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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Yeah... Just caught that, one sec - thought I lost 800 numbers for a second. lol
  2. Sorry guys, holed up at Starbucks now - reconciling our list, will announce a winner shortly.
  3. Hi friends, just getting caught up... Welcome to our latest subscribers! 1202 - basicbill 1203 - Fred van Curen
  4. Welcome to the forums Alpha Betta :)

  5. Welcome to the forums bobskimaxx :)

  6. Welcome to the forums Fred van Curen :)

  7. Screenshot from some of our Great Dunes footage...
  8. Good sum up thus far... Though, the photo was taken in New Mexico (I think).
  9. Whew, long day! Highlight was definitely flying at the Great Dunes (yes we got some footage for later editing)... And our cozy little campground for the night, San Luis Valley Campground... $18 campsite includes shower, wifi, tea/coffee, common room access, great owners also let us have an RV site (hookups) for $20 flat. Tomorrow, we finish our beautiful drive to Steamboat Springs CO!
  10. Welcome to the forums codi04 :)

  11. Dinner last night... MAN, is it ever hard to cook noodles at higher altitude! Our campsite tonight, Coronado Campground just north of Albuquerque NM.
  12. Welcome to the forums basicbill :)

    1. basicbill


      Thank you very much.

  13. Painted Desert Petrified Forest Dead Horse Ranch State Park Gold King Mine River Verde
  14. And more pics, from my side... Montezuma's Castle Cathedral Rock Grand Canyon South Rim Hopi Mesas More soon as we can, thanks for following our adventures!
  15. Welcome to the forums sunset :)

    1. sunset


      Thank you for the welcome. This site and forum are interesting, and I look forward to spending time here.

  16. Welcome to the forums Onedumblonde :)

  17. I would also suggest checking out the in-depth tutorials we have here at KiteLife... http://kitelife.com/video-tutorials/ Technique is key to everything... Particularly "light wind", "sail loading", "tuning theory" and "body, hands and posture".
  18. Please, please, PLEASE send all your feedback directly to Rev - users drive the product. revkites (at) aol (dot) com The more people they hear from, the sooner changes are made. Thanks!
  19. Scott, you try P90s (or lighter) yet? Keen to hear your feedback on it.
  20. My beef with handles over 13" is primarily that it becomes too easy to go "full forward" (i.e. total release of the trailing edge). I use 13" handles exclusively (on all Rev models) because I find they provide the amount of torque I need, without any additional that might cause over-sheeting... Also, longer handles do require more manual torque to manipulate in high winds (length/leverage). That being said, it's all a taste thing... Try it all, would be boring if we were all the same!
  21. For dual line, shortest effective length imho is 50'.
  22. Sorry for the delay, we're still traveling cross-country until Oct/Nov. Update... New members: 1195 - michaelrhuber 1196 - wishous 1197 - etully 1198 - Chuck Colht 1199 - Wayne H. 1200 - TOMKLU *amended number* 1201 - Ledur *amended number* At present, I count 359 active members - thanks to all for their support!
  23. Welcome to the forums michelefeagley :)

  24. Welcome to the forums NWFlyer :)

  25. Welcome to the forums giguchan :)

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