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About PDX Ron

  • Birthday 12/05/1981

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Newbie (1/7)



  1. been a long time since ive flown. Ill try and make it out for a bit. both days? and around what time?
  2. ill be there wednesday morning and will be leaving thursday night... hope i run into you somewhere david... the last event there was fun....
  3. couldnt make it due to too much ice and the highways being closed due to massive car pileups......
  4. ill be there..........
  5. where was that pic taken at?? the area looks familar..
  6. UMMM MHCC in gresham has a huge gym, its open on weekdays all day until 9 or 10pm mon-fri.. there usually pretty cool about flying in there..
  7. theres a little beach off the columbia river by the airport thats not bad to fly at if you find the the right day with the right wind... and wen all else fails i go indoors and fly....
  8. me, jenny, my dad, and our 3 dogs are coming down for the day on saturday.. and this is in 2 says right? on the 4th?? we dont know any one in seaside, sorry penny....
  9. hmm, how far away is seaside from rockaway beach??? could we buggy it?? revs pack down pretty small...
  10. i have scooter buisness to attend to early sunday, and its jenny's grandpa's 80th b-day sunday, but were on for saturday....
  11. so what all consists of a fun fly??
  12. PDX Ron


    i would say at least twice as many revs... maybe it was just on odd year or are people finnaly catching on to what we already know....
  13. ill be at that licoln citty event....did you learn to fly at WSIKF?? did i teach you??
  14. ill be indoors alot more now penny, i finnaly got a rev indoor. went over to the local community collage gym to find people putting a new floor in, so much for practice for a few months.. jenny bought an SLE and is hooked on quads . my 1.5 is halfway fixed .. buggying was great the days you werent there but atleast you got to play. too bad you didnt get to try monkey-boy's mountainboard.. when and where is the next indoor/outdoor event??? wind? we dont need no stinking wind...
  15. WSIKF was alot of fun. great weather wednesday,thursday, and friday, saturdya we got raind out and sunday after noon was bright sunny and warm.. the indoor fly on wednesday got taken over by theese disk things on a string and stick but was still fun, too buisy buggying on thursday to go to the indoor fly... had fun helping out with the revoulution lessons(thanks for the air time).....cant wait till next year..
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