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May Fly

West Australian

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Had a few hours this afternoon. Headed to a underdeveloped subdivision that I fly at not too far from home. Wind forecast was for light and variable winds. Not encouraging but I had a chance to fly. Took some big Revs, some dualies & of course some light wind kites. Well the Zero G saved the day, again. It is a great feeling to have the ZG with me knowing that if even the little 4D won't fly the ZG will be happy to float around.

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mystainedskin: Love the Poetry dude, Inspiring.

Wayne: the iFlite II must be awesome in the large space of the soccer field. Glide on Wayne......

Amexpmh: Awesome shots. I hope to get a hybrid one day. You have an Enviable Glider collection there.

Dayhiker: Glad you had a fun session. A wide selection of kites means you have a great chance of flying something no matter what the winds throw at you. The Zero G is a sweet little package that will open up Gliding to anyone.

Thanks to Everyone for Joining in. Gliding and sharing your gliding experiences.

Plenty more days left this month, Everyone reading can join in :)

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Well today was a mixed bag of winds!!! From good enough to fly my std, barely enough to fly my Zen, to OK get out the Urban Ninja!! That kite saves my day outdoors when there is almost nothing for anything else! I happen to like a kite that needs attention and my Ninja does that, easily! No "set and forget" type here, active at all times!! Keeps a Rev flier on his toes!!

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May Fly - Day 8

Ok, getting behind on posting once again....

Day 8 was a good one for gliding outside. Morgan, Kelli and I flew the iFlite II #78 , Kelli and I flew an iFlite Classic, but i don't have the number with me at the moment ;-) (update: Kelli says it's iFlite #1264) and then Kelli and I traded turns with the Wala. It was a good session and Kelli's first try with the Wala.

We also had a chance to test out the new camera, a Ricoh Theta 360. Ricoh had a promotion where they gave out 360 cameras and we were lucky enough to get one. It takes "spherical" pictures and is quite an interesting little device.

The camera certainly has its limits and the conditions were a little dark so I should have adjusted the brightness a bit but it still made for a fun picture. follow the link and you will be taken to their site where the image can be rendered. be sure to look up to see the two iFlites above.

Hopefully there are better pictures to come, we will be experimenting. Can't wait to take it to a festival.


The Spherical Image is at this link: https://theta360.com/s/EqY


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Wayne: Urban Ninja Gliding Awesome! I would really like to try one of those one day.

dashgee: great shots there, nice gliders. That spherical picture is cool, interesting camera concept.

Day 10 for me was an early morning flight at a park close to home. iFlite Yellow.

Day 11 was crazy busy, I did get some time on my iFlite White. Lying on the floor skimming the ceiling.



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May Fly - Day 9

White iFlite Classic #621 was the kite of choice Friday evening at home.


May Fly - Day 10

Orange iFlite Classic #1261 flew inside on Saturday night.


May Fly - Day 11

Pink iFlite Vented #855 flew on Sunday night for quite a while.


May Fly - Day 12

An entertaining session tonight with the Pop Art Plutz. Gentle inputs seem to work best with this one. I am still gathering experience while learning to fly this glider.


Hi Wayne, did you get your Urban Ninja from Horvath or did you make it? I really want to get one sometime. I'm thinking of getting Horvath's kit, has anyone else done that? I know the plans are available on his site for free. I had a chance to fly one briefly in February and it seemed like a lot of fun.

Happy Gliding Everyone.


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I had some one I know make my Ninja! He had built them before and has all the templates, measurements, etc, at hand! All I needed to do was pick some colors and he did his thing!! I love it in almost nonexistent winds, it climbs easily, and is a pretty active flier!!

There was a video somewhere of someone (CeeWan?) flying his indoors, but he added about 10g of nose weight to it!! Unmodded, it won't nearly glide as well!! Outdoors, because of it's fighter style characteristics, it's a blast to fly in light winds!!

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I flew outdoors this morning. I put up the Hybrid 240, a fighter then the iFlite II fusion. Slight breeze and that iFlite stayed in the air for 30 mins. Fun.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Must86 - Brilliant Pictures Thanks. Glad you found your PopArt Plutz. I look forward to many more gliding pictures.

Amexpmh - Hybrid, Fighter and iFlite II sounds like a perfect day. Thanks for sharing your Gliding Experience.


Day 16 - Friday

I had My PopArt Plutz out, rising to the dawn



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Hi Everyone,

Time to catch up from too long a lapse in posting our glides. We have certainly been doing a good deal of flying but schedules this time of year keeps the pace going at a pretty good clip. One missed post turns into several in the blink of an eye.

This is where the iFlite can really come in handy as even when schedules do not yield time during the day you can always find time to fly inside the house for a few minutes while sitting and relaxing at the end of the day. And that's exactly what i did for Days 13 14 and 15.

