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Ca Ike

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Everything posted by Ca Ike

  1. Hey Cjay, Contact Old City Kites in Sacramento, CA. I know as of yesterday they had quite a few beetles and also the high wind kits for them. Anne and Anwar are good people.
  2. The widow NG you have to remember is a cheaper version of the widowmaker. Diferent sail material and different framing but a good kite for the money. Premier did a good job on the kite and for those that don't know, the NG stands for New Graphics. Consider it an entry level Widowmaker. Steve Tapps pro version has some small sail changes bit I don't remember what they are and I'd have to ask Jon or Devin.
  3. Devins goal was to modernize the Tica so other than a deeper sail there shouldn't be much difference from the original sail design according to Devin early on in the development. I loved the original Tica and IF Devin kept the rail straight locked in tracking, no oversteer lightning quick turning and just made tricks more accessible but not trick kite easy, then it will be a winner for me as I like to fly precision/trick ballet style. The WM has always been a great kite and the UL is a favorite of mine down to 1mph but I never got a chance to fly the Tapp pro version to compare.
  4. I’m on the fence with the new tica. Honestly after the Solus, I’m hesitant about any kite claims Devin makes. I flew what was supposed to be the final prototype of the Solus and pre ordered based on that flight test. What I got was worlds different and I had to do some tuning, as RobB well knows to feel like I didn’t waste $700. There’s a few people I trust that have flown the tica I’m going to talk to before I make the leap. I have flown the original tica and it is an amazing kite. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  5. So heads is COT, tails Riff..... and the winner is...... COT. Flip supervised and witnessed by Weston and Sparky
  6. I'll do the flip later today.
  7. I don't own then......yet. I just know where a box full of brand new ones is located. My estimation is there are at least 150 rainbow diamonds in this box. If I work out a deal with the owner I will probably post some up for sale.
  8. Btw the air guitar was made exclusively by new tech. You can try contacting Rob and see if they happen to have one hidden somewhere. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  9. There’s always the george peters Petersaur. Joel Schultz skybirds. Lots of options on Gomberg’s site Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  10. Not much interest so far heh? Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  11. I know where a box full of never opened rainbow stunters are
  12. This is a fun kite. Quite different from anything I have flown though I'm not sure I had it put together right. I even got it to side slide and do a sloppy axel. The new Karma is submitted and should be up shortly
  13. Sorry for the delay folks. Life got in the way but here is the new item up for grabs. Keeping with the something different idea I am offering up a Spiderkites Leon triple diamond stack. This was the kite to beat in the precision category and is a crisp flying stack with a deep dihedral giving it superb tracking. All the usual Karma rules apply. I will let this run until 10-5 when Mr Random will choose a winner. Photo is a stock pic from spiderkites. I will post actual pics asap. Some rules and guidelines: Don’t play unless you’re willing to put up a prize and ship it to whoever wins. Shipping is paid by the original poster, the winner pays nothing. Be prepared to ship your prize anywhere in the lower 48 US States. Sorry, but due to shipping costs, we really have to limit this to the lower 48 US States. RULE CHANGE (7/31/2014): Members from Canada, Alaska, and Hawaii are welcome to enter the Karma drawings provided they are willing to pay half of the Karma prize shipping cost. The method and timing of the payment will be agreed upon between the two parties after the drawing for a particular prize. You can choose the length of the giveaway, but keep it between 1 and 2 weeks. Try to ship the prize promptly. You should be able to ship it within a week, but if you can’t, PM the winner and let them know. Sometimes life gets in the way! This whole thing works on the honor system so if there are any problems shipping or receiving a prize, it needs to be worked out between the two parties. Don’t forget…Karma! This isn’t a competition, but feel free to be generous! If you can only put up a hat, or a tail for a stunt kite, great! If you have something in your kite bag that you never fly and would be willing to ship, that’s great too. Either way, the people that join to win it will appreciate it. When you receive your prize, post a thank you to the thread where you won it.  The thread will be locked after that point so the new **KARMA** stays above it.  Good luck, and have fun! 
  14. Thanks. Now on to the mammoth task of deciding what I want to post up for the next Karma.
  15. I'm in. Been wanting to try one of these for years.
  16. https://images.app.goo.gl/dezvjKGiAgM5qa9b9 Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  17. Your talking about Martin Lester’s guitar kite. I think Into The Wind still sells them and other kite shops might have one laying around too so you have to search. Theresa Norelius would be a good person to contact as well Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  18. If your in Vegas, check out new silverbowl park. That’s where everyone in Vegas flies, usually on Friday nights. Next suggestion is to get a lighter frame like a 2 wrap. Vegas winds are regularly 5or lower so you have to gear for lighter wind. Sent from my iPad using KiteLife mobile app
  19. This is such a loaded question. I have too many that are tied for the top spot. Prodancer, Vapor, Tattoo, Ocius, eclipse, Echo, ozone.......all depends on my flying mood.
  20. I'm in. Under rated kite IMO.
  21. I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world......it’s just All bad[emoji12] Sent from my iPad using KiteLife mobile app
  22. In fact the only two quads I've flown that didn't bowtie are the original Mquad that just happens to have curved edges and the airbow. My Solution quad will do it, my Hypnotic quad does it and of course my revs.
  23. So I've seen some fixes for the bow tie issue revs are prone to and I'm curious as to why the dual angle outer edge is the chosen fix. Lam does it on his ABS quad, Jon on his Djinn, Mat on his home builts. Jon stated in another thread that the trailing edge of the sail is where the problem is in that as you give brake there is a point where part of the edge flips before the rest causing the upright to flip. I noticed this on my rev today but where I saw it happening is along the trailing edge from the tip of the up right to about half way to the center panel and the more the center of the sail billows out, the easier it is to bowtie. How does that dual angle on the outer edge stop the bow tie or is there another mod to the sail shape that does it? I've toyed with the idea of a curved trailing edge inbetween the up rights as a fix but haven't tried it yet.
  24. Got everything worked out and kite received today. DH works long hours so if your trying to work out a deal be patient as it will take him a bit to get back to you. I'm quite satisfied with the deal.
  25. Last response I got asked for shipping address and said that he would be working long hours this week so might not ship until next week,but he forgot to give me his PayPal so I can pay him. He works a lot of 12 hour days so I’m trying to be patient. Sent from my iPad using KiteLife mobile app
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