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which rev........?

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i wanted to know peoples views on which one out of the 2 to get. I'm fairly new to quad line as i've never flown one but i know a bit about them and some manoeuvres that can be done. In this part of England we got alot of wind in winter but hardly any in summer so i wasn't sure which one because the EXP does 3-15

mph whereas the SUL does 0-8 mph. which one do you suggest. :confused!:


Is there a reason why you're only considering the EXP and the SUL? Why not the SLE?

With the SLE, you can replace the SLE with a lighter spar (like P300, or maybe even P200) to lower the wind range. It won't go as low as the SUL I'd assume, but with the right setup it will go pretty low. Short lines and long handles will help a lot.

I say the SLE over the EXP because it's made of poly instead of nylon, so the sail itself is a bit lighter. In addition, the mylar helps by making that part of the sail completely non-porous, so it holds more air. I don't know first hand, but I've heard that the new SLE with mylar does better in low wind than the older SLE, which is all fabric. I'm not sure how much difference the fabric really makes performance-wise in the SLE versus the EXP, but it's a consideration. However, I can tell you that the nylon EXP will stretch more, fade faster, and not last as long as the poly SLE sail.

You could possibly go the other way and use a stiffer frame in the SUL to increase the wind range. However, I believe that the SUL has a spectra bridle. I'm not sure how that would hold up in winds higher than its recommended range. It may slip. Maybe someone else has experience here.

Hope that helps.



well the minimum wind is too high and its too good for me because i read somewhere on here that said the SLE is not the type of kite to buy if your gonna crash all the time (which i will coz i'm a beginner) because its a tad fragile plus the fact that the EXP is made for beginners and wont outgrow me any time soon.


Personally, I think you may have been misinformed.

I think every thread I've read regarding the EXP versus the SLE, and my own experience, says to get the SLE if you can spend the extra money. The main difference between the EXP and the SLE are the sail itself (as I described above) and the leading edge spar. The LE spar can easily be changed.

The SUL is more fragile than either of the other two, and has the spectra bridle.

Also, both the SLE and the EXP are very sturdy kites. I smacked my SLE down pretty hard several times in the beginning and haven't broken anything.

On the wind issue, the main thing holding the SLE back is the SLE itself. The more I fly my 1.5 with the P300 LE, the more I dislike the SLE. In this context when I say SLE, I mean the actual SLE spar - not the model of kite. I literally took about 1.5 ounces of weight off my Rev by switching from the SLE to the P300 LE. That of course, will do wonders for lowering your wind range.

I think the problem with Revs in very low wind is that they have such a long LE. If you use an LE that is too light, yes, it will lower the wind range a lot. However, the kite also gets very bendy and can potentially break if the wind picks up much. So, it's a delicate balance to get an LE that is light enough to lower the wind range significantly, but still be strong enough to take some wind without breaking.

If you want, you can even use P200 or even P100 spars on the kite. I tried a P300 center with P100 LEs and it was a bit too bendy for me. You can also use lighter downspars to lower the weight. As you can see, the main variable for changing the wind range of the Rev is the framing. You can change the framing in either the EXP or the SLE. The SLE has a higher quality sail that will do better in lower winds.

Wow I've rambled a bit. I guess the main point is; I suggest getting the model with the best sail, because you can frame either however you like. IMO, that model is the SLE.



I agree with the SLE with an extra leading edge in light spars.

What you don't want to start with is a Speed Series kite, which also has a SLE. The Shockwave or Supersonic. They are not really recommended for beginners.

As for a SLE 1.5 that is a great kite, indoor and out. Luv it! It's what that old heavy black rev. 1.5 is in the pirate video. With all those years of paint on it, it's a heavy kite, but 0 mph to 10 mph comfortably.

I like those kites. :w00t:


Besides the lighter leading edge spars and spectra bridle, the SUL also has a lighter duty sleeve for the leading edge. It wont last as long as an SLE kite sail.

The SLE is very tough. I've handed mine to many, many first time fliers over the last 10 years or so and I still have the original spars. I wouldn't worry about it breaking. I'm not saying it's impossible, but just not a big concern The sail eventually wore out though--sand is especially tough on the kite.

In light winds, the SUL is definitely easier to fly compared to an SLE--even an SLE sail with EXP spars.

OK, so what to get? Well, since you are starting in winter when you have wind, I would get an SLE.

Then when summer comes and the wind dies and you are hooked on quads and a better flier, I would spring for the whole SUL kite if you can, or lighter spars otherwise.

Otherwise, the above suggestions of SLE + lighter leading edge spars are the way to go.

The EXP is just too heavy. It's a heavier sail (nylon) and a heavier bridle as well (at least that is true of my old model).


SLE with the SUL spars is the way to go if you're going to fly a rev.

Also time to look into getting new handles or making your own. I made 6 sets for 18$ all changeable lengths, no problemo.


