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Spence Watson

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Everything posted by Spence Watson

  1. This is part of the reason I want to get a modified rev II for indoors. It would axel much better as well. I think maybe a rev 1.5 or a rev II made with the same materials as the rev Indoor would fit the solution quite well.
  2. Yea, I noticed that too. There's the next thing I'm gonna be practicing for a while.
  3. Thanks for fixing that Wen. That was a really long performance by John.
  4. Loved em. I had never seen JD fly indoors before.
  5. Thank you fo9r posting. I very much enjoyed them. But when I went to the first John B. one, it said that the video was removed because it was a duplicate, so I was unable to view it.
  6. I've been contemplating it for a little while: http://www.revkites.com/forum/index.php?sh...amp;#entry30216
  7. I'm getting Antsy for Camas!!!!!! I'm really hoping that I will have a new custom Rev II Indoor by the time of that event! And I will bring some erasers and glue if you want to add a little traction to your kite
  8. I mentioned on the other forum to try a small quad line para-foil before the PB to get the feel for it.
  9. The way I see it is to get both. The Blast is not as good for doing tricks and such, and the 1.5 is not so good for buggying. The 1.5 is fantastic to learn on, then once you get the feel for it you will be more comfortable with the blast. As for durability, both kites are very durable. The only way to really break them is to do something that does not happen often like nose diving hard on a rock, or to getting the LE caught in receding ocean water. I have never seen or heard of an other framed power kite like the blast.
  10. Those are 30 ft. lines. 90# Laser Pro Gold from Theresa at The Kite Shoppe. They are a lot different from 120's, but not at all in a bad way.
  11. Spence Watson

    Race Rods

    Wen, if you ever flew my 1.5 at WSIKF I probably had race rods in it. I love the race rods. Pros: They are amazing in light wind, and they are great still in slightly higher winds. Cons: They cost money
  12. Wen and I were messing around with them at WSIKF. It's amazing how much of a difference they make.
  13. For short lines, I outdoors, I would say go 30 ft. A lot of people would do 50ft. But I think 50 is too long.
  14. Time to go back to school. The only way to end the summer is to make a new video. Wind ranged any where from 4-13 mph. I was flying my std. rev 1.5 with race rods. enjoy.
  15. If you happen to be at Camas indoor in November, I could give you a set. I have an extra set. or you could try the kite shoppe (www.thekiteshoppe.com). That's where I got my extra pair. I got them right when they came out. But I'm not sure if she still has some to sell... but you could try.
  16. I just have fun. Listen to music, try different things. I like to try and do what I've seen others do either in person or in videos. Try using different lengths lines. Mix it up a bit. I think that the best way to learn is through variety. Try everything. Indoors, short lines, long lines, heavy wind, light wind, trick stuff, precision stuff, even in rain (as long as there is no thunder or lightening).
  17. Yea.. when I go to the forum it says Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Apache/1.3.37 Server at www.kitelife.com Port 80 I'm sure John will have it all fixed soon enough. He always does.
  18. Well, indoor fly starts tomorrow. been having fun outdoors but after the rough wind today, indoors will be a nice change of pace.
  19. Haha. I'll get right on that...
  20. You're all set Spence. Registration received. (The wife is one of the scorekeepers, so she's on the registrations distribution list) Put in a good name for me
  21. I'm not sure if my regristration went through or not. Guess I'll find out sooner or later.
  22. Just got a message from Bud Hayes saying that the NWSKL website is down. I just hope it will be up in time to register.
  23. I have two demos lined up. One is brand new, and the other is the one I did in the U-Hight Talent Shoe video.
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