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Everything posted by FlyinKen

  1. The nice slk I got for my birthday a few months ago.
  2. Look up in the sky, its a kite, no its a plane, no its a plane kite that should be seeing the nice Oregon and Washington coast with me as the proud owner. Its for the moments when you put down the handles or straps and kick back with a cold beer and ........... Ken
  3. Hey JB. See if there is 1 weekend every month that is usually open for you and the Mrs., and maybe we can make it the reoccuring fly day. Ken
  4. I had a blast on Saturday. (pun intended) It was nice seeing people you know, and meeting people you didn't. I was hoping to make it a once a month fun fly. Ken
  5. I,m bringing muffins (store bought) and coffee. Ken
  6. Gonna try and make it on Sat. It wil be nice to talk with everyone again. And fly too. Ken
  7. Looks like its your Birthday today Howard. H.B. to you. And looking at the calendar, of the people I know, birthdays coming up are in order TKs, Amys, and Wattys. Busy month for BDs. ( sorry for hijacking your topic JB,hope you dont mind) Ken
  8. A big Happy Birthday JB. Enjoy the nice day. Hopefully you got big plans made for the day. Ken
  9. Of corse I taught JB how to fly that good. I just fly like a level 2 novice only in public. I hate being a chick magnet. Ken
  10. I can attest that the RNG is not influenced by whineing. I have tried it in the past, and nothing yet. And whineing only works on the wife about 10% of the time. Ken
  11. I saw a comercial for the program "Pawn Stars" a while back and it briefly showed them getting a kite stunt kite stuck on a light pole. Anyone see the program? I'm wondering what kind of kite it was. Ken
  12. I think you will be happy with a rev. Duane said they are expensive, but when you consider they are hand made here in the US, it is still a good value. Keep an eye out for a good used one. Ken
  13. Not sure how, but some days I get it done right , and other days they just seem to get tangeled. Just need more practace.
  14. Welcome James. The thing about buying 1st kites is the smaller ones are less expensive. But they are also alot faster. For some people, the biggest you can afford to get is the best to learn with. The bigger kites are slower moving and give more response time, but have a little more pull. Think of a hummingbird on strings, or a blue bird. For myself I have 4 dual line kites, and have never been good with the slack line tricks. Then bought my 1st Rev from Theresa at The Kiteshoppe. Revs are different flying altogether. From another perspective, Revs can stop and hover in mid-air, and just so more controlable once you get the hang of them. Another issue is laying out the line for flight. With 2 lines it is usually just a matter of untwisting. I have had my quad lines get quite tangeled up, and it requires a little more work to get them set up. So if you see someone flying, just stop by and talk with them. They may offer to let you fly and give you some instructions. Ken
  15. Mmmm, Hot ginger tea. Sounds very warming. I've got a propane camp stove to heat up some chili,some split pea soup, or........ Got some other ideas also. Ken
  16. Only have 1 that is considered indoors, and have never flown it indoors yet. A prism 3D. Ken
  17. Like Jynx said, T at the Kite Shoppe is great. Elmers here in Porland has a good selection of all kinds of kites, and everyone working inside is always so friendly and helpful. Above it all kites is a good place to stop and shop when in Seaside or Longbeach. Got great dealing with Midwest Kites and Windpower sports. Only been 1 major negative report. Both Aerochick and I had poor service from 1 online place. ( JB had to edit our flaming ) If your wondering about who we were not happy with, you will have to look at some real old posts. Ken
  18. A little over 2 years ago the wife and I were going to spend 2 nights in Seaside. We stopped over at Fred Meyers and got her a single line delta, but I did not buy one for myself. One the 1st day at the beach I saw someone flying a dualie and it looked like fun. I walked over to the kite shop there by the beach turn around ( Above it all kites) and talked with a sales person. I ended up buying an Igniter like Hedgewardens, and slowly got it where I had good controll. Being a smaller kite, it needed a bit of wind, and I was blessed that day with an almost perfect day. ( gotta a short side note for another time.) Got home that weekend and started browsing the Web. First was amazed by Ray Bothell video flying 3 kites, then found J.B.s and IQuads videos. I got the kite bug big then. I also like to visit the Kitebuilders web site. I have made a few sleds as give a ways, but nothing big yet. Last year bought my 1st rev (1.5 SLE with 1/4 rods) from T. For me there is a longer learning time with the quad compared to the dualie. ( never tried slack line tricks much ) I now also have a Rev2, and an older model Blast I have to wait till Dec 25th to fly. Ken
  19. I like the latest upgrade alot. I prefer the non-scrolling sponsers. Seems I was always waiting for the 1 I wanted to click on. The "status" widget was OK, just no one updated their status much. Ken
  20. 3 letter for ya Ken...............................RNG Random Number Generator........plays no favorites and doesn't understand reverse psychology... I believe the RNG is run by the Goddess of Luck and Fate. She's the one I working on. Ken
  21. OK, I am going to try reverse psychology, whineing and begging have not worked. No flameing e-mails for what I am about to post. I would never want a Rev, who in their right might would even think about owning one. And an LP line set. I can get better stuff at the dollor store. (Remember, I am playing hard to get, and useing reverse psychology) Ken
  22. No one like to lose a wonderful pet. Sorry to hear about the kitelife kitty. When 1 door closes, another opens. With Takako coming in next week, it might be best this way. Now you 2 can look for a new pet together, if wanted. Maybe a flying squirrel. Ken
  23. Some of us enjoy and somewhat understand, and learn from the "ramblings". Heard of dither before, did'nt know what it meant. Thanks. I find that with the rev, I have a lot fewer WOS. (walks of shame) If there is enough wind to get under the edge of the kite nearest to the flyer and lift it to so the kite is standing, and the lines have tension, it should be flyable. (unless lines are tangled, or tip wrapped) With my dual liners, I was/am always making the WOS. At WSIKF, I did not have the controll or confidence with the rev for the mega flys. With the few more hours of flying time I have had, I am ready. I am sure with more practice,you will be too. I started to somewhat enjoy the time during my WOS. It helps to fly in nice weather, so I am looking at the mountains, trees, and so forth. Good luck flying. Ken
  24. Enjoying the rev, when there is wind.

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