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East Coast USA weekend fly???

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Hey East Coasters...


I am sitting (for three more weeks) in windless Santiago. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to be here, but itching to really fly. Wish I had thought I about indoor flying before I came, I have a space for that. Oh well. That leads me to looking to arrange a meet up to get the happy back sometime soon if I can find folks who will fly with a me after 2 months off the handles. :)


JB teased us earlier this year with the mention of a fall quad team clinic....but I haven't seen any specifics. @johnbaressi what is going on?


It was mentioned (among spring clinic goers and Regallo fliers) that if JB didn't do a clinic we should consider a house off season rental for a "bring your family with you" flight gathering. Would be looking to keep it cheep, low pressure and fun.


Anyone have thoughts?


Hasta la próxima,



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2 minutes ago, ACrop said:

When does hurricane season end? Man it is tough to think about a coast trip just now with the weather....don't bad things travel in threes?

Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app

Here's my wind powered Nexus 5 X,  SHBKF


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Ok, cataclysmic weather aside, I did look at average weather for the OBX in the fall. I would say almost any time in Oct or November would be fine, but earlier would be warmer.

I personally cannot do the weekend of October 20-22. The thought of major car trip two weekends in a row is also not overly appealing, but possible.

I would also say not the weekend of Thanksgiving (unless you are bringing turkey and the fixings....I could be down for that)

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Hurricane season ends Oct. 31st.  Kites With Lights is being held Nov. 29th on Jockey's Ridge (the Saturday after Thanksgiving).  Just something else to consider.

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NovemBERRRR. It is winter down here in Chile, and while winter here is like early spring back home I am going. To be tired of clothes and wool real soon. As I type my nose and toes are cold despite wool long johns and some blankies. Our house here (like almost all here) has no real insulation, single pane loose windows and no central heating....and only occasionally small room heaters.

I am gonna sit back and let others comment on dates. Other than Thanksgiving and increasing cold I don't have a strong opinion. My chilly nose makes commiting to flying in November harder to do just now than it might be if I was warmer. [emoji6]

Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app

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