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So I was at one of the local Goodwill stores the other day and my fiance says " Hey babe, look at this" So I go over to her and she has this kite in her hand. I see it is very small. I also see it says "stunt kite. Then I notice it has 2 winders. then it hits me.....SHE FOUND A TINY DUAL LINER ! I immediately open it up and put it together and see that the standoff's make the pockets or whatever they are called pretty deep and also realize that it is proportional to my larger ones. So I look at the price......$2.freakin 99 ! I couldnt wait to try this thing....We went to the field right up from my place that I always have no success in because of the crappy wind even on windy days. THIS THING FLIES GREAT ! Even in very little and crappy wind that is all over the place,,,,it flies exactly like my larger ones ! (The reason I explain it this way is because We bought 2 junky dual liners that the standoffs barely make a pocket in the kite and they don't fly at all.)  I will be flying it more today and get more videos but here are some pics and a video to keep you entertained until then. 



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3 hours ago, Koobecaf Uoykcuf said:

it flies exactly like my larger ones

I see what you mean. The only difference I could see was that the stalls could sink rapidly (at least relative to the size of the kite). Is it possible to hold a stall with this? 

I must confess that a small bit of me buys full size kites out of the feeling that I get "more" but that does not always correspond to how much fun I have with a certain kite. On the other hand full size is full size... I don't know. Fun to see this little kite (Eolo sport 37?) in action (and that it was not a Micron or 4D that was small for a change).

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