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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. 12 confirmed, this is shaping up to be a great one.
  2. Update, we've already had 9 sign ups in the past 20 or so hours... 21 slots left open, keep an eye on this or they might disappear.
  3. I think my handles are fused to my hands.
  4. Ya, the old blue square with white V is the forum software's default icon. You hit right on, it's a favicon (usually file named favicon.ico)... It's called by a meta tag in the code header of a webpage... <link rel="shortcut icon" href='http://kitelife.com/forum/favicon.ico' /> I used to have a tiny Kitelife logo in there sometime ago, but it had no polish and wasn't really legible. It's not a lot of real estate to work with (16x16), but I think this one is pretty decent... What say ye?
  5. Ya, me too... Especially with a skilled Rev team! The possibilities for sustained tip drags and low altitude formations just leave me grinning. I've flown from the back of a car and a pickup, but never a boat.
  6. Name: Red Bull Kiteforce - Team Flying from Boats Category: Shows / Productions Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 04:55 PM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: 2009 Red Bull event in Moscow, Russia Red Bull Kiteforce flying in Moscow for a Red Bull event in 2009. View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  7. Name: 2006 World Champions - Cutting Edge Category: Dual Line - Team Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 04:44 PM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: World Sport Kite Championships, Berck sur Mer, France 2006 World Champions, Team Cutting Edge from the USA, winning for their second year in a row. View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  8. Name: 2006 Fiesta del Petroleo - Indoor Revs Category: Shows / Productions Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 04:40 PM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina Vuelo Indoor de Cometas Acrobaticas, realizado por John Barresi y Gustavo Di Si en la Fiesta del Petroleo 2006 - Comodoro Rivadavia - Provincia de Chubut - Argentina John Barresi and Gustavo Di Si perform with Indoor Revs in Comodoro Rivadavia (Argentina) for the 2006 Oil Party. View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  9. Name: The Decorators - 6 kites Category: Quad Line - Team Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 04:37 PM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: 2008 Berck sur Mer, France The Decorators - UK Revolution kite team - in Berck sur mer France - 2008 View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  10. Name: 2007 TBFP Rev Mega Fly Category: Mega Team Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 04:13 PM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: Tokyo Bay Flight Party - 48 kites One of the first world records of this scale for Rev Mega Team flying, 48 pilots in total! Also, John Barresi and Takako (TK) Barresi first met during this same weekend... John is #2 from the left, TK is #3, the first time they ever flew together. One year later, they became engaged at the same event. View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  11. Name: Ray Bethell's Good Stuff Category: Tribute Videos Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 04:06 PM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: Tribeca Film Festival Best Documentary Matt Nie directed this Tribeca Film Festival Best Documentary on Vancouver kite flier, Ray Bethell. Ray can fly three kites simultaneously and at 2007, just celebrated his 80th birthday. View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  12. Name: FLIC Dance in Berck sur Mer, France Category: Other Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 03:55 PM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: 2002 Cerf Volant Festival Team FLIC dancing after hours in France. View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  13. Name: iQuad Dance in Bogota, Colombia Category: Other Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 03:53 PM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: 2009 Festival de Verano iQuad walking/dancing some of their team maneuvers after a few drinks. A little music, a little more aguardiente and a lot of friends! View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  14. Name: Ray Bethell - Multiple Kite Champion Category: Multiple Kite Flying Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 02:55 PM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: Flying at Vanier Park - Vancouver, BC A resident of Vancouver BC (Canada), Ray is one of the most famous kitefliers in the world, traveling to dozens of events every year... For those interested, Ray does frequently make appearances or demonstrate his kite skills for special groups and event organizers. For more information about Ray Bethell, visit... http://www.raybethell.com View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  15. Name: Ray Bethell and Steve de Rooy Category: Multiple Kite Flying Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 02:51 PM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: 2010 WSIKF - Long Beach, WA Steve de Rooy (2 Revs) joins Ray Behell (2 dual lines) for a bit of 4-kite, 2-man team flying... EPIC!!! View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  16. Name: Island Quad and Detroit Windjammers Category: Mega Team Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 02:49 PM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: 2009 Windscape Kite Festival in Swift Current, SK A combination mega team... Island Quad flying Revs (quad line) and the Windjammers flying Dynakite stacks (dual line). View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  17. Name: Island Quad Rocks the Point! Category: Tribute Videos Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 02:46 PM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: Victoria, BC Pilots: Terry Wiggill, Mario DiLucca, Peter Primeau, Gordy Wensly, Adrian Flanagan, Kevin Moore Guest starring: Steve de Rooy View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  18. Name: You Want a Revolution Category: Team Flying Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 02:41 PM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: 2008 Wildwood Kite Festival Filmed by Kurtis Jones / Alive Archives and played at the event banquet. Pilots: John Barresi, Steve de Rooy, Todd Rudolph, Mike Kory, Jay Nunes, JD Fabich, Bazzer Poulter, David Hathaway. View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  19. Name: iQuad - Broken Wings Category: Tribute Videos Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 02:35 PM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: 2007 Wildwood Kite Festival Produced by Kurtis Jones / Alive Archives, and played at the event banquet. Pilots: John Barresi, Steve de Rooy, Todd Rudolph and David Hathaway. View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  20. FYI, someone had mentioned (maybe on Facebook) that they miss the little thumbnails to the left of each article listing on the index... I've come across a mod that will safely allow me to apply a thumb of the first image in the article, right where it should be, more or less like this: XXXXXXX [prefix] Topic title XXXXXXX Title description XXXXXXX Started by so and so The "X" box represents where the thumbnail would appear, aligned evenly to the left of the article/topic information. I'm working with the developer to tweak the positioning so it's just right, I'll post back here when I've got it working. Also nice, I can limit it to the Kitelife issues only and have it non-functional on the primary forum. == Upside: The way applications work with this forum software, they're modular, install/upgrade/uninstall right through the admin panel... If it fails, I just disable it. Downside: For articles that don't have ANY images in them, a stock image will need to be used, probably a suitable icon of the same size. Stay tuned.
  21. Name: CerviaCup 2011 - Guido Maiocchi MLI Ballet Category: Quad Line - Individual Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 10:44 AM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: None Provided View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  22. Name: CerviaCup 2010 - Guido Maiocchi MLI Ballet Category: Quad Line - Individual Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 10:44 AM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: None Provided View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  23. Name: Indoor Quad - Guido Maiocchi Category: Indoor - Individual Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 10:42 AM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: None Provided One of the top quad fliers in the world, Guido Maiocchi performs with a home-built Rev style kite indoors. View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  24. Name: Lee Sedgwick w/friends Category: Stack Flying Date Added: 07 November 2011 - 10:40 AM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: Rev Stack in Wildwood, 1993 Lee Sedgwick flies a six-stack of Rev I's in Wildwood, 1993. View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
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