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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2018 in all areas

  1. @jeepinjeepin walking by at the 50 second mark. @Bill Clay Displaying his Phantom at the 4:20 mark.. All in all I was very pleased with the way each of these sails performed from the beginning. Everything was well balanced and had very good low wind performance..
    4 points
  2. First Flight was spot on for all 3 diamonds sails.. Winds were below 5mph until after lunch. After that is picked up to around 8MPH.Great light wind day and perfect conditions to test these sails out..
    3 points
  3. Being 57 also and just starting out I feel the same about flying no matter the wind. Have duel line quiver for 0 to 30 now and a bag of busted parts.Wind was fantastic this morning. This afternoon hit 40 mph. Man I need another high wind kite.(Spiderkite Neon 1.2 soon) Don't regret the cost of kites or parts because I'm having a blast.Lament a bit but that's just my sophisticated way of whining about it . Started late and a lot to learn in a short time. Acrops advice about 50# lines is spot on.Waiting for winds just drives me nuts but I'd probably be better with a few more kite dollars to spend.2 months in I got a Prism Micron that comes with 50' x 50#. The line set was a disaster in my hands. Snarled,,twisted and snagged that line till one day I destroyed it having fun in 20 to 25 mph winds shaking the heck out of the Micron. Used it on my Pro Dancer and Zephyr also. Just sucked. Swore 50# line was a waste of money and time.No it was me. Few months ago got a LPG 50# x 120' and go figure I love it. Use it on my Pro Dancer SUL and Tekken SUL. Yesterday got a 82' x 50# dyneema set. When I determine the length for those 2 kites in 0 to 3 I'll get a better quality line. If your like me sometimes ignoring the wise advice of others and just gotta fly get some 50# dyneema. Pretty cheap if you buy bulk and make your own sets.
    2 points
  4. Yes, those are the leaders you want. No, 50# line won't help at all until you have enough experience in low wind -- it may actually hinder your learning. The 50ft lines decrease the size of the window you fly in and things happen faster -- not helpful when learning. The 3 wrap frame is good to 20 mph wind, and more than that in a vented kite. Don't fly your full sail in 20 mph wind. You'll prematurely stretch the sail material, or worse yet, wreck the kite when you lose control. High and/or low wind flying can be difficult without enough experience. I'm not saying don't fly -- just saying know what to expect. Quad line foils are flown using pretty much the same inputs as a Rev, but with different intensity and timing. Not radically different, but different enough that you'll notice immediately. You won't be able to fly like the videos you've seen for a while, but you'll get closer to that point each time you fly, so get out there and fly as much as you can. Just remember why you fly. Have fun, smile and don't forget to breathe.
    2 points
  5. When I was starting out Cath at Flying Smiles kites recommended that I stick to 90# or 100# lines until I could control landings and launches and keep it off the ground really reliably. She said 50# is much more likely to pop when it snags on ground crud (sticks rocks and such). Yes 50# should help you in lower wind, but JB would tell you that experience will trump equipment every time. While you might be thinking the 50# line will help you rack up experience faster, many would say you will learn faster by being pickier with your wind at this stage. I would say that following the ok or better wind and waiting until I had solid self rescue from the ground techniques has served me well and as a result the 50# lines will hopefully last longer. Also to your question, the leaders on kitelife store are built by TK, JBs wife to the specs he recommends. Glad you are having fun. Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using KiteLife mobile app
    2 points
  6. Next up is a series of 3 sails all in gray tones (Black, Charcoal, Silver and White)..Not sure if this will be a stack or individual kites yet. Picture is to give an idea of what is coming. Patterns are by no means set yet.
    1 point
  7. Read up a bit and man I should have got those kites. Some US made others Taiwan. Some cloth, rip stop or a poly. Any of them would be a cool score. Haven't read the archives here yet but will. People have made a 20 stack out of them 👽. Wow !!! Skipped over the historical importance of Trlby. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
    1 point
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