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Spence Watson

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Everything posted by Spence Watson

  1. It is possible to do it just by moving your arms, and upper body forward, plus maybe a step forward. I tend to move forward more because it lets it float for a longer time.
  2. I'd be happy to give you some tips at Camas, or you can wait until I come out with a tutorial video on it. The whole move is really more in the wrists than the moving forward.
  3. Wow. Seems like you've been kind of busy.
  4. Just so you know, none of my tutorial videos will be on things that would be categorized in precision (clock work, dive stop, etc.). It will all be purely 3D stuff. I'm hoping to start shooting either the week right after Camas Indoor, or the week after that. Keep an eye out
  5. You know, I just started thinking, amybe I can borrow an indoor rev from someone for a bit at Camas, and see if I can try and fly two at once (two handles in one hand type of thing, like Steve with two revs outdoors). It sounds like fun to me!
  6. I've thought about it. There are balconies at my school, but the railing design is all cut up, so there were too many places that my lines would get caught, so I decided not to. The railing is difficult to describe.
  7. Well, I'm just glad that my school has no problem with me using their lunch room. My dad will be video taping the event, so it will be up on YouTube soon after.
  8. Well, I have a new routine planned for Camas. I'm just hoping the the gym is big enough, because I want to use my 20 ft line set for it. I've been practicing every Wednesday for this event!
  9. The entire bridal structure looks a bit loose, but I don't think that will cause any problem. If it seems to fly well, then it is probably set up correctly.
  10. It sounds to me like you have only four points connecting tot he kite. Is this correct? The bridal should connect to the kite in seven places (all end caps, and in the center of the LE). If I am just not understanding correctly, and you are talking about where the lines connect tot he bridal, then it sounds fine to me, however, I have never built a kite before.......
  11. I think sometime in November r December, I will start making some tutorials to go on YouTube. Right now, I am only planning on doing indoor trick tutorials, then I will do some outdoor tutorials sometime in early summer.
  12. I'm happy to hear that you will be practicing indoor revs! I'm looking forward to seeing your improvement at Camas! ( I will be there! I already have reservations at a hotel, and I have registered for all four comps! I'm excited!)
  13. Not enough time. I'm busy with Homework (I go to college part-time, but I'm a junior in High School).
  14. I thought he would be off BMX biking or what ever it is that he is into now. I haven't seen him since WSIKF 2007! This will be fun!
  15. Wear is just part of the world. No way that I know of to avoid it. To me, the time to change the bridal (or maybe just that part of the bridal) is when it breaks. But that's just me
  16. Registered fliers do not pay the spectator fee. Sounds good. Being new to the whole Camas thing, are there any good places for lodging? (Normally I go to kiting events with my grandma, and she has an RV)
  17. I do have 1 question though.... do we have to pay the $2 or $3 admission fee??? Or is that not included for the competitors?
  18. Yep, got an e-mail from Bud Hayes, and I went and registered. I WILL BE THERE!!!
  19. Thanks for the information. I will most likely be there. And I will watch the NWSKL website very closely for the new information. I'm really looking forward to this.
  20. I think they thought about it more when I ordered my custom Indoor with outdoor end caps. I'm pretty sure Ben even put a small post about it on the rev forum. (About the change, not my Rev Indoor)
  21. The main reason for going to a Rev 2 is not to make a speedy indoor kite. Really, the main reason was initially to have an indoor kite that I can keep in my book bag in case of "emergencies". Ignoring the obvious speed increase, I think the Rev 2 will give better reverse flight, slides, and axels than the current rev indoor does. I would probably never use a rev 2 in any indoor performance, but you never know. As for different paced indoor performances, I agree that there needs to be some degree of precision, but I think that the best competition routine is built off of variation. This includes the fast, the slow, the grace, the flips, and the tricks. Obviously, I tend to lean towards the fast flippy tricky option because that's just how I roll. (Just to make sure, I am in no way denying you your opinion or declaring you to be wrong, but just that I believe that slow and graceful alone does not make a good performance.)
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