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Everything posted by ACrop

  1. No problem...very light wind that morning at least until the storm blew in. Had to work to keep the kite in the air. Next time friend. April Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  2. Sleever? = Thin wire to pull line through? Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  3. Is that something I should call the local kite shop and ask about??? Would that be a reasonable thing to ask about???
  4. Seems to me that if someone knowledgeable brought bulk supplies folks who wanted to make a line could pay by the foot and learn in an hour or so how to do it correctly.
  5. I would love to see a "line making workshop" in conjunction with the clinics. It could even be run by the local shop. I would love to make some kite line, but would rather do it with someone my first time. I am guessing that to the knowledgeable making a new set of lines just takes an hour or two.
  6. Gonna have to learn what is "to big a curve". Gotta learn that before the equipment teaches me the hard way. Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  7. Went flying today. The kid's three slk would not stay up for more than 4 minutes each....it was killing me. Finally got to play and was feeling like the kite was in control. Let my husband have a turn and while watching him was painful it did show me that I am getting better. [emoji3] Having trouble with hovers turning into dives and the tips flapping around when I should be flying in reverse. But all their trouble comes with a silly smile. Saw my frame curving a bit in the gusts today...did a lot of walking forward to take off pressure. Today was the first time I have ever had to focus on backing up to where I started when the wind was calmer. Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  8. I am a beginner too if that helps. I know that driving 10 hours is no small commitment - but if you want to come out you will not be the only true newbie there. I plan on sucking all I can out of the two days flying at the clinic. Headed out right now to use what local wind I can...thanks to the hurricane it is a perfect flying day here- quite a rare thing.
  9. I am with Mike on this....I am headed out today to play but this is the first wind to speak of this week. Hoping for a good weekend thanks to the storm, but thinking I am going to have to play chicken with the rain at times. Today we have some 8mph winds...wow! New lines from Cath coming tomorrow so I will have some 120' to bring to the clinic. I have been reading the "how to do your own lines" posts and it is making my head swim. I know it can't be that hard, but I am having trouble staying focused with thoughts of clinic and weekend wind floating through my head. Guess I should just watch another JB tutorial for something to try out and get outside. Wiggly, jittery readiness...
  10. I have been wondering if you can draw or otherwise mark on a rev without long term damage to the fibers. Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  11. No thanks. I am only truly tempted by certain colors and am relieved to not find temptation here... Good luck. Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  12. Can you post/snd a picture? Color? Sent from my iPad using KiteLife mobile app
  13. If fortune cookies that apt really do exist I need to change restaurants. My fortune cookies are usually not even grammatically correct. Sent from my iPad using KiteLife mobile app
  14. Was money for the wind meters included in the class fees or should I bring some single dollars to contribute? I knew that I had it bad yesterday when the newspaper article about the new fake skydiving wind tunnel at a mall an hour from here made me think "that would make a weird wind window...wonder if they can run that thing at only 10mph." Sent from my iPad using KiteLife mobile app
  15. I know about sparrow fart breeze here in Maryland. I have had moments where I struggle to stay aloft. I need better skills so I can enjoy what wind I do get, and so I can feel safer in smaller areas where spectators come along. Lately I have been using the empty fairgrounds parking fields just because of the room to move and no people. However they mow so infrequently I have thought about creating a new trick that involves popping the big flowers off of clovers with my kite lines. I won't be able to leave MD until around 2, so maybe in NC around 8:30? Sent from my iPad using KiteLife mobile app
  16. I know about sparrow fart breeze here in Maryland. I have had moments where I struggle to stay aloft. I need better skills so I can enjoy what wind I do get, and so I can feel safer in smaller areas where spectators come along. Lately I have been using the empty fairgrounds parking fields just because of the room to move and no people. However they mow so infrequently I have thought about creating a new trick that involves popping the big flowers off of clovers with my kite lines. I won't be able to leave MD until around 2, so maybe in NC around 8:30? Sent from my iPad using KiteLife mobile app
  17. Yeah, watching JB's tutorials made me know that it was a good choice. I think that it will be a good time, just have to let go of the guilt over doing something so big just for self and fun. I am also motivated to take a class before I get any bad habits well learned. Unlearning is not fun. Thanks to Mike for coming with a generous heart about his gear. I wince every crash...but am getting better each time. Sent from my iPad using KiteLife mobile app
  18. I just signed up for the clinic. Excited and nervous and ready to crash - and to fly. Just curious, anyone open to saving $$ by sharing accommodations? I can swing it solo but would always rather buy new gear than spend more on a hotel. I am a stable, happily married for 18 years, non-smoker. While I polite in the morning you would not have to worry about an excess of morning cheeriness. Just contact me if interested. See y'all soon.
  19. Ok y'all. I registered for the clinic. Man, my family is gonna think I went crazy...they were already looking at me funny when I was trying to fly on a narrow NC beach this summer rather than building sand castles. Oh well, not the first strange thing I have done, likely not the last. Hope to see some friendly faces in North Carolina. My husband says that anyone who would sign-up for this type of clinic is likely to be our kind of person - very friendly and interesting in general. See ya soon. (I also ordered some extended leaders - those don't need to be mailed if you just want to bring them to the clinic that works for me.) Thanks to all who answered and encouraged.
  20. I understand why the vents - I guess what I was trying to ask is: "what do you see/notice when you have a rev aloft and the wind is to strong for the equipment you are flying?" Is it that you no longer feel in control? Is is that the leading edge curves too much or that the lines hum....how do experienced kiters know "better get this sail down and switch to my vented one before I break something!" What do you look for so you don't break or stretch something? I had been thinking of calling Flying Smiles, I think Cath would get a kick out of hearing from me so soon - especially because she predicted that I would be back. Thanks for the reply.
  21. Hey John, I joined because I am considering signing up for the NC Quad clinic on Sept 10-11, but had a few questions before I could commit. I am a beginner, some limited control, some crashes, and some moments of bliss. I spent a couple of hours with Cath Shook and then bought a full 1.5B kite from her. I am hooked, but struggling to deal with the lack of steady wind in my area. Cath said I live in the "land of no wind" and she is right...I live in an area where lots and lots of trees are the norm. As a mother of three kids, driving a ways for wind is possible but not likely on a regular basis. However, I do have places in my normal weekly routine that have clear space if I can manage to use what wind I get. So my questions are: 1. I know that the class location is chosen for good wind, but will the class - or could the class also cover some learning on dealing with flying in areas of limited disturbed wind? If I can become decent on shorter lines and with the wind found on the sports fields with trees at the edges near me then I am more likely to keep flying than if I have to commit to driving 45 minutes one way to find good wind. 2. I read in the forum that you are recommending each student bring a full sail, full vented sail, 80'ish lines and 120' lines. I am reluctant to buy a vented sail, as I (in my infinite beginner knowledge ) worry that most of my wind will be light and gusty. If I stick with kiting because I am successful with it, I don't doubt that I will end up with a vented sail, but right now how do I make choices that put my money where I will get the most fly time? So the questions are: do I need to buy a vented sail for the clinic? At the clinic will we learn when I should be changing from one sail to the other - how do I recognize when the wind is too strong for the equipment I have in the air? 3. I would need to get some 120' lines - any recommendations on where to get them? What should a set cost? Thanks April
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