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Everything posted by mwp

  1. note some sail wear or something on right.
  2. Selling this exp skin for $50, in good condition; bridle is great, prefer u.s. buyers.
  3. Recently I have been kiting in a beautiful area of Socal. Here is an example of one of my spots(either the park on right or between the 2 lamp posts) along the beach but I have a few areas within a mile radius. There is a substantial amount of foot traffic, if I had to guess; roughly 200 - 500 people in a few hour session. I am by no means pro but I do have a good amount of tricks in my book, so I ask you guys what is the general reaction you get flying in public? Here are my thoughts: You can do a perfect flapjack, flic flac, yo yo,... you name it and 1 out of 100 people will turn their head and watch for 10 - 45 seconds. I used to fly revs with a guy here and he would literally stall on the top of the lamp posts and use them as obstacle courses, it was very impressive but no one cared. Children under 10 on the other hand love to chase revs and then parents suddenly think they are cool.. Some people just hate kites and the people that fly them, when there is the whole beach available they will decide to specifically walk in the flight path forcing you to land and then just step over lines, I have noticed this is particularly true of foreigners that are visiting the area although some foreigners are incredibly interested and careful. Ill be flying perfectly on short lines on an empty beach and a few people have even told me to go home because there was no wind. My favorite was a guy throwing a football directly at me while I was flying and another putting cones around me to create a soccer field when the WHOLE entire beach is empty at 8am. Kites are immediately associated with childhood no matter what you are doing. I.e. ("I haven't flown a kite since I was 14.") Some people will assume you do not contribute to society and you are unemployed even though they are also at the beach in the middle of the day. Now for the positives: When you receive compliments it is always: "Nice kite, where did you get it?", "Thats cool, what is it called?" , only three times in the past 3 months has someone complimented me on my flying. If just one of these 10 people that asks you about what it is buys a kite the hobby potentially grows. Occasionally you will really interest someone and they will take videos on their phones for a few minutes; I have noticed women tend to try and discreetly snap a photo and keep moving. All in all I think we have a lot of work to do in order to make kiting a more generally accepted hobby and peak public interest; some of the things you guys are doing are really incredible. I am curious to hear what you guys have to say about the response in your community. PS. Please ping me if you know of anyone flying in Los Angeles area (I feel like I'm the only one)
  4. Mine had the staining too when I purchased four months ago or so. I decided to fly it anyways
  5. Hey guys posting this for Tommy Chidester who used to frequent the San Diego area but now is in Venice/Santa Monica. I have had the pleasure of flying with Tommy daily for the past month, unfortunately due to some health issues and his living situation Tommy needs to sell these kites. All are in good condition, although I think a small piece of the venting is tearing on the leading edge of one of the vented kites. For the price of $1000 + shipping you will receive: 1 exp (this is a special one with only 3 icarex panels, this was given to him by Joe Hadzicki himself) b series mid vent b series full vent super blast 2.4 Various assorted line sets (at least 6, most laserpro), awesome fat carbon handles, kite stakes, a kite bag (zipper works) More complete album here: http://imgur.com/a/SKHUK
  6. you might be a kite nut if this is your car.
  7. You might be a kite nut if you decided to take a job that paid 16% less so that you could go fly in the middle of the day.
  8. Just as I was considering planning a kitecation to the pacific northwest, awesome contest! Best of luck.
  9. cool. I just want to get it somewhat close to factory or better ;p Prism Fanatic, Dodd gross French Connection and my newly acquired sea devil
  10. wow ok cool. I had so much trouble just trying to tie a simple prusik that the thought even scares me but I guess there are not really any other options. Any bridle line recommendations?
  11. So you have some older kites that you love to fly but can no longer get replacement parts for. The bridle is about to break, what do you do?
  12. Hey guys, I am looking for a few dual skybond linesets in various lengths. I know they sell a 1000' spool but I don't really have the patience or capabilities to make them right now. 30' #100 50' #100 x 2 60' #100 I would take any or all of these right now if anyone is willing to make them.
  13. Thanks guys, will get written permission. It seems like the 5 mile rule applies to kites with a line length over 150 feet OR over 5 pounds so in most cases a stunt kite would not apply. (2) Except as provided for in §101.7, any kite that weighs more than 5 pounds and is intended to be flown at the end of a rope or cable. No person may operate an unshielded moored balloon or kite more than 150 feet above the surface of the earth unless, at least 24 hours before beginning the operation, he gives the following information to the FAA ATC facility that is nearest to the place of intended operation:
  14. Thanks for the great reply. Here is a map of the location for reference, the red box was where I was flying with 40 foot lines below even the tree level. The white boxes are where the police officer told me I could fly. I will try to reach out to the control tower and see what their thoughts are.
  15. I was asked to leave a park near a small local airport due to FAA regulation. After looking into the law further it seems that the law only covers kites over 5 pounds with a line length greater then 150 feet. It seems like this may be a common misconception? http://www.faa.gov/airports/airport_development/omp/FAQ/General_Concerns/#q8 https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?rgn=div5&node=14:
  16. Wow this is awesome. As a new member Im in!
  17. Hello, Great to be here. Im local to Los angeles and looking for dual line enthusiasts to fly.
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