mix only, without the vodka, but I double the Tabasco Sauce. I put it in the frig and use it as necessary........ :ani_victory:


OK, update for the 'Kite Month' thread...

Took the whole family out to the beach for some flying & fun. The kids had a great time flying small Single Line Kites like the Prism Eo6, the Prism roto-flip, the HQ roto-kite, and the Sky Dog Shark-kite. I got to fly some bigger SLKs like the KiteLife Ghost Delta and the 11' Mesh Delta. I even got to chase the little ones with the Rev a little bit.

Nothing like Spring & Kite Month !


I hope everyone else is getting a chance to enjoy Kite Month.... but then again... every month is Kite Month !

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Thank you, Nick. He is my reason to be.

He's also been flying all his life, hopefully his interest continues on...


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  On 4/21/2014 at 2:06 AM, Must86 said:

Thank you, Nick. He is my reason to be...

He's also been flying all his life, hopefully his interest continues on.

And he should be.............

And how could his interest in flying, "NOT" continue, with a teacher like you !

BTW.........does that "Snoopy" jacket say "FLY INC." or "FLYING"


I think it said 'Flying', but I could be wrong. I haven't seen that jacket in about 5 years. I just found a picture of one of his sisters playing tag with the Rev...


  On 4/21/2014 at 11:42 AM, Must86 said:

I just found a picture of one of his sisters playing tag with the Rev...

And another beauty ! Oh, and it looks more like "Grab", than "Tag" :cat_lol:


Oh, she would grab it if I got too close...

MickCCchasingRev.jpgBrother & little Sister chasing the Rev...

BailyCCchasingRev.JPGTwo Sisters chasing Rev...

3kidsChasingRev.jpgAll 3 Kids chasing the Rev...

MiniKiteFest.jpgPutting some color in the air, including my Son's Shark Kite...

MickLearningToFly%20Quad.jpgTeaching my Son to fly the Rev...

FlyingBerkRev.jpgAnd one more shot thru the windshield as my wife was leaving...

Those shots were all taken with my Wife's phone. The first group were all shot with a real camera.... I think the phone does a pretty good job, considering it's a phone.

It was an extra-special day, having the whole family come out and fly. Of course they left me to pick up the big mess on the beach by myself... but totally worth it !

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Clean-up duty, eh ? And I thought you were the "chief pilot" in charge :cat_lol:

Great pics..............you've really got a pretty nice place to fly. Appears to be convenient to the car, etc. :ani_victory:


The beaches are the reason I can stand to live in New York. We were flying at the public beach because the kids were there, and the playground is only a few steps away. Flying at this beach would be out of the question in a few weeks... if there are more than 10 people around, I look for a less crowded spot, which is easy to do with some 600+ miles of shoreline on Long Island. You really can't beat the short walk to the car when you're carrying 4 bags full of kites, though !

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Last Flight of 'Kite Month'... Yet another good weekend for flying SLKs... a good steady onshore breeze kept all of the kites pinned to the sky.

IMG_5325.jpgThe 11' Mesh Delta got two tails, but for some reason, they caused the kite to pull to the right. I guess one tail had more drag than the other...


The Frog inflatable came out of the bag and was used as line laundry for my replacement Power Sled 24. The original Power Sled was lost in a Kap accident last Fall.

IMG_5345.jpgGot a bit of color up in the air. The KL Ghost Deltas are easy to assemble & launch. They don't pull very hard, so a small sand anchor is all that's needed.

IMG_5353.jpgEven after centering the tails on the Mesh Delta, it still pulled to the right. Maybe the wind was a little high for it, I'm not sure. Couldn't find anything wrong with the way it was put together, and it flew straight last week.

IMG_5365.jpgCloseup of the Power Sled 24 lifting the Frog Inflatable...


The KL Ghost Deltas are so photogenic...


A lot of luggage to get half a dozen kites in the air !

IMG_5383.jpgAnd a special ride showed up in the parking lot after the flying was done...

IMG_5386.jpgI know it's not a kite, but it's not like you see one of these every day !


I just got a few more from my Wife's phone...


All the kites lined up...


Helping my #2 daughter fly an SLK...


She was digging the RotoBox kite !

MiniKiteFestApr27th2014.jpgAll the kites in one shot...

KiteMonthLastChance1.jpgAnd one more with the Rev MV in the picture...

Well, It's been a great National Kite Month, 2014. Every weekend had some kite activity. Hope the good winds are on us all for the rest of the year !

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Hey Rob............that's quite IMPRESSIVE, for sure ! Most people don't have a clue, what it takes, to get that much "stuff", up in the air.

Kudos to you, my friend !

Well done, indeed ! :blue_wink:

Happy Kite Month .......... :rockon:

ps......I just ordered two more sand anchors today (before seeing your post), in preparation for the summer......SLK's rock :rockon:

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Thanks, Nick. I wish there were more people here to help getting more kites in the air, there's plenty of room. I was out of sand anchors, anyway, if I had more time, I would've buried some driftwood wrapped with straps to anchor more... but like they say, too many kites, too little time !

  On 4/28/2014 at 12:49 AM, Must86 said:

I was out of sand anchors, anyway, if I had more time, I would've buried some driftwood wrapped with straps to anchor more... but like they say, too many kites, too little time !

A guy I fly with uses those recycled shopping bags you get at the grocery store. I was skeptical at first, but easy to bury in the sand and the sewing on the handles is pretty strong. I imagine it's fine for lighter pulling kites, like your roto.

  On 4/28/2014 at 4:11 AM, Tmadz said:
  On 4/28/2014 at 12:49 AM, Must86 said:

I was out of sand anchors, anyway, if I had more time, I would've buried some driftwood wrapped with straps to anchor more... but like they say, too many kites, too little time !

A guy I fly with uses those recycled shopping bags you get at the grocery store. I was skeptical at first, but easy to bury in the sand and the sewing on the handles is pretty strong. I imagine it's fine for lighter pulling kites, like your roto.

I've been tempted to steal a couple of my wife's canvas 'earth bags' that we use instead of plastic bags, but I don't think she would be happy to find sand in the groceries the next time we went shopping ! The next time I'm at the store, I think I'll buy a few more, they are pretty cheap. Thanks for the idea !

In the past I've used the duffle bag that I carry all my line gear in before, that worked well.

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