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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Thanks Dave! It was a great weekend, really enjoyed my time with you, Aaron, Justin and Mari. http://kitelife.com/forum/gallery/album/414-2015-os-dual-line-clinic-may/
  2. John Barresi

    2015 OS Dual Line Clinic (May)

    Humble gathering for exchange of dual line skills and fun. :)
  3. From the album: 2015 OS Dual Line Clinic (May)

    L-R: Aaron, JB, Matt, Justin.
  4. Just embedding one of the posts to aid discussion... 4ac9360343168ccc09f13f7122e84253 "> Con un po' di ritardo ma arrivo anche io! Un GRAZIE immenso a tutti coloro che lavorano affinchè la CerviaCup possa... Posted by Sara Rizzetto on Monday, May 11, 2015
  5. Welcome to the forums Mr.Patrick, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  6. Welcome to the forums Weinig, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  7. Welcome to the forums Marks1, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  8. Camping, always wakes me up early. lol
  9. Good morning all, drum roll please... ... ... ... ... Winner of this month's prize is Subscriber #1140, congratulations to Steve Kline - fly her in good health sir! Thanks to all for playing, we'll have a new, awesome prize up announced within the next couple days.
  10. Another new member... 1271 - @Gasmanwj As of right now, total # of active subscribers is 332.
  11. Welcome to the forums HillsboroDavid, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  12. Aye, the pressure is on with a gig like this... German perfection and all. Out of 40 scheduled shows, I'm happy to report that I only had to pick up my kite once (snagged line on a throw) and only did a "penguin walk" (lines around feet/legs) off the stage twice... Not bad out of so many outings, I honestly expected more with the tight quarters and odd shifting wind pressures in a venue of that size.
  13. There's also a professional quality VW video in the works, hope to find a link for that soon as it's available.
  14. Welcome to the forums allaturcha, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

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