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Spence Watson

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Everything posted by Spence Watson

  1. I'm still working on editing some video, but expect it to be on youtube soon!
  2. I'm 1 1/2 weeks into the school year and I'm ready for summer

  3. That's an interesting web site. Seems to be very useful when traveling and finding a place to fly.
  4. This feature doesn't appear in the browser I usually use (Google Chrome), but I switched over to Internet Explorer and was able to set it up I think.
  5. I get a fatal error when I click on that link....
  6. I'll be there Sunday to Monday (9 days, not 2) I do love a big beach. We had some high tide issues occasionally last year. And you know I love my water Too bad there's not much of a pool at my camp ground . I can't wait to meet some new people!
  7. I just finished editing my newest tutorial. This one has taken the longest time to edit because school is closed for summer, so I can't get in and use my usual software/hardware, so I did this one using Windows Movie Maker. It took more than 3 times as long as normal But that is how much I love you Toss and Catch:
  8. That's cool! It looks like a bunch of children playing tag or something.
  9. That is a very cool video. I give it 5 stars and added to my favorites As mentioned in my comment though, I gotta show ya something about the widescreen stuff. Settings for that in Final Cut are not very obvious, but they make a big difference.
  10. I for one never learned any slack line stuff on dual line kites. I stopped flying dualies a while ago. However, I have tried watching someone perform dual line tricks, and bringing it over to a quad. Things such as the unrolling toss indoors have been successful. I do believe that the general movements for an axel on a rev is quite similar to an axel on a dualie.
  11. OK, you got me... What is a figure "9"? Is that a circle and a crash? Or some fancy-pansy move I've never heard of? Maybe it is just a little bit better than a figure 8.
  12. I think this would be a good way to get more people interested, and could be used as a sort of teaser to get more people to subscribe. However, I think that adding the more downloads could be just more stress for Kitelife, when you could just upload them to YouTube. My thoughts would be to setup a new YouTube account called KitelifeArchive or something to set it apart from your regular Kitelife account and to keep all the commonly available archive videos together. Then, there could be a link in the videos section sending the user to the "KitelifeArchive's videos" page on Youtube so they can then browse the video with all the selections in front of them. This would also reduce the amount of updating to be done with each upload as there would not need to be a new link for each video.
  13. Jeepster, I don't mean to fib or brag or anything, but all day yesterday I used the New Content button and this thread would come up every time there was a new post by someone other than myself. In my mind, one of the first things to figure out in any sort of troubleshooting is if the problem is occurring with other people, or if it is a lone problem.
  14. What size and format do you want for the icons? I can give it a go.
  15. I like it. It is a bit more appealing to the eyes, and the new features are always nice. I just have to get used to the new icons, but that's just the way it is. *Testing features* blahBlah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va8Sh4Agr58
  16. Looks like yuo had lots of fun watty. What kite were you flying on such short lines? BB penny ~who has a wet cat costume to wash. That was a custom std. B-Series.
  17. This weekend, I went to Seattle with my dad for fathers day/my birthday/a Mariners baseball game, and did some kiting while I was there. Here's the video
  18. I'm in Seattle now, and I've been out street kiting all day. I found one spot downtown that is amazing! It is a large wood dock sort of thing right next to the water and maybe a block or two away from the Fisherman's restaurant on Alaskan way. It seems to be big enough to hold onto 80 ft lines, and maybe even 120'. It is a very nice spot, and if I lived in Seattle, that is where I would fly.
  19. Never mind. I've had two people PM me about the spares I have, so I'm all out of DVD's now.
  20. 90# lines are ideal for revs. 150 is a tad heavy, but usable.
  21. So, how many weights does it come with?
  22. I would recommend 70-120 ft lines for starters. Eventually, you will definitely want some 120 ft lines for team flying, and some shorties around 30'-50' are fun as well. As for the DVD, You could try giving a call to Revolution (http://www.revkites.com/main/contact). If that doesn't work, let me know. I've got a couple spare B-Series DVD's. I'd be happy to mail you one.
  23. What rev is it? There are different DVDs depending upon the model.
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