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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2018 in all areas

  1. The Flexifoils are very nice kites.. I have zero issues with them.. I have a larger Flexifoil Bullet myself.. I really enjoy flying it under the right conditions.. I'll reconnect with you to verify everything on the Symphony after I get back from OBX..
    3 points
  2. @Breezin Get ready to be tempted.. I'll offer to let you borrow a Symphony 2.2.4, lines, handles, and all BUT you need to know up front this one is not for sale. (two reasons it's not for sale, kite has been bombed and has had the baffles repaired plus it's Symphony 2.2.4 #1 and was my original prototype that I measure every new kite against..) I'll even cover the postage to you.. Only thing I'll ask of you is after about a month or so you mail it back to me at your expense. We'll get together on the timing of that return. Will be no hurry, I just want to make sure it's not while I'm on a business trip. Timing, You will have to wait until my April OBX trip is done, since this is the kite I allow the public to use and it will probably be used for some team flying there. Let me know what you'd like to do..
    3 points
  3. Took the reference to 1.2 quad mushiness was size not brand. All this time when Iv'e read the term dog stake I thought it referred to the ground stake for the long walk. Was always slightly confused. Well now I know. Dog staking looks like a blast. Might wack myself a few times but I'll try that. Planting a Blue Spruce tomorrow morning. While the digging tools are out I'm going to plant a dog stake too.
    2 points
  4. Wow Riff I'd be a fool not to take you up on this. Whole left side of my body has slid across the line and for the life of me I can't drag it back to the light. If I had a neon 1.2 I'd have been flying yesterday. We had sustained 40 mph for a bit. They say at high speed you can whump the baffles right out of that kite. I'll convince the right side of my body your kite is coming for a visit to teach me how to repair blown baffles. It is very agitated. It's the side that controls the wallet. Have been very tempted to get the Flexi 1.2 quad. For the price it seems just the line set with handles would be a descent deal. Read what you said about the mushiness and haven't considered since. Glad I saved my money. I'll pm my address. Oh wow everything around me has a slightly grey tinge now. Seems to be getting darker around here.
    2 points
  5. Relax folks had beans last week. It's kite kind not that kind. Flew the Hydra yesterday and winds went from 1 to 15 the whole time.Should have flown the foil. Now I think I understand the term bumpy winds. Never got my dance on and spent most the time trying snap and slide stalls.Good practice but felt kinda blah. Wind would load and unload sail before I knew it and spent a lot of time regaining control. When I went to take down the kite I realized I had been flying with the red sleeve at kite and red strap in my left hand. No wonder my timing was off . Yeah if it was that easy most of us wouldn't fly. Got my new Widow Maker Pro std. today. Set the kite up for pics. Had some questions and called K&FT. So excited I could hardly talk. Really!!! Winds were pretty similar today but thankfully Iv'e learned some patience.Did some stalls but mostly just flew.1/2 hour in winds started gusting 15 mph + and put it away.Flew my foil for awhile and had a good time. Thank goodness it relaunches 95% of the time. Really has helped my precision on the frames zipping that thing around close to the ground. Read the laments of many who have got their new kite only to have to wait for good winds. Sometimes days. Got a little more empathy now and I even got to fly a bit. Sigh just when I thought I was getting the wind figured out a bit the season changes. Hopefully when fall comes I'll remember most and won't have to learn all over again. Had such a good time on the foil today really thinking the Spiderkite 1.2 is gonna be here sooner then later. It really never will end will it. There are just way to many cool kites.
    1 point
  6. OK, Made a bag instead..
    1 point
  7. Well I am the village......clown. Thank you for the kind words..
    1 point
  8. LOL, your a nut! Seeing the improvement in sewing as you’ve progressed. Be an honor to fly some.
    1 point
  9. Riff Clown AKA the Busy Beaver!!! Very, very nice.
    1 point
  10. Dammit. Stop building kites. You make me look lazy! Looks like a winner to me!
    1 point
  11. So, back about 9 years got flying quads. Bought a Rev 1.5 SLE and was having lots of fun, except on very windy days when control went out the window and I spent most of the time just trying not to crash. Hey, a vented kite will solve that problem, right? Yup, so I bought a Rev Phantom 1.5 vented. Kite arrives, wind stops blowing. For 5+ weeks it stays at zip or at least a lot less than the full vent needed at my level of expertise. Enough to fly the standard sail sometimes, but not the vented. That will teach you patience and frustration in equal doses.
    1 point
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