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I'm looking for a unique miniature or micro kite to have mounted in a memory box for my son. He was 24 and died on December 17 2005 in a single car accident. He loved to fly kites. I think the symbolism would also be appropriate for this box. It is actually a convex frame that will hold some flowers from the funeral,the funeral card a picture of him,and a poem. I loved the mini or micro kites I saw on one of the contest pages and wondered if anyone could let me know of a site or individual who wold be willing to part with one of these. Thankyou.


What wingspan would the kite have?

How wide is the memory box? How thick is the box?

Do you have a photo of one of his kites (or maybe his favorite)? There are many talented kite builders right here, and I'll bet someone has the materials on hand to create a miniature copy, to look just like that kite. :)


You might also check with "Small World Kite Company"... Craig Wong is importing special mini-kites, WITH nice wooden/glass display boxes... Great guy, can be reached at 510-501-4868.


An example above, from recent trade show.

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