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  • 10 months later...

Hey all - not sure how active UK people are here. I picked up kiting last summer. I'm using a dual line Prism Nexus at the moment but looking to upgrade to a Benson Deep Space. I'm in London and usually fly at a couple of the local commons. Would appreciate any tips on locations (SW)

If anyone is looking to sell a second hand Benson in the UK please DM me!

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  • 5 months later...

Hello Uk Folks,

                          flown / messed with kites for a few years....2 line  hq jive was my last buy, just got a rev exp to play with had it a couple of months and with very limited opportunities to fly.  Anyone around the East Yorkshire / Hull area?

Does anyone have any tips on a source for rev exp frame spares (vertical rods) just broke my first one...😀

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18 minutes ago, kevmort said:

That’s also a good idea another option could be to search for a club near you and ask them most clubs can be found on the internet 

Now that's a sound idea.


I keep coming back to a northern kite group,  but can't access their website , seems to be a common issue. I'll try a different browser when I get near a PC see if that helps.  


I haven't seen anyone round my area fly a kite for years.

 Seen a few up on the east coast but seem to be the bigger power kite type stuff.  I thought there would have been a bit of a revival as it gets folk out and about and most outdoor hobbies seem to have a resurgence in popularity.

I'll. to see what I can find, thank you for your replies much appreciated.🪁👍

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Your welcome to the advice I can give and while your wife is on Facebook looking for the quad line kite group she can look up the northern kite group they are on there too and a very happy helpful bunch they are too in fact there is a kite festival on this weekend at Bridlington I believe 

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1 hour ago, kevmort said:

Oh I’ve asked on your behalf in the “ northern kites group “ if there is anybody with a spare spar for an EXP I hope you don’t mind , if I get a response I’ll figure out a way to put you both in contact 😊 

Very decent of you thank you🪁😀

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On 9/11/2021 at 7:47 PM, kevmort said:

I’ve had a response and they’ve suggested Decathlon for rods I’ve had a look and found this 

https://www.kiteworld.co.uk/cgi-bin/sh000004.pl?WD=carbon rods&PN=Rev-EXP-Spare-Rods.html#SID=79


I ended up buying a spare rod from kite world, due with me on Friday👍.  I saw the publicity for the Bridlington festival, unfortunately I was busy.

 Hoping to get along to the Filey Kite festival this weekend, their first one I think.


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