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So, to recap....

I've heard of the following:

1)finger lights (I know what they are and a good possibility )

2)nite-ize (on the fence on these)

3)curious about the ones JB mentioned. Not likely due to adhering to kite.

4)LED'S with remote AND changing colors (I'm definitely interested in. The four pack looks like a great starter kit with remotes. Then add to the kit). Just not sure on the mounting part since I have zero desire for magic/sissy sticks.

5)automotive LED lights(love to see a link since doing a search came up with THOUSANDS of options).

On 7/31/2017 at 8:18 AM, Tmadz said:

I live by a small airport so I have to be careful of UFO sightings.

I can only IMAGINE the calls made. Especially if you use a kite that gets really high up!! LOL!! One of the videos shared had them on a foil and it was good hoax material for sure!! LOL!!!


After a closer look at those submersible lights, it makes more sense to buy a pack of the RGB style and no remote since after all, can't fly a kite AND use the remote now can ya? Lol.

Besides that, the RGB ones use a lighter battery (CR2032) rather than the AAA ones. They're also much cheaper AND change colors on their own. A 10 pack for less than 10 bucks? I'm in!!


Auto Strip lights are available from Autozone, Advance Auto, Walmart, & Amazon among other places..  They require 12v (so you stack the button cells) But they also come with a small "try me" battery pack full of AG13 button cells.. I ALWAYS look in the clearance bin or clearance rack for these items as they typically are closeout type items.


Unfortunately I haven't been able to find the chase ones in a while (because I want more of them myself) but the standard strips are plentiful, fairly cheap and last a long while as long as you don't damage the wiring.

When you get into the strips and battery management, you start making those decisions on whether you want a dedicated "night kite" and concerns like battery and Electronics weighting.  Not trying to scare you,  just pointing out, a small increment in how far you want to go can have a huge impact on what you have to do to get there..

Night flying is a ton of fun. Please enjoy this vastly underrated area of our sport..

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Look at what I got!! They even came with a hand held led light. 

A lot has happened before this thread started. Lol.

I'm getting into SUP'S so I'll be able to use these for night paddles!! Woohooo!!



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easy to affix with sticks, I have these LEDs also,

I combine one slow transitioning color changer (above) with a fast blinker (from Shooks) on each wing.

The remote allows the team kites to go off and on as a group,... or as I prefer,... as a "drive by" activation point by assistants down field

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