May Fly - Day 13

iFlite I #1217 Vented - Blue


May Fly - Day 14

iFlite I #1239 - Orange - Acrobat


May Fly - Day 15

iFlite I #962 - Blue - Mellow Glide


And finally here are a couple of pics of my little iFlite case made last year.

It fits well in my backpack so there is always something to fly nearby.


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May Fly - Day 16

Ahhhh Friday!

The grass was mowed a few days before and it is already growing back fast but nonetheless it was time to fly. To the backyard with an arm full of gliders.


The Emong gets alot of my attention. I am still enjoying getting to know this kite and it seems to act a little differently everytime it flies. sometimes it likes to circle a lot and not stay on a straight glide and others it really likes to travel back and forth across the field.


It is easy to assemble it with the nose assembly upside down and i am sure i have done that once or twice. It also seems to change character a lot depending on how tight the sail adjustment is. And of course everything changes if the wind blows even a little.

Mostly it seems to do really well once you have 30 feet of line out with some room to correct the attitude when need be. I like this glider alot.

But wait, there's more...

around 8 o'clock they were going to launch a Delta IV rocket from Kennedy Space Center and the skies were quite clear so we headed up the road to see what we could see from Lake Geneva in Keystone Heights. Now, KSC is about 132 miles driving distance from us, not quite sure what the straight line distance is but that gives you an idea.

The launch went off exactly on time and it was very cool to watch as always.


After the launch we hung out for a bit and Kelli flew her iFlite with the rocket trail still hanging in the sky. A great start for the weekend!


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May Fly - Day 17

Flew the Wala and the Emong in a nice open space in calm to no wind. The wind would blow at times and at one point had all the Wala's line out like an slk. Someone remarked, "oh you finally got it to fly up high in the air!".


Kelli also flew iFlite #1264 without a photo op.

Later back at home Kelli flew pink iFlite Classic #857


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May Fly - Day 18

Both iFlite Classic #964 for Kelli and iFlite Classic #621 for me made for some nice mellow gliding.


May Fly - Day 19

Kelli flew iFlite Fusion #1490 at a fountain on campus and I flew iFlite Fusion #1487



May Fly - Day 20

What a nice kite the Horvath 200 is. This is my first glider and my favorite. The best time i had with this kite was at the beach in about 1mph wind and the kite would just overfly a tad, turn and glide for 200 feet before turning around for another climb.

Tonight's session was really nice and would have lasted longer than 20 mins if the bugs had not been so aggressive. The 200 flies really flat and is very predictable. The major challenge flying in the smaller space of the backyard is trying to avoid wingtip strikes. I look forward to flying the Horvath this summer at the beach when nothing else will fly.


Happy Gliding


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Wayne: yes Patrick not only produces his kites in Striking Bold Colours, he also does the Fusion kites.

Fusion Kites have a fantastic mix of colours in them.

dashgee: Wow awesome Update. Brilliant to see you have been gliding everyday.

Fantastic Pictures as always. Love them all. Thanks for sharing.

Day 20:

After a very long day I got to unwind with an hour of indoor gliding on my New Green iFlite (translucent green, not Emerald)

With the Cold and Rain outdoors it was nice to relax indoors and fly.

Day 21:

A nice mid morning fly, again with the Green iFlite.

My camera is having trouble capturing the Green of this kite. I think I need a sunny day.




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May Fly - Day 21

A quick fly at 11:45PM with the iFlite Classic #962.

i flew til Kelli ahem-ed me a few times... it was kinda late and the camera flash woke her up ;-)

There's something about the iFlites, once I start flying, i do not want to stop.


Oh nice glider there Amexpmh! I have stared at those a few times on horvath's site (www.horvath.ch)

The vent is a great idea i bet, does it help keep the nose down for a glide? My hybrid 200 is great , but sometimes i think it would benefit from a vent.

When i spoke about wingtip strikes a couple of entries ago, it was because when the horvath 200 is low to the ground and i try to turn it back toward me, sometimes it will pick the nose up and then turn sideways a bit and that's when i get tip strikes. The wingspan is so wide compared to the height that it strikes the ground and then once it strikes the ground it will just crash. (so it's not a tip strike on trees or other objects, it's the ground! i wasn't clear in my earlier post.)

It really makes me laugh when that happens though! Because the kite is going along so smoothly and then there is this sudden transiton to a crash. Like when flying the iFlite inside and it's on an absolutely gentle glide all peaceful and all and then a wingtip will just barely touch the ceiling fan or the dresser and you will hear a tiny "tink" and then it noses down and quickly spins to the ground.

kites are fun. :-)

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