I agree w/ audioRob,

buy the SUL Rev, knowing that the sail and bridle are lighter in weight to begin with. Take some extra dough and buy a heavier duty leading edge, consider addding training wheels (Magix Stiks) or heavier-duty down spars also.

Measure the Bridle carefully BEFORE flying it for the first time. A bridle made only of spectra will slip eventually. By knowing the correct dimensions you can fix it or replace it with Hi-Test bridle line in the 100 pound strength/size.

Now your kite is lighter without sacreficing anything for more demanding wind conditions. The stock leading edge sleave in the SLE is 3.9 ounce Dacron, whereas on the SUL it's just reinforced polyester. It won't last as long that's true, but it will certainly fly better until it needs to be replaced.

Use framing components to adjust for the upper wind range and various handle lengths for the lightest air likely to be encountered.


Bear in mind... The "SUL" rods are 2-wrap, and not generallly geared for a beginner's crashes.

The SLE is a THICK rod... Standard LE (EXP) is 3-wrap.

I'd go with the SLE kite, and an extra 3-wrap LE.


Yes, that's what I was trying to say. I just used about 400 words. :w00t:

SLE kite with a lighter frame (3-wrap, P300 or equivalent).

Paul, I think the lighter LE material and spectra bridle might be a bit much for a new flyer. Also, I don't get the impression that he needs it set up for no wind all the time like you guys do.



i still think ill get the EXP because its alot cheaper and then will consider buying an SLE leading edge for it with my own money, and its more for beginners and the wind range is fine for me soo ill take part of the advice of what you guys have said.By the way i may not get the leading edge ever but i will see where i can get it on english websites. Is this all okay with everyone? :w00t:


Personally, I don't think the SLE spar set is necessary.

I've used mine once in probably two years. That was on a day when the wind was in the 15-20 mph range. Even in those winds the kite felt sluggish with the SLE spar. Within 15 minutes I put my P300 LE back in.

While I still think the SLE model (sail) is a better choice in the long run, it is quite a bit more expensive than the EXP - especially on your side of the pond. So, I think you'll do fine with the EXP - many have.



EXP is okay, but as long as you're hung up on Rev's, the 1.5 SLE is a lot better. Also, I've never heard of anyone who had a 1.5, bothering to get an EXP later, unless they just wanted a cheap quad to modify and experiment with.


John's right, the EXP for the price is a good kite. If your going to put 100's of hours flying, your going to need a a new whatever kind of kite you have at least repaired if not replaced. If your going to fly a few days in the summer, the EXP is just fine.

WindofChange has a point. You don't see people buying an EXP after get the SLE.




Well....as long as were all agreed, then i'll go for the EXP for christmas. :P

P.S. what colours do you all suggest, i wasn't quite sure which colour to choose :confused!:

Oh, by the way don't forget the U in coloUrs. He He He He!

  • 8 months later...

the 1.5 sul is nice but in heavier winds you wont be able to fly it the 1.5 sle with a backup 2 wrap sparset will give you a 2 in 1 kite


I love my aqua/purple Rev Exp just fine!! It seems to compliment the blue sky nicely, but for a bold statement maybe go for the black/red one.

  • 2 weeks later...

So, am I emptying my bladder against the prevailing breeze trying to learn Rev flying with a Shockwave? I've not been on here for about a year :blushing: and have bought a 2nd hand SW from a guy on Fractured Axel. I've since discovered the following:

1) Trying to learn to fly a SW in a turbulent wind is like trying to walk across the Humber bridge.........................suspension cables...............................carrying your children balanced one on each arm!

2) The only winds I seem to be getting at the mo are gusty and turbulent!

3) My control handles, made from plans on the 'net, aren't right for the SW. They need a 45 degree bend in them and may need shortening a little.

4) I'm chaning the grips on my handles as the ones I put on were too thick and didn't allow my thumbs to rest neatly against the tops of the handles, impeding my ability to brake the thing properly.

5) I've got to use more wrist when braking as it doesn't respond to gentle pressure like I've heard other Revs do.

6) I'm doubtless gonna end up with an SLE as well as this thing, whilst undoubtedly FAST! can't be flown every time you want to as it needs waaaay too much adrenaline :)

I had a coupel of sublime moments last night (second flight with the Rev) but was starting to doubt my ability to learn how to fly a new kite. Tried my Yukon and found that was as bad so realised that (again) the wind was as steady as Mel Gibon falling our of a party. I#ll have to find me a nice, empty beach with a rock steady 8mph wind to try it in.

I will not quit. I will not give up. I will master this beast! :blue_wink::blue-cool:


Go Browser!

You know, you can try flying with your hands down lower for more balance. It can make it easier to turn the bottom of the handles "up".

Are you coming to Long Beach? We would be happy to try your kite and handles.



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