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Everything posted by Fluke

  1. Fluke

    Fluke's journey

    phew haven't flown since last year. need to get back at it
  2. funny thing is i never say i want something.... i say i need it. that, my friend, is "fooling oneself 101"
  3. I was really on the fence between the silverfox (not pro) and widow ng. Only reason I went silverfox is because the pro was at a very good priced. I live in Mauritius, shipping to here is $40 minimum for something bulky as a full size kite so i do a lot of research before I order something [emoji14] Learned about getting quality over quantity the hard way. I have a chinamade foil, a Chinese delta, a few Chinese single lines and the paimpol equivalent of the beatle. All are poo. The paimpol was somewhat decent but the cheap chinese stuff.... To be fair they cost around $3 a piece with the shipping... But it's a sure way to push peoples away from the hobby. I have friends who would have not even look back on kites after buying those if they didn't see the hypnotist go. If you want a silverfox ul i won't stop you [emoji14] my silverfox feels and looks very "high end" even next to the prism (people go "woa" looking at it ). But the sf ul is closer to a standard kite than a true ultralight Sent from my [device_name] using http://KiteLife mobile app
  4. I was looking around at low wind kites when I stumbled upon this pair from flyingwings. And opinion on them? Seems interesting and in my budget (acrobatx ul too). What would you pick between the airwave ul, airwave zero and acrobatx ul? Sent from my [device_name] using http://KiteLife mobile app
  5. Fluke

    Widow ng

    talking about Jim? very nice guy and very patient with me when i ordered the sf about c-clips: are they glued in place or just clipped on? my hypnotist could benefit from a few around the connectors
  6. hmm i have a set of 150# 66ft dyneema. gonna try that next time i go out. i presume shorter lines = less drag as well and more direct feel to the kite. since i no longer lawn dart at full throttle (well, panic aside) i might have a go on the sf just to see
  7. pretty much new. rarely flew 100ft. i'm pretty much used to the 85ft.so haven't had the time to really feel the difference
  8. Might sound stupid but i thought of cutting down my 100ft line down to 85ft. Is there a noticeable difference between these lengths? Or is it not worth the hassle? Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L21 using KiteLife mobile app
  9. I need to convert your imperial stuff into metric More than pound rating, i've come to the conclusion that line brands is important as well. i have a set from HQ and a set from Decathlon. both 130#. the Decathlon ones are twice as thick as the HQ which i presume, creates more drag. Right now i'm using 130# 100 ft on the silverfox and 130# 80ft on my hypnotist and thinking of using a chopped pair of 150# 65ft on my future orao feel-r160 because that's what i have laying around. might get some shanti or lpg lines when i decide to get new ones
  10. Fluke

    Fluke's journey

    Had a low wind session with hypno wind was very low at first. set bridles to low wind and remove the top spreader. managed to float a bit. then wind picked up a bit but was still around 2-3 beaufort (i'm guessing around 7-8kmh. gust like around 12-13kmh), managed to stay aloft. what i did learn is to better play with the wind window and i succeeded in a few axels (very slowly. i was like "did you see that? that was on purpose") and managed to get into a fade from a turtle but more work is needed to hold it. i'm on holidays a whole month so i might hit beaches and football grounds a bit during the week. i wonder if foxy would have been better in those winds...
  11. Fluke

    Widow ng

    Kites: more than meets the eye (my facebook friends can concure)
  12. Fluke


    being a beginner with multiple kites too i can see what you mean by hinder progress, but in the same time it allows my to adjust to multiple flying styles. + i fly with less fear of breaking because i know i will have a backup kite to keep me up if i ever i break something and need to order stuff.
  13. agreed. always try to fly with a purpose, which is quite boring for onlookers because it's like me attempting a lazy susan, failing, falling from the sky, belly launch or cartwheel (those tricks i know ) and go up to attempt a lazy susan again. right now i'm here
  14. Fluke

    Widow ng

    on step 5, petroleum jelly can help
  15. Fluke

    Widow ng

    if the lowerspreader damage is not too severe (like just splitting then a temporary fix would be ca glue and cable ties. would get you up again while waiting for replacement
  16. my low wind flight skills right now is mostly the kite falling from the sky any video of this?
  17. Which is the reason why the 4d is eyeing me. right now all i do when there's no wind is equalizing lines
  18. ha same same. i was big into offroad rc buggy. on race weekends i would spent around $200-300 between fees, fuel, tires, glowplugs and what not. still kept one car for fun. oh and the maintenance....
  19. Fluke

