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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Speaking of Revs... Here's some cool footage: http://kitevideo.net/johnbarresi_com/jb-promo05_dogstake.wmv (18.13MB) http://kitevideo.net/johnbarresi_com/jb-promo05_revplay.wmv (31.74MB)
  2. Being pretty good at both dual tricks and precision, as well as quad... I find them to be complimentary skills, each teaching me about the other.
  3. The best trick tutorials I've seen anywhere are by RandyG, and can be found here... http://www.drageportal.dk/video/howtotrick.asp
  4. Just reminding ya'll again, if you are an official Kitelife subscriber and it doesn't show that on your forum profile and postings, please let me know your name and user name and I'll be happy to get that fixed up... Thanks for your patience! Example of forum sig -
  5. Good call Pilot... I knew I forgot something. Indeed, take a deep step back as you launch (past the hips method). Winds of 8-10 mph is typically plenty for a Beetle.
  6. Hi Geoff, that strikes me as kind of odd... Mainly because you are naturally able to move your hands further and faster past your hips than you would over your shoulders... Thusly creating more lift, and in a quicker fashion. You can always experiment... If the bridles aren't marked where you hook the lines on, go ahead an make sure both sides are even, then mark 'em for an easy reset later... Having done this, try moving the "clips" up an 1/8" or 1/4" at a time so that the nose is pulled in towards you slightly. Ideally, this would increase the lift a little. Now, if it goes all soft on you and doesn't respond... Go ahead and move 'em 1/8" or 1/4" down, so that the nose lays back a little more. If the kite just doesn't want to get off the ground and tends to oversteer (uncontrollable spin) too much, try working it out somewhere in the middle. Also, it might be a good idea to make sure that all the fittings (where the spreaders go in) are all in the same place too... Sometimes after a lot of flying, the stoppers come loose and the wander around a bit. Regardless, the kite and all it's parts should be identical on both sides. Please let us know how it goes? Also, what kind of wind speeds are you generally flying in?
  7. Well, seeing as it's happened twice in a row... And assuming the conditions were not extreme, get in touch with the manufacturer (New Tech Kites). http://www.newtechkites.com They tend to be very good with their customers, and should be able to address the problem to your satisfaction.
  8. Hehehe... I'm an info guy, too attached to my kites.
  9. While I recommended the Transfer vs. the Fury by email, that refers only to the regular Transfer (XTR?)... The larger version seems a little bulky to me in flight.
  10. Thanks Kitecrazy.
  11. Sorry to hear about the dead club Scott, let me know if there's anything else I can dig up for you... Anytime.
  12. Looks like there's a festival in March... Chattanooga. http://aka.kite.org/cal_dtl.php?event_no=2439 I pulled that off the AKA on line calendar. Also, you might write your local AKA Regional Director... It's their job to help local fliers. Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Puerto Rico) Michael L. Agner (NC) (910) 790-5979 region4 (at) aka.kite.org Lastly, there are always the local clubs... Some have monthly fun flies. Music City Kite Flyers P.O. Box 210765 Nashville TN 37221 Phone: (615) 831-1496 E-mail: MusicCityKites (at) webtv.net URL: http://community.webtv.net/MusicCityKites Looks like this club flies at CENTENNIAL PARK on West End Ave. I hope this helps some.
  13. What are of the country are you from Scott? There might be some stuff locally that your kids would enjoy a great deal.
  14. The only winder/spool plan I've come across at Kitelife is this one: http://www.kitelife.com/archives/issue36/quadwinder36/ Not sure if it's adaptable to your needs... I'm sure there are other plans out there though, another good place to ask might be here: http://www.kitebuilder.com/forums/index.php
  15. You might try reducing the file size a little bit... Not sure if that's the issue, but it's worth a try. Cleary, the upload itself is canceling before completion. Also try uploading with another type of image (gif, png). *photo credit on this one goes to Eric Johnson*
  16. LOL Doug... Same here, only the top 8% or so of the photo comes up.
  17. Can I be chief judge?
  18. No, but you could always get one of these... http://www.cafepress.com/kitelife.10879110
  19. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. RM10 Speed Foil, thanks to Premier Kites! You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/159, and will be drawn on September 30th! http://www.kitelife.com/prizes/speedfoil43/index.htm Our thanks, and the very best to you!
  20. Drum roll please... The winner of this great prize is: William Rossley - Subscriber #34 Congratulations William!! Our new prize(s) will be announced by the end of the day.
  21. Hear hear, welcome Win! (finally)
  22. Absolutely amazing... Between Summer Heat and WSIKF, I must have flown 5-6 hours each of the last 10 days... AWESOME wind... Sun on two days... And yes, I have photos of not only the Long Beach arch before and after, but also of the flying Pepsi Arch that fliers erected on Thursday. It's been a crazy couple of weeks, lots to do... But I will try to get those photos up asap. *sigh* How long until the next event?
  23. It's a kite event... Need we say more? Come as you are, assuming you have good personal hygeine... Bring kites, and be prepared to meet a whole bunch of amazing kite makers and fliers. Everyone is friendly, and quick to share their latest tips on this or that. As for kites on a plane... I travel with a "SKB Standard Golf Case", hard shell with wheels on one end. I just check 'em in and if they give me any grief about the size or weight, I say it's sporting equipment... That usually satisfies them. In lieu of a hard case (which I only got recently), a good roll up bag should be fine as long as there are a lot of rods in there... If you have 10 kites all rolled up (maybe even with an added spine of sorts) the whole package is quite strong. While I've heard from a lot of kiters about the occasional rod being broken by handlers, I haven't had anything more than small tear in the bag itself.
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