I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Went out today and figured it out. I got it numerous times in both directions, enough to feel I've gone through the door, rather than just got lucky.
Sorry for the upcoming detailed explanation, but I feel it might help someone like me who had seen the tutorials, knew the inputs and still couldn't get it.
FIrst, if you truly get that orientation, nose above the tail when away, you have plenty of leeway in the timing for the second input. Trouble was, I never saw it because my half axel was lame. The little setup move everyone describes regarding the lower wing before hitting the half axel isnt absolutely needed for some moves. You can hit a good cascade without it, half axel to fade, etc. But for the Taz, that setup move really helps to get a good, authoritive half axel which will flatten the kite out and get it into the proper orientation. Its easy, for me, to get a little lazy sometimes....even though a good setup always helps. BTW, you can pull the lower wing toward you or push the upper wing away. Either works fine. Also, Don't get carried away trying to "pop" it, ar make a big deal out of it. The goal is just to have the executing wing back a bit, Just like how they used to teach Axels back in the day. Read an old trick kite book Like Gomberg's excellent Stunt Kite Magic if you want to know what I mean.
Once I was using crisp, energetic half axels, the kite always went to the proper orientation. The second input was easy from that orientation, and uncovered my second and final error: not folling the second input with enough slack. I started taking a step toward the kite after the second input. Instantly, the kite completed a beautiful flat spin, just like in the videos!
I did it a bunch of times in both directions, just to be sure I had it
So to summarize,
1. Use the setup move for the half axel.
2. watch for the proper orientation, nose above the tail, spine pointing right at you.
3. Make the second input a smooth pull from tension, just like in a backsin., otherwise you'll pull the kite out of the air.
4. Immediately after the second input, push the executing hand toward the kite and take a step forward.
5. Big grin!