Yes, those are the leaders you want. No, 50# line won't help at all until you have enough experience in low wind -- it may actually hinder your learning. The 50ft lines decrease the size of the window you fly in and things happen faster -- not helpful when learning. The 3 wrap frame is good to 20 mph wind, and more than that in a vented kite. Don't fly your full sail in 20 mph wind. You'll prematurely stretch the sail material, or worse yet, wreck the kite when you lose control. High and/or low wind flying can be difficult without enough experience. I'm not saying don't fly -- just saying know what to expect. Quad line foils are flown using pretty much the same inputs as a Rev, but with different intensity and timing. Not radically different, but different enough that you'll notice immediately.
You won't be able to fly like the videos you've seen for a while, but you'll get closer to that point each time you fly, so get out there and fly as much as you can. Just remember why you fly. Have fun, smile and don't forget to breathe.