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Spence Watson

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Everything posted by Spence Watson

  1. I'll try to make it to at least one of those events Penny. I'll ask my dad about mabye taking me to at least one. I'm glad they are on Saturdays instead of a week day. I wouldn't even have to miss school! Speaking of Indoor Events, are there any that are reletively close to Spokane, WA? Or is there a way to start an Indoor Festival in Spokane WA? There are many places here where it could be held.
  2. I use 90# on nearly every kite I have. The only kites I would make an exception on is a Rev Indoor, or a modified Rev 1.5 flying Indoors (Using 50#) or speed series or power revs (150#) The shorter the length, the faster the kite wil seem, plus there will be slightly less weight. With longer lines, you have more room, it slows the kite down, but it adds weight.
  3. How's that baby coming??? Any news? (I felt like I should post since the number of posts in the contests section was 666, and no one wants bad luck on a thread that involves a contes, and a baby being born )
  4. That's rubbish that is!!!!!!
  5. Those settings should be fine. Are you using the pre-knotted B-Series handles? I fly on the last know on both top and bottom. The wind flipping is due to over-controlling, when you pull too much on the bottom lines. Reverse is touchy, and turning in reverse is sort of the opposite of turning while moving forwards, so it is not out of the ordinary to have trouble going streight. The kite not wanting to go in reverse, could be when there is light wind, and the kite is barely being over-controlled. The wing doesn't flip, but wind is unevenly hitting the sail....... if that makes any sense. This happens easily when flying indoors.
  6. Darned dogs, and their kite chasing.....
  7. I just never imagined you as the type of person that would get a tattoo.
  8. I never would have expected you to have a kite tattoo Penny.
  9. I didnt break it!!........ a dog did.
  10. haven't tried it yet. I need some wind so I can get any tweeks out of it.
  11. Today, I used my old ripped 1.5 SLE sail, a broken Race Rod, and a broken Indoor spar, and made a child for my b-series.
  12. sorry about that. Here's a copy of the page. Cool kids: Titan sophomore flies high with acrobatic kite moves Spencer Watson, 15, a sophmore at University High School, is a stunt kite flier and competitor. (Jennifer LaRue) Favorites Movie: "Robin Hood: Men in Tights" TV show: "Heroes" Book: "The Hobbit" Food: shrimp Hangout: Spokane Civic Theatre Vacation spot: Long Beach, Wash. Jennifer Larue September 27, 2007 Fifteen-year-old Spencer Watson flies the friendly skies while staying on the ground. His favorite tricks include an axel, inverted hover and dive stop. He's a stunt kite flier and competitor. Watson, now a sophomore at University High School, attended his first Washington state International Kite Festival when he was 13 years old, and he was hooked on kite flying. "This year, I competed and placed three times," he said. He got some tips from other kite fliers, practiced and watched videos. Now, he competes with more experienced fliers. "Soon, I'll be in the master's league," he said. Watson owns three Revolution kites made for any wind speed and uses an 8-foot to 120-foot line. Prices of the kites range from $80 to $300 – money that he earns himself doing jobs around the house. You can see Watson's skills on YouTube ( ) as he performs synchronized kite-flying with iQuad, a group of Revolution team fliers."It's extremely complicated," he said. From a spectator's angle, it looks like a dance. Watson maintains a good grade-point average at U-Hi and is involved in theater. He has done shows with Spokane Children's Theater and Spokane Civic Theatre and is rehearsing the role of Shel in U-Hi's production of "Epic Proportions." Watson also enjoys juggling and hanging out with friends. He is considering a profession as a math teacher, but for now, he will fly. The age-old statement, "Go fly a kite," does not offend him, Watson says. "I never get bored with it. I can spend hours doing it," he said. Watson urges people his age to find something to do and have fun.
  13. I recently got interviewed by my local newspaper about my kites!!! http://www.spokesmanreview.com/local/story.asp?ID=211733
  14. Oh no!!!! ASD??? I had that when I was 5 yrs old.
  15. You didn't miss-post, I just meant to say, that if I had an other non-vented rev, I'd surly sell it to you, but saddly that is not the case. I hope to eventually have both a red and black b-series and 1.5 non-vented with no mylar eventually, but for a while my red white & blue will be my only non-vented.
  16. I have a red/white/blue, but it's my only nonvented. You could alwayse buy from the kite shoppe! (www.thekiteshoppe.com)
  17. OOOOOO. Interesting!!!!! Put me down for Nov 10th 6:00 AM. For the b-series, does the winnner get to choose the color and if it is vented or not, or is that already chosen? Also, If.... hypethetically..... I happen to win first place, I don't fly duelies, and would really have no use for the window maker. I have flown duelies before, but quads have taken their place. Anyway, would the first place winner be able to have the b-series instead??? Congrats on the baby!!!!!
  18. That's why I think I will start putting a mark on all of my kites.
  19. I can't get on as much lately. On average, I've been leaving home at 6:00 AM, and getting home at 6:00 PM, and they block kitechat at school .
  20. I don't have very many kites: Rev Indoor Rev 1.5 Std. Rev B vented Quantum Pro But I do have a lot of stuff that goes with the kites!: 9 line sets 3 pairs of rev handles 3 pairs of duelie handles Quantum Pro weights bungees repair stuff many rods finger lites Rev wieghts
  21. 5 ft lines are pretty cool. I think I saw Penny playing jump rope with her kite at WSIKF!
  22. That'd be great! I alwayse love watching rev videos!
  23. I feel your pain. for 2 yeas, I was the only rev flier in the nearest 5 counties. Now, there are a couple people new to revs that I can play with every once in a while.
  24. I don't think they a have a purple 1.5, but you can alwayse custom order from rev.
  25. Oh! Oh!, I just thought of an other one that I like! Thread through! where everyone lines up and someone threads through all of them. Its soo cool, but soo bad when someone messes up!
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