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Everything posted by ACrop

  1. I find it ironic that a sport/activity based on objects light enough to float in the breeze ends up with such big/heavy collections of stuff. I understand the what and why of it, but the irony remains. Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  2. ACrop

    Replacing rods

    I didn't crack it in the sky, I cracked it while trying to push it out of the leading edge to change the frame back to a lighter one after a big wind day. I do t get much big wind, so having a 4 wrap day was exciting. Tomorrow may also be big, lower 20s with gusts in upper 30s. Not a good time to have cracked one. Thanks for the reply. Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  3. ACrop

    Replacing rods

    This is a timely thread for me...I cracked a rod for the first time today. I was pushing the LE out of my sail to change the frame and heard a cracking sound. The ferrule must not have been properly seated. There is a 3/4 crack starting at the tip and running down the rod. It is on a 4 wrap that I was taking out of my vented to swap in a race for today's lighter wind. Couldn't believe the 20+ winds we had a couple of weeks ago that made me set up the 4 wrap, I spent most of the time flying so far out on the edge of the window that the wind was hitting me form dead left. Felt like I was hiding from the gusts that were making my 4wrap bend. I digress, so the crack in the rod leads me to ask all those with knowledge and wisdom: Do i keep flying this rod or retire it? Is there a repair strategy? Could I use it just marking the cracked end and making sure that that end is always in a certain position on my sail?? Strong winds forecast for tomorrow here, so I really don't want to make a bad choice. Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  4. I did give my 5 year old son the handles the other day on a light wind day on 30" lines and he was able to launch it without help. Not bad. Not that it stayed launched, but then I was struggling to stay aloft that day too. Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  5. Loved this video. Awesome skills, entertaining to watch both the kite and the flyer. Really enjoyed the moment of human error too...Even John has tough moments. Man, if I can work to get 1/8 his skill I will be happy. Once again my kids said "Mommy, is that John?". If they keep this up there will be young flyers in the weekend clinics in a couple of years. Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  6. I have used the See'Em LED Mini Spoke Lights clipped to the bungees at the leading edge of my rev. They are light and pretty visible and seem to hold direction pretty well. http://www.niteize.com/product/See-Ems.asp However, I struggled with depth perception on how far away people walking were compared to where my kite was. I really worried a bit about bonking someone just because in watching my kite it was hard to watch for non-lit pedestrians walking into the flight path. I would love to try night flying again somewhere without the foot traffic nearby. Or I just need to post my spouse out at the kite end to watch for them.....
  7. Yeah it was fun. The wind was good, changing directions a bit but good. Tourists are pretty clueless. While the site is awesome for flying it is also just the right distance for selfies w the monument apparently. Had severalty to people walk past me and literally sit down in the grass in the "high crash risk zone" and do extensive selfy sessions. Changed from 120' lines to 80 just to give myself myore room to maneuver clear of the current selfy crowd. Was wishing I was good enough to photo bomb them without worrying that a gust would make me scare them on accident. [emoji3]. Thanks for taking photos Frank. Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  8. Looking at 12:30 to 12:40 after looking at 12:30 to 12:40 after parking Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  9. Got it. See ya there. Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  10. Where near the monument? It is a big area....and I don't remember a dead tree.[emoji3] Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  11. I am coming from outside beltway probably all the way by car then bike from my parking spot-on where ever that ends up being. Was going to aim to get to monument area around noon. Lunch and kites are packed. Wind is pretty good here at home, the kind of gusty that gives me hope for what I will find in other places. Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  12. I have been doing a good bit of low wind time, and it is still frustrating but I am not giving up. Even when I get wind it is often so variable on direction and speed that it is challenging. I am currently working on recovering ground after a walk backwards and gaining altitude with as little walking back as possible, and trying not to loose altitude when turning back to center out at the edge. Which frame is lighter the GT race or a 2 wrap? I have been trying low wind with 90# 30' or 80' lines on a standard B with a GT race frame. I don't have 50# lines yet, was thinking about making some but the places that I most frequently fly are often not well mowed and I sometimes catch on the grass. I am worried that yanking a line caught well on hearty field clover could damage it?? I don't mind plugging away at light wind in private, but I think out on the national mall I would rather have some wind the first time. [emoji16] Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  13. I am also a quad newbie and struggle w wind below 5-6mph. I would love to fly on the mall, and it looks like the wind will pick up around noon. I would be interested in packing a lunch and flying for a while. The earliest I could do would be around 10:30 and the latest I could stay would be 2:30ish. Anything within that window might work for me. Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  14. What do you consider early? What hours are you likely to be there? Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  15. Well, the weather app says 18-21 mph winds this afternoon....which is rare rare rare here...but so is the the 3" of rain expected today. The "costco sized" hummus tub that I use as a rain gauge is full out on the porch railing. So no flying right now. It has been steady and constant today, yucky day for flying but good for putting the little one down for a nap.
