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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Welcome to the forums mrfaosfx, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  2. Welcome to the forums JinHo Lee, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  3. Welcome to the forums StevieDrap, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  4. Welcome to the forums SwensJ, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  5. Aye, superb turn out and pretty decent wind all thing a considered - really stoked to see so many folks on the field, just sorry I couldn't work my way through the field fast enough to get decent time with everyone, the original plan was to have two instructors on the field... I felt really bad, as I know there are at least 3 or 4 people that I didn't get to chat or work with for more than a minute - you have my deepest apologies, please don't hesitate to connect with me another time, you do have my interest.
  6. Welcome to the forums Darrel25T, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  7. Welcome to the forums huskerz1, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  8. Welcome to the forums Mark Sullivan, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  9. Welcome to the forums Mark Sullivan, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  10. Welcome to the forums bob87036, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  11. Wow. 2003. Yeah, my sentiments on the Rev I have changed significantly, to say the least. lol It is bigger and less responsive (stable?), but you can't beat a 1.5 for overall handling, any day of the week. Good one Mark.
  12. Wow, that's crazy how the sea foam (or waves) freezes along the shore. Great shots Rob, you're hard core dude!
  13. Just over 20 on the list, promises to be a fun and educational weekend - looking forward to seeing everyone!
  14. Welcome to the forums dennisandjudy, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  15. Pre-2006, there weren't more than 3-4 Rev fliers in one place at any North American event... Dual and single line was the vast majority, but what we rolled out with education and team flying just made it too darned easy and fun for folks to participate.
  16. I did have a similar experience, first Rev I bought... Flew with the sticks on the wrong side for six months, then gave up and sold it. Only because I was already traveling to kite events (competing) in kiting's hey day (200+ competitors at many events) did I end up noticing the problem... Came *that* close though, to never flying Revs again.
  17. I'm really keen on the "almost" fliers... Folks who DID cross the line, got a kite, gave it a try, but were discouraged by unknown problems like those outlined by dragonfish above, or just never had a chance to see the real possibilities... Just takes one non presumptuous encounter with someone in the know to free the sky and set the imagination ablaze. I love this group, y'all are awesome.
  18. It'll help when I'm able to add more tutorials, this Spring.
  19. Looks like really great wind, and oh so nice to have a flying buddy!
  20. Our latest prize, to be drawn for one subscriber on March 25th, 2015! This is the exact same kite that I fly - literally, when I take a new one out of the bag I just add the weights and adjust the bridle to the "nose back" position at the top spreader fittings... Stock, and ready to rock. Kymera, $225 value! This package includes kite, removable weights and kite sleeve! NOTE: Primary color of the kite in this drawing is LIME GREEN, with WHITE and GREY. -- Click here to sign up -- Odds of winning are currently 1/336, drawing will be on March 25th, 2015! Our thanks, and the very best of luck to all of you...
  21. Oh hey, I just realized Russell is actually in my area... Easiest delivery ever.
  22. Alright folks, drum roll please... Our winner this time around is subscriber #931, Russell Wilson (aka flexifoil21)! Big congrats to Russell, and deepest thanks to all for playing. Stay tuned for more schwag from KiteLife very soon!
  23. A couple more new friends... 1253 - @shuerter 1254 - @snapper5 Total active subscribers as of this post, 336.
  24. Wow! Classic kite, great unusual kite for anyone's bag - nice prize mtgrizzly, thank you!
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