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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2020 in all areas

  1. Some things don't need improvement or change. For instance the pin "icon" in front of the pinned topic was fine. Why make it so small that I can barely see it. I already had it magnified so I could see things as my eyesight gets worse. I can cope with and am not complaining about improvements. I know things evolve. I don't like extra work that wasn't necessary. It's like having to put a new roof on your house because they painted a new yellow stripe down the middle of the street that didn't have one before. I don't need the additional work or expense. I'm of the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" frame of mind. I'm not looking for cuteness; I'm looking for function. A new coat of paint is good, but it's not needed if there's nothing wrong with the current coat. As an employer I would not be paying for the materials or labor costs of having my employees doing "busy work". I don't want busy; I want productive. Sorry about this rant, but I see too much "busy work" lately in general throughout the world, and not enough of labor that produces desirable results.
    1 point
  2. That’s awesome [emoji122] pretty cool looking kite.
    1 point
  3. Bridles test was awesome consid ering I was flying in about a 4th of what this kite is designed for.
    1 point
  4. Welcome to the forum. There's beginner videos available on this forum. Watch them, rinse and repeat. It eliminate all those "hard" lessons that you still haven't learned. If you don't have extended leaders for the tops of the handles, get some or make some. You can buy some on this forum. Minor expense. You need them or the kite will control you instead of you controlling the kite. Watch the tuning video. To avoid the tangled lines, watch the line management video. Watch all the videos. Then watch them again, and again. Treat them as Gospel because they are. You can work your own style into the process once you can stay out of trouble. Most importantly, have fun, smile and don't forget to breathe.
    1 point
  5. I recently had Lam build me one of his new AC dual line stunters in SUL & received it yesterday. Let me first say I've been flying for a long time but gave it up in 2000 & just came back to kiting this year - so I am very much an 'old skool' flyer that progressed to doing only axels before I put my lines down. That being said, I took the AC SUL out for a 'spin' yesterday in very light winds (2-5mph) & my flying "came alive" again!!! Starting with just general flying, progressing to precision moves, & then on to some very basic 'tricks', the AC was flying as if by telepathy - everything I wanted to do in my thought process translated perfectly into actual kite maneuvers!!! I have never connected with a dual line stunter so quickly & so thoroughly as I did with the AC SUL!! I know I have a loonng way to go to catch up on all the latest tricks, but this kite is so capable of executing the tricks while providing razor sharp precision handling - and all so effortlessly!! The AC SUL makes kite flying FUN AGAIN!!!!!! I used to watch Lam compete in the '90's & knew then he was a world-class flyer - I hadn't realized he also became world-class in kite design/manufacture as well!!!! Here's a photo of my new AC SUL
    1 point
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