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Everything posted by rhardie

  1. I have a Nik Nak that I don't fly any more... It flys in the least amount of wind and in no wind at all if you are willing to move. If the wind is down to where I have to pull the kite out, I usually go home. Not a bad kite at all. Just not a trickter. If the kite does handle 8 - 10, you wouldn't want to fly it. Way too fast and the wingtip would be shaking away. The I Nak is a bit smaller and suited for indoor flying. I don't think you would want to fly it in anything more than a couple mph.
  2. Nice article! There is a huge problem with getting spectators to comps. I like John's ideas but... what to do if your venue is too small for multiple flying fields? Moving the venue isn't always the answer. Last year we held our 3rd comp and we did some local advertising. On Sunday we had a very large crowd for MIB and team ballet. If the crowd was kept in the loop and they could see how the competitors placed would keep em there. Right after team ballet, we held a tricks event. You could see the crowd waiting for more and in a short time they started to leave. Tricks are fun for fliers who understand the wierd things we can do with our kites. It does nothing for the averarage spectator. How do we get and keep crowds? run presicion events in the morning advertise the event run events on time show the scores right away - not at the end of the day run ballet in the afternoon - team and pairs really draw the crowds good announcing order sunshine and nice winds Without a hefty budget to work with, sport kite comps are going to be small be nature. The cost to put on an event can not be left on the shoulders of the competitors if we want large scale events. Right not costs are kept as low as possible because competitors are the ones paying the way. Right now, in the north west, comps are well attended by fliers but not always by spectators. If we try to have larger events that are well sponsored and the sponsors dry up for one reason or another, the events may dry up too... The question is: Are we happy with the way the events are run right now?
  3. The upgrade version is
  4. Canada EH? You could make the looong trip into Steveston and come fly at Garry Point. It is pretty wet at Vanier after some rain and Steveston is where most of the sport kiters go.
  5. The indoor is at the Sea Island School gym. Where is that you say... It is right by the airport and close to the hotels around the Bridgeport area. I will have a map and directions for you all See you tomorrow
  6. Yes, you have all registered now Can I count you in for some Indoor too?
  7. Who is coming up here? From the registrations... only half a pair and 1 or 2 of a team are coming Just kidding... but we are missing some registrations. What are you waiting for
  8. This is the lat event of the season on the NWSKL calender - in Canada, EH We working out the last details for the competition. I've ordered the sun and 8-10mph from the right direction... Now all we need is you Bring your indoor kites again. We are working on getting a school gym this year. Cal, who is competing at his home event for the first time has suggested a move to a tricks party style of hot tricks. We don't have time for an all out tricks party but this may be a good introduction to that syle of event! Details will follow...Soon. The on line registration form at the BCKA website still has last year's info and will not work until it is updated. If you stayed at the campcround/rv park last year it has been closed to make way for the Olympic speed skating oval. I do have a very small b/yard that will fit a tent and a foldout couch that will sleep two. (cosy but...) Others may have a place for you to sleep. Let me know and I'll see what I can find.
  9. Hey John, I have a package from you... in one piece Pretty good delivery time.
  10. Will do... Thanks again
  11. Sounds great
  12. rhardie

    T/E ??

  13. I have heard that the Firebee also has a problem with the bridle lines stretching If the power lines (top) are too long you will always have the brakes on.
  14. Roy Reed has some annimations too. They are Here The comete... I could watch that one forever and not really figure it out.
  15. What are you making the kites out of? Our club makes a hornbeam sled for kids to put together. It is made from plastic (trash bag material) and 1/8 inch dowels. The only time they won't fly is when the bridle is tied in the wrong spot. This makes them spin. A simple box kite is fine if the wind is usually up a bit. We don't usually have much wind here... so the sled works well. The winged box kite in your book "The Magnificent Book of Kites" flies well. You can make it from most any material and tape. Good luck,
  16. Don't thank me, thanks have to go to Cal and Bob for putting in all the time shooting footage and then putting it on dvds I think Andrew caught a little flak for that I think I would just check with Cal first but I don't see a problem with kitelife using some footage... Cheers,
  17. Anything arrive in the mail from me yet?
  18. They are yoyo stopppers. They catch the lines and stop them from sliding all the way down the leading edge when the kite is flying "rolled up".
  19. Does this mean you are switching back from the dark side?
  20. Looks like the NWSKL competitiors are doing great I've been reading John's daily updates and they have been great! Wish I was there...
  21. Hmm... Could be a router / fiirewall problem. I'll let you know if your suggetion works.
  22. Hi all, I have two friends who can not get kitelife to come up on their browers. The one has norton anti-ad installed and get an access denied message. Could norton be the problem? Thanks
  23. The STX 1.8 ul should be able to stand up to a novice flier. It has Avia .188 rods in it so if you do break one you don't break the bank I would think it has more tricks than the Ozone but I haven't flown one yet
  24. The Ozone will still make you work hard in the no-wind condititions Tricks on all ULs are a little harder than on a std kite. You really have to be gentle and coax the kite to do what you want. Do you want a kite for no wind or one for the really low wind days? Any of the kites you listed are good low wind kites. Any chance you can try before you buy?
  25. Rotary cutter on a self healing mat is the way to go if you are not hot cutting
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