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Guest LeeBB

Ok, I’m shopping For A Ul kite, I have narrow My Choices Down To just two kites.  The Flying Wings Soul Ul Or the acrobatx Ul.  Would these cover my low wind days?  For my Higher wind days I plan on getting a delta Hawk and hopefully My Kymera will fall in the middle.  Tell me what y’all think of these kites? Thanks


Either one. Acrobatix comes RTF. Soul does not. Zephyr was my choice.Was going to sell it after getting the Tekken. Flew it a couple more times and nope it has to stay. They're very different.Remember neither will get you below 2 or 3.That's the sul range and not all of those will fly below 2. Kaiju, Pro Dancer, Prism 4d and some European kites will. All very different. I love my Pro Dancer but it is not a trick monster. Have not been successful in 0 because I don't have 65' x 50# line set.Recommended by the builder in 0 to 3. More fragile than my Tekken SUL. It has a heavier Sky Shark P200 LE and 3 PT spreader and doubt below 2 I'll do much. It is a trick monster.Damaged my PD when a side gust blew it to the ground on 50' x 50#. Knew I would be hard on that kite because of skills. Wasn't anything I did just one of those doodoo happens. Rocked my confidence with the kite big time. Have thought about selling it a lot. Guy here pretty much said chill. You haven't taken the kite close to where it can go.Bonding with the kite again and really happy I didn't sell it. Been flying the PD on 120' x 50#. The shorter set will be coming this weekend.The pull on the Delta Hawk is why I don't have one. Should not be a issue for you. Get 120' to 150'  200# LPG and padded wrist straps. Cheaper lines would be the HQ 220#. Cat named Hadge in England has some great posts and great videos about the kite. If you haven't you tubed it yet Delta Hawk videos  are some of the most entertaining out there. Flying your micron in 15 will get you prepared for  speed kites in 35. Look at the HQ Whizz. It might intrigue you more. OSK has them for a descent price.

Guest LeeBB

Thanks Breezin, I’m Pretty Sure I’ll Pick that Soul Ul up today.  I’ll keep my eye out for a Sul also.  The acroX looks really nice also and good to know it’s rtf 


That's the one I'd get. If I wasn't kite poor I'd have both. Seriously look at the Silver Fox Pro's just put up. They are up graded Silver foxes. When looking for a mid priced vented Jon T of Sky Burner Kites recommended the Silver Fox Pro line to me. High praise indeed.Great price for both. The SF UL over the Acrobatix UL without a doubt. Maybe better than the Soul I don't know but wouldn't think so. They are probably neck and neck just different. Same guy designed both. Videos of Bell flying are outstanding.

Guest LeeBB

I went with a The  Acrobatx ul . Should be here around the 30th.  What Line pound would you recommend 50#  or something heavier, This will only be flown in low wind so I was thinking 50# line 


For my dual line kites, I used 3 different strengths - 50#, 90#, 150#. Some of the full sized kites will not do well with 50# Too much pull or too heavy a feel. Helps to have a variety and match the day's conditions to both kite and line.

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Guest LeeBB

Thanks everyone for the replies, So Now I have a Standard And a ul. Does anyone know if the acrobatx ul comes with lines.  I can’t get an answer from the place I purchased and It doesn’t mention that it comes RTF.


Usually not, if not marked as RTF. Lot of kites come as "kite only", not as packages, because many already have things like lines or handles and don't need duplicates.

Guest LeeBB

Thanks Wayne, I can’t get this seller to respond with the answer, Starting to aggravate Me a bit.  I’ll purchase some 50# 50ft lines from somewhere 


ITW, Fun With Wind and Wind of Change say R2F with 80' x 80# on the standard. Don't know why the UL wouldn't come with a line set too. I really struggled on 50' x 50# prism line set. Came with the Micron and I used it on my Pro Dancer and Zephyr. Sucked for me. Now I got 120' x 50# Laser Pro Gold and am learning to love it.The 2 LPG sets I have are  a lot better than my HQ or stock lines. Flown my PD on it a few times. Winds start getting 5 plus  I use 90# at either 124' or 82'. The Tekken is smaller with a different type pull and Iv'e gone to 13 mph already. Unintentional and not something I want to risk again. 


Remember that the shorter the line set the quicker things appear to be. Hind sight would say I struggled on the 50' x 50# due to lack of skills more than a crappy line set. Next 50# will 65' cause that's what Jon T said to get. For the Pro Dancer.

Guest LeeBB

Thanks Breezin, I’m going to order some line today If they ever  get back to me with an answer .  Thanks for the line length suggestion 


Good all purpose length is anywhere from 75' to 85-90'. Shorter presents the challenges mentioned. Longer can lose your "feel" for what the kite is doing. However, there is a time and place for short lines - size of field, needing the room, etc. Used both.

Guest LeeBB

Thanks Wayne, I’m going to find line the length you mentioned 

Guest LeeBB

Either laser pro Gold or sky bond is my choices to choose from?? 

Guest LeeBB

Fun with wind has that R2F with there listing, But read the fine print and it says line not included!  Can’t find the acrobatx on the Into The Wind site, I would have bought from them if So.  

Guest LeeBB

Just talked with fun with wind, He said that the acrobatx Ul doesn’t come with line sets, But there Acrobatx UL has a line set that they added to the deal to make the kite R2F , I dunno 

Guest LeeBB

No lines with the kite, So I ordered a set of 80ft 50# dyneema sleeved line set with straps from ITW


It's difficult choosing huh. The 1st advice a newbie gets is fly OPK to get a feel for you. So many excellent kites and so many valid opinions. Problem in the choosing for me is no fliers nearby.  Tekken DOA SUL IMG_20180525_114146131.jpg Most bad ass thing I saw all day except looking in the mirror while brushing my teeth this morning . Oh and that rattlesnake that went slithering across my flying field earlier. Headed away from the yard so still alive.

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Guest LeeBB

That’s A Beautiful Kite ,  Yes So Many Choices,  I believe I have Two Nice Kites For Sure right Now.  In a couple more months If I’m Still Flying And I’m All In, Then Ill buy my First Boutique Kite 

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