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Spence Watson

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Everything posted by Spence Watson

  1. As I said at Revkites.com I'd love to see some plans to try them myself!
  2. Go to the swap meet here or at www.gwtw-kites.com. You could also try advertising it at http://www.revkites.com/forum/#.
  3. I can't buy it sorry (spent all my cash on a B-series). But I am curious as to why you want to get rid of it so baddly. I've never seen a person who tried a rev and didn't like it! If it's a personal or "need the money for other stuff right now" thing, than it's none of my business, and you don't need to answer if you don't want to.
  4. Is that in a good way? j/k
  5. I guess you would need THIS KITE... Sweet kite! But to do that, you'd need to use the song "Spider Man" by Michael Buble. It'd be perfect!!!!!!!!!
  6. I also taught someone with it the day I flew it, and either that kite is truly amazing, or that kid caught on FAST!
  7. You enjoy that B-Series. I just got mine, and I now totally understand what all the fuss is about!
  8. I just got my new vented B-series in the mail this week and flew it for the first time today. I absolutely LOVE it ! I was flying in a park with lots of benches tables little trees and such, so I was able to play around with the enviroment. I was also able to try axeling it and doing other things way better than I used to. *edit* I messed up on the topic title oops *edit* Here is a quick photo taken with my phone.
  9. I get on kitechat as often as I can. I'm also on aol, so I've got that. I think my mom also has Windows Live messenger, but I've got no clue what her screen name is though.
  10. I've taken a class that involved creating and managing online websites last year. Also I own a small personal website and helped manage my brothers small forum site. I have no large website experience though. I don't know much about html coding. Feel free to turn me down!
  11. I'll do it! I'm only 15 years old, but I'm a computer nerd!
  12. That sounds VERY reasonable. The 3 Wraps are fairly strong. The 4 wrap I would suggest only idf you had fairly strong wind. The LE is made up of 3 pieces. They are extremely easy to change out. f you en up getting the 1.5, it should come with a starters DVD that will show you how to change out the LE..... think. Unlike a duel line, where the LE has a bunch of caps and such attached to it, the Rev's LE has nothing like that. You can change them without worring about the bridal or end caps.
  13. I would suggest Getting The 1.5 SLE and an EXP. Then Swap the leading edges of the two kites, and fly with the 1.5. The SLE is VERY stiff and makes the kite harder to control. If you use the EXP LE, the 1.5 will have more flex, but will still be strong. hints: SLE = Super Leading Edge LE = Leading Edge Rev = FUN
  14. Those videos give me ideas! What they need to do next is get four of them.......
  15. I'd like to just try one out first. I can't quite figure out how a person would fly it with that handle and the three strings.
  16. Hay Tristan, You were great at WSIKF, and I see that you're still amazing! Great job! Spence
  17. I'm bored, and there doesn't seem to be much action going on here, so I made a poll! What kind of kite do you prefer? Personally, I prefer Quad line kites. I do fly Duelies, but not as much. I don't fly SLK's because I think they are boring (if you happen to LOVE SLK's, don't take offence, It's just my opinion). I've never flown fighters of Power kites, so I really don't know enough about them to have a valid opinion.
  18. Happy B-day! I won't be able to make it in October because I have school, and no way to get there. I'll just have to wait until it comes out to the pulic. I love Stranger Than Fiction!
  19. No. They are tubes, so there is a hole going down the center of them, that's what th 1/4'' refers to. Is that waht you meant by Solid?
  20. What you need to remember is that the 1/4" is the measure of the inside of the tube (the diameter I think) not the tube itself. If you were to compare a 4 wrap spar to a 2 wrap spar, the 4 wrap would look bigger, but the hollowed out middle would be the same size. I was confused by this too once. Then I heard John B mentionn something about it.
  21. Good informative post Jim. It sounds like it's just a small hole, so it shouldn't be much of a problem.
  22. Try using Ripstop tape to patch up the whole. Others here may have better solutions though.
  23. I love wet flying. The rain has never stopped me from flying. I just make sure that every once and a while while I's in the air, to shake it off a bit. My revs have never been a problem with water, but I've never flown my Quantum Prism in water, but I can't imagine that it would really absorb much water. With the lines. I've never had a problem. I've never gotten my lines soaking wet, but they seemed not to have a problem in the rain.
  24. I understand Baloo. Sometimes shipping companies are really slow for no apparent reason!!!!!!
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