    Fluke's journey

    i don't plan on not getting hooked 😁 . since we're at it: what's the difference between the rev rx and the 1.5 classic. both have reflex, right?
  20. but even the most expensive and advanced trick kite is still way cheaper than a decent stunt rc aircraft setup haven't tried heli much. had a ttr raptor and an align trex. sold them before crashing them. still have nitro stuff
  21. John Barresi is also the reason i got back. I knew about dlk ballets and precision flying but the tricks blew my mind. I had no idea kites could do that. Also why right now I am preferring dlk over qlk. Qlk seems too "flat" trick wise and is closer to ballets than tricking. Having tried one i do have an idea of how much skill is involved. But still, doesn't appeal to me right now. Dl trick kite appeals to the same part of me that got me into rc 3d helicopters (search alan szabo on YouTube. You'll understand) Still wants a rev though [emoji39] Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L21 using KiteLife mobile app
  22. Fluke

    Fluke's journey

    Thank you [emoji1] the hypno and the sf are two veeeerrrry different beasts. I even did fades and yo-yos on the sf completely by accident (followed by the infamous "i meant to do that" lie [emoji28]) it's very (too?) responsive. I can barely control it on turbo bridle. But i'm trying to have as much fly time as i can on it to tame foxy. Right now hypno is still my go to learning kite. Even bought a 25m ribbon to make a tail . About being a kite hoarder: i'm actually trying to control myself. I now have 3 single lines, a parafoil, a small delta, a pocket kite in the mail and a friend is sending me an orao feel'r160 [emoji14] but to be fair the feel'r will be a loaner kite. I've seen people crash this thing hard first hand and it stills fly like new so it's going to be the one i let people try on. But i still have a prism 4d eyeing me... And lets not go into the revolution stuff [emoji24] Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L21 using KiteLife mobile app
  23. Fluke

    Fluke's journey

    Had a great time Sunday with B13 and his bro giving me tips. Those guys are very chill [emoji1] Anyway i've been DIYing a bit. First is a kite stake made from a tent spike bought off ebay and a hard rubber ball. The clip is for when i equalize lines. Bringing me to the equalizer made from a plastic protractor, paracord and some dremeling skills (color matched to the rubber ball stake). Basically hook the lines on each sides, pull on the paracord and if the center notch aligns with the cord, the lines match Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L21 using KiteLife mobile app
  24. Fluke

    Fluke's journey

    Dramatized story coming So since i'm on holidays, yesterday I decided to take my kites out for a spin. wind was very low but then gradually picked up to 10-12km/h. At this point i was experimenting with turbo vs 3p bridle on the sf (and i by far prefer the 3p right now). So here i am floating around. managed some axels and lazy suzans and occasionally landing on the nose. no full impact high speed lawn darts mind you, but little taps. Following one of what i called "gentle taps" my kite was on the leading edge. no problemo: cartwheeled like a pro (felt proud of me) and relaunched. and that thing was LOUD. Thought to myself "oh well, must've loosen the leechline on that little impact". so i land (still like a pro. worked hard not to look like an idiot in front of an audience...of which there was none that day ) and walked towards the kite. This is where i got my first "oh crap" moment. from the distance i could si the sail all crinkled up at the centre +. ok no biggie maybe the + moved. been there, done that. So i move to the kite, straigten the sail. no rip/tear so that's good. so i try to move the plastic + piece up... and oddly it's right where it was supposed to be on the centre spine.... that's odd..... so i pull on the keel and felt slack under the velcro. I was like "oh crap, i broke a spine......". so i brought the kite towards my field bag, already calculating how long would replacement parts take to come (at least 2-3weeks). unfastened the velcro and the cylindrical weight falls out along with a piece of plastic. and i'm like "great, the keel T piece broke too". proceeded to check out the actual spine and.... it is perfectly intact.... But it made no sense. it was too short so something must be missing...... My moment of confusion passing, i take the keel T and try to fit it in the spine.. hmmm doesn't fit... wait what about the plastic piece that i thought broke off?.... oh wait it's a c-clip... a small c-clip.... putting 2 and 2 together i concluded that there should be a carbon rod in there between the keel and the spine. but where is it? I let out another "oh crap" as i raise my eyes, gazing at the football field as i contemplate the possibility of having to look for a carbon rod in the grass... So i set off in my search (so much for not looking like an idiot) as i was thinking how to replace it (i'm into archery as well so i got plenty of 5.5mm carbon rods lying around). then it hit me: i store my upper spreader in the lower spreader..... what if.... literally ran back to the kite. removed the spine, shook it and it rattles!!. a few taps and the rod comes out! The let out the loudest sigh of relief ever! So back home, glued the c clip back. and now writing to you while i wait for it to cure fully. In retrospect i was lucky i didn't break anything... even luckier i didn't loose the weight and c-clip. tl/dr idiot thought he broke his kite. drama ensued
  25. Thanks, i'll read it when i get the time I got to test my "invention" and it handles much better. actually has a little pull now. i also experimented with turbo (no theory behind it. just hooked the inhaul further down the tow point) and it calmed the kite down. I need to get some bridle lines and try out other configurations. starting to get the logic behind all that
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