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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2018 in all areas

  1. WOW! I am really excited. I won the REV 1.5 vented package almost 10 years ago, ( Dec, 2008.) My son and I have really enjoyed it but it will be even better to be able to fly together now. Thanks so much, John, for the great prize. I discovered KiteLife online way back around 1998-99. It was very much instrumental in renewing my interest in kiting. I have been making and flying kites ever since. I have attended numerous kite making retreats, festival in several states and countries. I have taught at several retreats and kiting has been a part of mine and my family's life. I am proud to have been a supporter of KiteLife for all of this time. I am so happy that they inspired me to get back into kiting.
    3 points
  2. Spring and fall usually have the most consistent wind. Hang loose. Fall is almost here. As Wayne mentioned. Light wind flying is an acquired taste. You'll hate those days at first, but as you gain experience and skills you'll begin loving it. It takes a lot of learning to get to the point where you can fly when most others are grounded, but the satisfaction is so sweet!
    3 points
  3. Welcome to inland winds! It is hardly ever what the forecast says. That said - if you can fly in those conditions - you can pretty much fly anywhere! Low wind flying is an art, a skill, only learned by doing. Can it get frustrating? You bet. No fun going out , setting up, and not enough wind to fly. Good equipment helps, or rather the correct equipment. Yes, a light wind kite would work better in the conditions you describe. So will light and/or short lines. But the biggest tool is you! Knowing your gear is part of the battle, but knowing the techniques for low winds is all up to you. And it is only learned by putting your time into it.
    2 points
  4. Weakling!! LOL!! Unless you got a really tight sail! I had no trouble following the directions for tightening the sail. My only issue was that one side of the bridle was tied wrong and needed redoing. Not really difficult, once I figured out why the sides didn't match. OK now. I also made all my bridle connections come off in the same direction. (Just the quad flier in me). All in all, very happy with it. Now to go fly it!!
    2 points
  5. For the past 3 days AM winds have been running to 30 mph. Early afternoon dropping from 0 to 15. Very bumpy and hard to fly in. The first 2 days probably less than 5 hours in the air. Winds would go to high for the Tekken and to low for the Mind Trick vented. They do the best in bumpy, gusty winds. So I flew the Nighthawk. Yesterday when winds dropped I took out the HQ Delta Hawk for the 1st time. Winds were between 15 and 20.Don't believe the gusts hit 25. I've had some serious fun flying my 1.4 Snapshot in winds like that but WOW the Hawk takes it to a whole nother level. Glad I have padded straps . Rip through the power window for 2 or 3 minutes and would then head for the side to take a break. Lasted about an hour and already am in awe of this kite. Very impressed with how it handled the gusts. Not the fastest kite in the HQ lineup but for now I am more than okay with that.30+ days are going to be awesome.Should have got one of these sooner. Gusts dropped a bit and got out the vented. Sure seemed slow after the Hawk in a very good way. Woke up this morning a little stiff and sore. Could have been the Hawks fault but I don't want to point any fingers. I was pretty sure at the start of this kiting thing that speed kites would become a major aspect of kiting for me. It will be. With the Hawk I'm just now dipping my toe into this world of speed kiting. Man I want a Tiger.
    1 point
  6. Only read good things about that kite. Apparently it's got a right proper name. I'd probably be happy to just lick the kite. Not in front of anyone though . Especially in front of the owner . Actually no I'd refrain.That'd just be weird. Ah well back to the reading aspect of this kiting thing.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. An old subscriber!! There may be hope for some of us yet!!! Congrats!
    1 point
  9. Winds are perfect for the Tekken sul. Gimping around for the last 6 hours and I don't think I'll be flying today.Snivel,whine,mutter.Thinking the Hawk might have kicked my butt yesterday 😖. I'd really like to fly a Thors Hammer or something like that. If in the next year or so I run across one of you flying a kite like the Thor please tell me to GO AWAY!! Throw things at me if needed. Nothing to hard or sharp please. By summer 2020 flying this little Hawk I should be ready though.
    1 point
  10. I will be listing a karma soon is there any interest in a Jeff Howard ul signed kite
    1 point
  11. You can fly the standard, but it will help stretch the sail prematurely and will be difficult to control. With time the sail will stretch no matter what wind you fly in, so to fly or not is your choice. I would fly the FV with #3 frame. I think with more experience you will begin to prefer vented over standard. They are much smoother, especially in gusty wind. However, if the wind keeps dropping under 10mph and then going back up in prolonged spells you may find it more convenient to fly the standard and just hug the sides or top of the window when it's blowing strongly.
    1 point
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