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White Rabbit

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About White Rabbit

  • Birthday January 21

Profile Information

  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Rev B-Series (vented)
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    Belgrade, MT
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    Photography, dog training, and now, quad-line kites
  • Gender

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  1. I have been interested in this, as well, and would love to see more detailed information on how to pull this off without damaging my Rev. I'm particularly fond of this video on YouTube: Team4Fun auf Nachtflug in Oostende/Belgien 2010
  2. Saddened that the B-Series is being retired. Time to  save up for a few extra sails.

  3. Oh, Revolution doesn't get rid of me that easily! Already, I have too much invested and am enjoying this way too much. Just this past weekend, I introduced my brother's family to flying Rev and may have gotten them hooked, as well. I just want to see a little more refinement to the 38 program before I put money on it, I think. From what I'm hearing, this is still the best place for a flier to learn when one is separated from the rest of the community as much as I am. Trust me, though, I'm working on building a community here, though!
  4. Thank you everyone for weighing in on this. Your honest answers are very much appreciated. As a relatively new Rev flier, myself, I have been curious about the program. I think there is value in having a list of what to work on next, especially for me living in Montana, away from most other fliers. Right now, I know where to improve, but that list is short and sometimes we don't always know what we don't know. However, I am very surprised it appears that JB wasn't consulted. His videos have been shown time and again to be valuable to new and experienced pilots as being clear, concise and complete with best practices. As a corporate trainer, myself, I can speak to the frustrations of both the learner and the instructor when someone comes along and says, "Forget everything you just learned in training. Here's how we _really_ do things." If the training doesn't match what is being done in reality, then everyone suffers. Perhaps the program will improve based on everyone's suggestions and some benchmarking. Until I hear better, I will look forward to spending my kite money elsewhere.
  5. I broke 3 things today: 2 spars (at the the same time) and my personal record for the number of spars broken at once! 

  6. I have done air travel with my 2 Revs more than a few times over the past few months. My personal setup is that I purchased two telescoping architect tubes, bound them together with heavy-duty rubber bands, and crossed the straps to keep them together. An extra band on one tube marks where I store my vented, as well as the telescoping length I need to maintain. Sling the whole thing over my back, and I'm off. I've even flown my Revs wearing the tubes on my back that way a time or two so that I can switch out without having to trek back to my car. I've seen reference to other fliers (double meaning intended) being permitted to have their kites next to them at the window seat; I've not been that lucky. However, if I can't find a place in an overhead, I've had a few flight attendants allow me to stow them behind the last seat in front of the bulkhead. One attendant said they aren't supposed to do that, but they have all let me when nothing else was available. As with everything in life, an extra dose of courtesy goes a long way. The main point I wanted to caution you on, however, is to check the carry-on limit with each carrier you plan to use. When I traveled to Germany a little more than a year ago, they were very strict about only one carry-on, as opposed to the two permitted here in the states. The flight was in intra-national, and I wish I could remember the carrier. All I know is that I would have been in trouble. Please post how things turned out and where you went, as I'd love to hear more when you get back. Rabbit
  7. Just wanted to thank everyone for the assistance with the travel packing. Completely removing the frame was the piece I needed. Once I was able to package it in the blue carrier, it fit loosely with my computer bag and I was on my way. I was glad to have had it, as there was good wind at my destination, although it was also drizzling rain. I'm sure others were wondering what the heck I thought I was doing. No biggie, though. Just kept flying and dried my kite in front of the window back in the hotel room. Looked like a Rev advertisement from the outside! Again, thank you to everyone who chimed in. Looking forward to more travels with my Rev!
  8. I feel that the video on setting up and breaking down your Rev is very clear. I try to follow it to the letter every time I work with my kite. What I am not clear about is how to break down to size using the travel frame. I just got through trying several configurations, but there is clearly something I'm still missing. Hopefully someone has collapsed their kite down to travel frame size and can give me more info. I have read a lot about how people travel with their kite as carry-on in architecture plan and mailing tubes, and I'm prepared to do that for my next trip, if necessary. However, I specifically purchased the travel frame in hopes of a more compact package for when I fly, and I'm just not clear on how it all comes together. Here's where I am so far: 1) The travel frame LE breaks down into 6 segments. Separating all 6 and leaving about an inch of play between each segment (per the video on breaking down your kite) left a lot of extra spar sticking out on each side. I was uncomfortable leaving so much out, and given where the ends landed, that a bad shift could impale the sail, even after rolled up. 2) Completely removing one or two segments, folding (loosely, per the video) into 4 or 5 segments across the LE, seemed to put folds right on the tips, on the reinforced center at the inverted 'V', or the extra support fabric on the LE where the verticals connect, none of which seemed like a good idea. Does anyone have clear guidance on the best way to collapse down to travel frame size? How many travel spars are left in the leading edge? And if they are all removed, then how is the sail packaged up? (How do they package a sail when that is all you are purchasing from certain vendors?) If the whole thing is supposed to be able to fit in the blue travel size Rev bag, I can easily drop that into something with harder sides and would feel comfortable with putting it in my checked bag. Any help will be greatly appreciated on this. Thanks, -Rabbit
  9. Excellent! Thank you all for your support input. Great info. -R
  10. Apologies if I have missed this somewhere, but I'm not finding anything. I'm still in my first month, so maybe that gives me a little more allowance. So the first snow has fallen; I don't plan on letting that stop me (much) from flying, but I'm wondering if there will be a need to dry my lines after working in snow. Certainly I have seen discussion about drying your kite after flying in water, but I haven't seen any mention about the lines. I am on 90# 100' lines, LPG with the standard card winder, and I leave my handles connected (since it is my only line set... for now). Even with getting the knots out of the way and using a straight wind, the line definitely bunches up by the time I get to the end. If necessary, I'm sure I can find a way to facilitate drying them (hair dryer on high heat? Tumble in the clothes dryer? Ok, only kidding.), but I'm really not one who enjoys creating work for myself. I just don't know if having moisture in there is going to cause a problem. Snow shouldn't be as significant as some of the water flying I have seen, but it just raised the question for me. Thought? -Rabbit
  11. Welcome Caco! I'm not even a month in flying and I have found the people very welcoming and insightful. My recommendation would be to read as much as you can here and watch the videos over and over, and then read some more. This will help reduce the learning curve once you have your kite in hand and get you to where you are actually flying the kite sooner. -Rabbit
  12. Glad you have seen the light. As a new Rev flier, myself, I can tell you that learning was a breeze, but given that you are so limited in quality wind days, you'd want something that is ready to go. Just be ready (and warn the wife) that once you get it to lift off, there isn't much else you are going to want to do on your vacation. -Rabbit Oh, and all hail Calvin & Hobbes!
  13. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. It was been an interesting discussion and now I'm tempted to start looking for bridges around here. Besides, I'm sure my older brother, at some point, told me to go fly a kite off a short bridge. Or something like that. -Rabbit
  14. Broke my first spar the other day. Does that mean I'm in the gang?

  15. I'm sure the label is providing added structure support, even if only a little. What surprised me most was breaking in two places instead of just one.
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