  16. Yeah, no desire to be like Ben Franklin out there. I am usually on a standard and debating if I should keep working the gusts or give it up. Good to know about the wet causing more stretch, that is something to consider for sure. Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  17. Rain, rain go away but leave the breeze for today... So it wasn't the rain that sent me to roll up my lines today, it was the massive roll of thunder that announced the predicted change from grey and gusty to thunderstorms that was the nudge I needed. However, before I gave in I found myself contemplating "if the sail gets wet, it must get heavier. I wonder how much the wind range is impacted by the sail being wet?" Anyone got advice on how many more mph of windspeed is needed to keep a sail up when it goes from dry to wet? Just curious, the wind I get is frequently light enough that I am struggling to stay aloft - making skill building hard. Wondering if staying out in the (non-thunderstorm) showers is worth trying out or if borderline wind + wet wieght= no flight for me. Also, is there a secret "bring on the wind but not the rain/thunder" ritual or dance that I can learn? Don't get me wrong, I ain't complaining - I got a full 10 minutes with my full vent sail the other day before switching back to the standard. Not bad for an inland field round here.
  18. Anyone else notice the handles he was using in that video? Seemed really long on the brake ends. Interesting. I tried using 15" handles recently and can't say that I like them yet...my beginner oversteering doesn't need the extra leverage. Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  19. I knew that there would be doubts, just thought I would post up what I was told. I will be sure to close the info loop after I meet up with an experienced flyer with the older "good rods". Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  20. Are you doing one row of straight stitch on each side and end of the vertical wear strip? Stitch length the same as factory stitch length? I am just nervous about tension of stitches, usually I run a test swatch to see if the tension is good, but I don't have any kite scraps to test on. Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  21. I knew that the post was going to cause comments[emoji16] I got green trimmed label, black poles- the ones we were comparing on flex. I will compare against older non-green race rods when I get a chance. Not that I will be flying them for a while- not until my inverted hover is predictable and I can do a good downward turning 8. So much to learn so little wind. Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  22. I asked lolly specifically about the green trimmed race vs the older black label only race frame. She seems to be saying that they have tested the newest green trimmed race rod batch and are promising lower flex like the older ones pre-green trim. We will see, right? Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app
  23. You know that we were talking about the race rods and stiffness at the clinic? Well when I ordered my sail (straight from revolution after talking to several brick and mortar kite shops on both coasts) I asked Lolly about the rods and asked about not getting green race rods. She said that the flex issues are resolved. I just looked at my invoice and found a handwritten note from her on it saying: "We tested this newer batch of race rods. The flex (stiffness) on this frame is good and correct. Promise. Thank you Lolly" So it will be interesting to compare my race rods to others rods when I get on the field with folks. Thanks for the info Lolly!
  24. Hey, Can I get a reminder/clarification on the sail reinforcements that were recommended? I just got a vented sail, guess that will count for Christmas. I want to reinforce both sails before I fly much more, and my sewing machine is ready and willing. Here is what I remember of the reinforcements recommended: - reinforce the leading edge mesh with grosgrain ribbon and a straight stitch with thread that I don't remember what it was. -add a second line of stitching to the trailing edge - straight stitch -add reinforcement to the sail where the vertical rod touches - but that I don't remember what that was - was it a stick on or a stitch on? I seem to remember a comment on keeping the needle clean of the adhesive? Guess I should stitch up a kite bag while I am at it....having the extra frame in with the sail is getting to be a pain. Should tell you that my husband was not impressed by the idea that all of your huge kite collections make my two sails look reasonable and normal. If anything he may have taken it as a big warning sign. Hard to blame him, I won't be adding up the cost any time soon.
  25. Did I learn anything? Yes, hovers are now stronger - Left, up, and right are getting good, and downwards hovers are stronger but still a work in progress. I have 1/2 a flick flack, and better control all around. I use the wind window better and fly with better speed control. Not to imply that I am always in control, when I get tired the kite can still take over. I learned that team flying is great fun and have since told my spouse that I am interested in him flying with me... we will see how that goes. May need to shop for a used beater sail for him so I can let him fly without wincing every time he crashes. He seems to have more crashes to his initial learning curve than I had. After I got home and flew again I learned something else - the team follow maneuver that I was struggling with was not a problem just because I was tired at the end of the weekend. I realized that while I do figure 8s all the time I had only been doing upward turning 8s and the team was trying a downward turning 8 to follow. I think that the crossing lines for the first time and being tired defiantly did not make it easier, but I think that I needed practice on the down-turning 8 in general. I never had thought about the direction of the 8 until I tried to recreate the maneuver at home and realized that it was a different direction of 8 than what I had been doing. I also loved sleeping deep with no children around. Spring clinic, maybe, just maybe. Cheers all, thanks for a good time.
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